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Re: Clingy 11 month old TIPS?

by busyMouse » Tue May 31, 2011 4:06 pm

I don't really have any advice as such but if it helps to know you're not alone my daughter was always very clingy and then became particularly clingy around 10-12 months but just in the past few months she has really gotten over it (she is now 20 months old). She used to have no interest in anyone other than immediate family and would absolutely lose it any time I so much as walked out of the room. Very frustrating!!
She has really opened up lately and will happily interact with other people. We've been to a couple of birthday parties the past few weekends and she has practically ignored me having a great old time with the 'big kids' until it was time to go home again. A nice change from having a limpet stuck to my leg the whole time!
I don't think being clingy at this age is anything abnormal. Hopefully for your little one it's just a stage and they will soon grow out of it!

Re: Clingy 11 month old TIPS?

by MamanMummy » Tue May 24, 2011 1:02 pm

I experienced the same with each of my three children when they were around 9/10-month old and it never lasted very long if that can be of any reassurance. Thankfully I talked about it the first time around with my lovely paediatrician and she explained that when babies start standing up on their legs and experiencing "walking", it generates a huge feeling of unsecurity - so in the day they are clingy and at night they have nightmares - does your little one looks like he is having a nightmare when he wakes up at night? Not much you can do about the clinginess but for nightmares she recommended an homeopathic remedy called stramonium at bedtime - it worked wonders with all three children and at any age really. For teething I use Teetha powder (available at chemists and supermarkets) and it is great too - in doubt about the cause of night waking I give both Teetha and stramonium at bedtime, my tolerance to being waken up by a screaming baby is very very small :-)) Good luck.

Clingy 11 month old TIPS?

by murgs » Tue May 24, 2011 12:39 pm

My 11 month old has suddenly become clingy. With his Dad though as I work. When Im around everytime Dad walks out of the room he cries and follows him and always wants to be picked up tugging at his legs.

When its me on my own he's clingy for about 30mins then fine.

With his Auntie or childminder he'll hardly let them put him down and be moany most of the time with a few good intervals!

So he's clingy with everyone and anyone really. We've played peek-a-boo from an early age and always say goodbye and before this he's never cared about us walking out of the room. He still isnt that fussed who he clings on to but especially likes his Dad as primary carer.

He also wakes so much in the night after a recent cold Ive ended up putting him in bed with us as cant cope with work and night wakings. In bed with us he wakes frequently but with little fuss as i tap his back and its almost a non event. Think the night wakings are probably related too. He also has 8 teeth, does this make him more clingy when their teething? He hasnt stopped since 6 months.

Any tips? Everyones always helpful and solved my babies early wakings with a black out blind!
