by Fisherprice » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:12 pm
Oh bless, breastfeeding is so hard it's like a dark art. I'm up to my second child and I had massive problems with both. I've learned so much I could be a lactation consultant myself.I do envy those who have a baby that bobs right on.
in my 2 children I've had : Firstborn: couldn't latch at all so exclusively pumped for 3 months. She was "fake sucking" and didn't gain weight leading to milk supply issues that meant I had to work on increasing milk. With my second we've battled tongue tie, thrush, finger feeding, mangled bleeding nipples, Reynards & vasospasm. You name it, I've experienced it first hand and overcome it.
So first things first, week one is really early days and 99% of mums struggle so don't feel like you're the only one going through this. Also, if you want to feed formula that's totally fine! I got post natal depression with my first because I was so stressed about breastfeeding and even though we got there in the end it totally wasn't worth it. Your baby needs a happy mum - he doesn't need breast milk no matter what the marketing says. My first born got only breast milk for 12 months and now eats nothing but crisps and chocolate!
It is great that you are getting support but I'd suggest you pick one person and work with them because continuity images a difference. If you consult with 5 lactation consultants I guarantee you'll get 5 different pieces of advice which won't help.
I also worked with Clare Bryant Cook with my second and She couldn't help me. I'm now working with Katherine fisher who I wish I had found sooner. You need to visit her in Croydon but its worth it. we had a tongue tie corrected at 5 days and Katherine identified that it hadn't been fully released. She's a midwife of 30 years and is literally the oracle on all things breastfeeding.
My baby is almost 8 weeks and we are just starting to get there but I still take it 1 feed at a time. Feel free to pm me if you want to ask anything or just need moral support. I know this struggle can feel very alone.
Big hugs
Oh bless, breastfeeding is so hard it's like a dark art. I'm up to my second child and I had massive problems with both. I've learned so much I could be a lactation consultant myself.I do envy those who have a baby that bobs right on.
in my 2 children I've had : Firstborn: couldn't latch at all so exclusively pumped for 3 months. She was "fake sucking" and didn't gain weight leading to milk supply issues that meant I had to work on increasing milk. With my second we've battled tongue tie, thrush, finger feeding, mangled bleeding nipples, Reynards & vasospasm. You name it, I've experienced it first hand and overcome it.
So first things first, week one is really early days and 99% of mums struggle so don't feel like you're the only one going through this. Also, if you want to feed formula that's totally fine! I got post natal depression with my first because I was so stressed about breastfeeding and even though we got there in the end it totally wasn't worth it. Your baby needs a happy mum - he doesn't need breast milk no matter what the marketing says. My first born got only breast milk for 12 months and now eats nothing but crisps and chocolate!
It is great that you are getting support but I'd suggest you pick one person and work with them because continuity images a difference. If you consult with 5 lactation consultants I guarantee you'll get 5 different pieces of advice which won't help.
I also worked with Clare Bryant Cook with my second and She couldn't help me. I'm now working with Katherine fisher who I wish I had found sooner. You need to visit her in Croydon but its worth it. we had a tongue tie corrected at 5 days and Katherine identified that it hadn't been fully released. She's a midwife of 30 years and is literally the oracle on all things breastfeeding.
My baby is almost 8 weeks and we are just starting to get there but I still take it 1 feed at a time. Feel free to pm me if you want to ask anything or just need moral support. I know this struggle can feel very alone.
Big hugs