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Re: Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by Mumof3sw11 » Sat May 04, 2024 3:01 pm

Almstav- you will need to check health insurance policies VERY carefully- the vast majority don’t cover maternity services- some (usually US) ones paid for by companies might do but you need to be very careful. Many UK ones will only cover emergencies.

However, if you do decide to go privately and self fund (or manage to get insurance to pay) I would recommend Charlotte Deans at the Kensington Wing at Chelsea and Westminster a million times over. She is the best obstetrician I have met (and I’ve met a fair few!)

Re: Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by Almstav » Sat May 04, 2024 6:05 am

Hi all

I'm currently pregnant and looking at my options for labour wards. What insurance would allow for a private birth experience?

Re: Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by Abricotine » Tue Oct 06, 2020 12:00 am

A few years ago now - but I had my first baby with the midwives and the rest consultant led.
I would not go MW led for your first as if there is any need for any obstetric advice you are reliant on them grabbing a passing consultant or a busy registrar from the NHS side. This is how it was when I had my first. At least ask if the arrangements are different now as while my first birth got back on track and I delivered normally with the midwives, it could have been otherwise. Consultant led you get to build a relationship with someone who will get to know you medically and will ideally deliver you. However you want to be delivered.
For this reason I went consultant led for my
subsequent children. If you are aiming for a vaginal birth, do ask any consultants you are considering how many deliveries they miss each year and how many women are on their books each month! One rather eminent consultant is notorious for it as I found out (I also heard they like to comb the likes of mumsnet for unfavourable reviews and threaten!).
For an amazing consultant who will listen to what you want, be a pleasure to visit for appointments, be reassuring and kind and really go the extra mile for you I would recommend Roshni Patel. If I had my time again she would deliver all mine instead of just two!
My babies always spent some time with the midwives after birth at the KW so unless something has changed there has always been a nursery type arrangement that gave me a bit of sleep those first nights.
Good luck.

Re: Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by Cjmarty » Sun Oct 04, 2020 11:10 pm

I am at the end of my pregnancy and at kw.
I know that lots of patients select the consultant by their specialisation.
I decided to go with dr terdizou after a doctor recommendation but there seems to be lots of reviews online too

Re: Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by missraphaella » Mon Sep 21, 2020 9:29 am

I agree with y Ak17 - I've had 3 pregnancies, the first was a natural birth through the NHS at St Marys in Paddington where I only ever saw random mid-wives during my pregnancy - which is actually not ideal as you never have a continuum of care. We initially wanted to deliver in the natural birth centre but when my waters broke it was determined I was in high-risk labour so we had to be moved to the labour ward where they could monitor both our heart rates (which necessitates medical equipment you wouldn't otherwise get). What followed was 14 hours of excruciating pain, mainly due to the anaesthetist taking hours to administer an epidural. It was chaotic to say the least, but this is also in large part due to St Marys being a very old hospital compared to C&W. Our son was born naturally but I was left with physical damage.

This led to us deciding to get private health insurance so I'd have the option of private births with far greater control over the birth options, which is what we ended up having for our 2nd and 3rd kids at the Portland Hospital. I had the same consultant during the entirety of both pregnancies, the only time you see the midwives is the week before when they take bloods, swap you for MRSA, etc.

I did visit the Kensington Wing at C&W during my 3rd pregnancy as by then we were living in Battersea, so much closer, but I was really disappointed with it compared to the Portland Hospital, despite them being priced roughly the same. For example the Kensington Wing doesn't have a nursery where the midwives will take care of bubba so you can nap, the catering is pretty poor - most importantly, when I did the tour I found the staff in the ward to be very indifferent and distracted, some even playing on their smartphones, not chatting with the patients, etc. Totally different atmosphere.

If you have the option of either I would highly recommend the Portland Hospital, and if you're keen on midwife-led care I do think this is an option and you may well be able to have the same midwife. The only thing I would say is depending on how the pregnancy goes, if there are any complications that arise you'll inevitably need to be seen by a consultant - and if you've been seeing one throughout your pregnancy, it makes it much more reassuring that you already know them. I say this as my 3rd pregnancy did have complications from week 20 (placenta previa) and having already a close connection with my consultant meant I felt much less anxious.

Hope this helps.

Consultant vs midwife led care at Kensington Wing

by BatterseaMum2Be » Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:14 pm

I’ve recently found out I’m pregnant and have made my first appointment at Chelsea & Westminster but am planning to go private for the rest of the journey at the Kensington Wing. Has anyone gone through the experience of choosing between midwife led and consultant led care there and why you chose one or the other (other than cost)?

I have no idea what kind of birth I would like to give at this point (but am leaning towards a natural birth) and it seems like the main reason to go with consultant led care is to have a Selective C section (most of the reviews of the most reviewed consultants at the Kensington Wing refer to c-sections), has anyone chosen to go with a consultant for a vaginal birth (and the consultant stuck with it)? Or would one chose midwife led care in this instance? Any recommendations on great consultants who managed a vaginal birth in a way that was empowering and mother-centric would be really welcome!
