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Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by NannySonia » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:46 am

Ok, I'll weigh in. I've been in childcare for over 13 years and I keep my nails short to avoid jabbing or scratching the children I look after. I don't judge those who don't! I have, however been scratched and jabbed on a number of occasions by the mothers I work for when we are handing children to one another, so I know they must get the kids too.

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by Wimbledon » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:21 am

Not only am I a 'bad' mum for not having my nails manicured but for finding this thread perversely addictive! My kids are currently arguing and fighting, probably trying to just get my attention, maybe I should go and make them some lunch!?!!?......

Thanks for the entertainment, but now I really must get on. I have some broken nails that need clipping off before I accidentally scratch someone ;)

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by mandmassage » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:38 pm

I think MM is in dire need of a massage!!! (I joke!)

The highs and lows of the internet, it enables us to share our deepest emotion to a complete stranger, but it's really sad that MM had to be unneccessarily rude, but hopefully she will learn a few lessons after a few deep breaths, and maybe a manicure!

I do agree with me time though, if you have children or not!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by EHMorris » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:45 am

I can't be bothered to read all of this thread but .."the colour red has magical powers" ?!! LOL!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by secondtimer » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:15 pm

Depends on the colour Julian! ;-)

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by juliantenniscoach » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:43 pm

which poses the reverse question "does not having a manicure make me a worse dad?" ;)

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by momtoamonkey » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:21 pm

Such a shame MM that you have to be so aggressive. You should have taken the advice from one of the earlier posts that the customer is always right and left it at that!!

I feel for Mrs Amanda for having an opinion that wasn't what you wanted to hear MM!

Must admit the posts made me laugh at first but then got me really frustrated and angry, enough to write a reply. Such a shame your marketing technique blew up in your face MM!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by juliamummy » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:54 pm

I've come rather late to this party, but voyeurism got the better of me, and I have just read these threads. Ckwmum definitely puts it best, and leaves me with little else to say other than:

* MM and Mrs Amanda, it's time to hang up the gloves - this is your me time, enjoy it
* I love having manicures, and pedicures, and massages etc etc, when I can afford it (not that often sadly), and although I'm pretty sure it doesn't make me a better mummy, it certainly makes me a more sane person for having that little bit of time out that is just about me. So that maybe makes me slightly selfish - but also makes me sane - which I think overall must be better for my little girl.
* Inspite of your unfortunately worded post, and even more unfortunately worded responses, I'm sure you're a very nice person MM, and I hope your business goes well - I expect you have already done this, but I'd re-think your trading name. You may not have the best rep in nappyvalley at the moment...

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by supergirl » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:28 pm

Sorry I meant "playing" not "paying"

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by supergirl » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:28 pm

the other day my husband took the kids to the park and told me I should do something for myself during that time and told me he would be gone no matter what for 2hrs... Bless him!
I did my nails because I never do a manicure - as we all know with the paying and the amount of wash up it is a bit of waste of time and money (if you get them done). I enjoyed the time on my own very much and I admired my nails. Then my older daughter came back, ask me "what's that mummy", touch them and chipped them. Well you know what it made me laugh, so much for nothing... :lol: And I didnt feel a better mum because of the nails, but I felt I was a lucky wife and have a very nice husband!
I will ask my husband for another two hours sometimes, but will take a book instead or run to the hairdresser ;)

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by mrsmrcd » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:53 pm

Yes please to the like button! MG Midget - that's so, so true about being a worse mum! It's like when you wear lipstick and don't kiss your baby because of it!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by twice_as_nice » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:45 pm

This is hugely funny. What a ridiculous way to promote a business - by insulting potential customers! Please, please can we get a 'like' button installed!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by MGMidget » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:42 pm

Having a manicure makes me a worse mum since I'm then more worried about chipping my nails than joining in with my son's games!

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by secondtimer » Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:13 am

"it's all about what makes you as a mum smile...."

Well, here is my list...

- Watching my children sleep
- seeing my daughter take her first steps this week
- listening to the silly things my son says
- explaining why the world is the way it is (or trying to)
- getting a hug and being told they love you
- watching them grow up and learn new things
- seeing the small acts of kindness between siblings
- feeling so privileged that they are happy and healthy

These things all make me smile as a mum. Red nails and shoes don't feature. Sure, pampering, nice meals, the odd glass of red or a decent coffee in peace make me feel happier as a person. BUT NOT AS A MUM.

Re: Does Having a Manicure Make you a Better Mum?

by Megberry » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:34 am

This reminds me off the apprentice when one of the members of team logic has made a mistake on the task (emergency biscuit anyone????) and then they're trying tk save themselves in the boardroom but it's too late..

Dom Dom Dom... You're fired *insert dramatic music*

Bring on the taxi

This might be less relevant but thought I'd lighten up this thread :)
