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Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by Rose@abambo » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:16 pm

Hi MummyPutney,

I hope you managed to speak to my 2,good friends, each with a different story but hopefully both offering some sort of hope for the future?
It's so tough and I really feel for you. Please get in touch if I can offer any further help in any way. You're not alone X

Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by Mummyputney » Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:14 am

Thank you all for your replies. Really helpful and most appreciated xxx

Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by liliwakefield » Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:13 pm

A friend who also worked for me couldn't get out of bed for months and now works full time, seemingly without a problem. She swears by Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Long process to retrain your brain to routinely think in different way and to use positive thinking in this way, but I've heard from practitioners it can help. Might be worth a read or a session.

Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by Luilou » Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:13 pm

I have had ME/CFS and periods of clinical depression for 8 years. I don't have children but am happy to discuss what has helped me. Feel free to PM me.

Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by headshrinker » Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:12 pm

Hi there

I have a bit of experience in this area having had people close to me go through this as well as having many clients with ME in my therapy practice. I have seen some people come out the other side which is a lovely thing. From what I have seen, the key is figuring out the delicate balance between pushing yourself and protecting yourself. With 2 young kids this must be especially hard for you though as you will have less choice about when you rest. The other thing that I have noticed is that people cope better and seem more likely to recover if they are able to manage the emotional side of things. This is no mean feat and many people with ME end up with depression and anxiety.

To give yourself the best chance of getting through this and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel you need to really look after yourself and this means:
- asking for help and accepting it when offered (easier for some than for others)
- being honest about your limitations and accepting them (really hard!)
- paying real attention to your emotional well-being through therapy or anything that you feel might help
- making sure that your family gets support so that they are in good shape too

It is a complicated, messy illness but through trial and error you can piece together a load of different things that can help and hopefully make things more manageable. Best of luck and take care!

Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by Rose@abambo » Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:38 pm

Poor you - such a misunderstood illness and so hard to deal with.

Two of my best friends have had ME -one has recovered from it and the other manages the symptoms really well (mainly with diet and serious planned rest) and still lives an active, relatively normal life.

I'd be so happy to put you in touch, it can be so lonely suffering when there's mostly nothing visible for people to understand.

PM me if you'd like to chat.


Re: Has anyone recovered from ME?

by WinnieWoo » Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:29 pm

Hi there
I was sorry to read your post. I have had it on and off for about 3 years and am recovering, in the sense that the attacks are getting less and less now. Its been a horrid horrid battle. Where have you got to with it and who have you seen ?

i am happy to send a list of the people that were most helpful if that might be of use ?

Has anyone recovered from ME?

by Mummyputney » Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:35 am

I'm desperate to hear any success stories - struggling with small children and a debilitating illness. Would love to know if there were light at the end of the tunnel as I feel I have tried everything. It would help to know if others have recovered and that I don't have it for life!
