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Re: marriage counselor needed!

by headshrinker » Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:12 pm

I am a BACP registered Counsellor who works with couples. PM me if you want a quick chat. Even if I can't help (no evening appointments at the moment so I am guessing not), I can give you some tips on choosing someone.

Just FYI, you generally go to them (better to be out of your own space) so try to arrange childcare (or pick a time your kids are already taken care of). Every therapist is different but I would only expect to see couples every 2 weeks which can make it easier to schedule.

Best of luck and hope you find someone.

Re: marriage counselor needed!

by Strathcona » Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:24 am

I can recommend Kelly Garratt at the Awareness Centre on Abbeville Road. My husband and I just recently saw her for 5 sessions as we were also near breaking point. She was excellent, and I'm happy to report that we're back on track. She does evening appointments, but doesn't come to the home. You can schedule a standing appointment time every week though, which is helpful. Good luck! It's a difficult thing to start doing, but can be so rewarding in the end.

Re: marriage counselor needed!

by hjm » Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:07 pm

Try Jane Major at the Awareness Centre on Abbeville Road. I have not seen her for marriage issues (I saw her as I was having a difficult time juggling work and 2 kids) but she is brilliant and I know that she does do couples counselling too

Re: marriage counselor needed!

by RosieFC » Sun Jul 03, 2016 6:47 pm

This sounds super tough, really well done you for taking proactive steps to fix it. I'm afraid I don't know anyone who would come to your house, but you could look at 'relate' who have a range of services and might be able to advise.
Also a number of churches run something called 'the marriage course' which is fantastic for working through tough issues or giving your marriage an MOT, maybe worth a Google. You can even get it as a DVD and do it yourself at home I think. Good luck, hope you find someone brilliant to help. X

marriage counselor needed!

by americanmom » Sun Jul 03, 2016 12:34 pm

So following the birth of our second child, my marriage seems to be failing fast... We have always been a happy couple, but I think the pressures of two small children (the last of which was colicky), living far away from a family support network and a limited budget (I just became a SAHM) are taking their toll. We struggle to discuss even the most mundane issues with any civility, so talking to each other about something as close to the heart as our marriage seems impossible. We need some professional help. Can anyone recommend a marriage counselor? Ideally, this person would come to our home? Is this even a thing? Or take appointments in the evening? Any suggestions gratefully received.
