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Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by zaynabz » Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:20 pm


Its a good guide, but don't bank on it! I used it for my first baby daughter and it was fab! She is 4 now and an excellent sleeper and eater - had her sleeping through the night from 3 months old and followed the GF feeding and sleeping times particularly. Did the exact same routine with my son and he is an absolute nightmare and the routine has not worked at all. He is 18 month now, eats well, but sleeping times are awful. Gina Ford is good, but no miracle and every baby is different.

Good Luck

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by clapham_mum » Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:37 pm

Hi mums,

Thanks for all your responses, really appreciate it! The "with toddler book" is already on its way, hope I'll find the time to read it :)
I don't have the original book and haven't used a 'guideline' book with my first child and he slept through the night at 8 weeks, but they always say you never have to similar children!! I just hope there might be some tips in the book that come in handy, seems nice to read about it as well.

Thanks again x

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by moops » Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:12 pm

If you used the CLB book with your first I would just use that with your second, that's what I did even though I had the baby and toddler book. As I said before I dont think it's very helpful and a bit unrealistic. I think just follow the sleeping and feeding times but you need to do what works for you.

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by peekmum » Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:47 pm

I have three children 5,3 and 2 and I like the premise of Gina's book - routine is important but, all too easy to get caught up in knots when the routine goes out the window - can cause more stress than it's worth. My advice, buy it and adapt as necessary to your life - it really doesn't matter if baby isn't dressed and fedding by 7.01am exactly!

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by Wimbledon » Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:00 pm

Firstly, good luck! I hope all goes well with the birth. Its a very exciting time but also nerve wracking knowing how your toddler will cope. I'm sure at first they'll be over the moon with their new baby, but you are right to be thinking about the next step beyond.

Everyone is different. I'm sure Gina was fine for some whilst not for others. I found her routines very restrictive, so ditched her books once number 2 came along. My best advice is to fit baby around toddler. For most people I know this has worked well. Your new baby, as long as it is fed, changed and has the opportunity to nap in the pram, will be content and happy enough with the opportunity to get out and about, see new faces and generally watch their older brother/sister have fun with you.

That said there is always something more we can learn from a good book if we have the time to read it ;)

My third child is now 17 months, and my husband recently bought Toddler Taming by Dr Christopher Green. I wish I'd bought this one years ago! With hindsight its easy to see how this book could have made my life so much easier. It doesn't go into detail on juggling several toddlers but it will give you an insight into how your toddler might be thinking and helps you find ways to address this. If you have been an avid Gina fan to date, this one might give you a new perspective.

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by saffamum » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:51 pm

Gina Ford you either hate her or love her and I LOVE her! her routine totally worked for my little girl who is now 21 months old and has been sleeping through since she was 4 months old! I also bought the toddleR book but like Mrs Pavlova mentioned havent really had to use it so I guess it just depends on how your little one behaves... good luck!

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by BabeWatchIbiza » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:34 am

I have 4 children ages 11,9,8 and 2.5. I did the Gina Ford routine with them all. All the children (including number 3 who was a month premature) were sleeping from 7pm until 7a.m by the ages of 12 to 14 weeks old. The book seems rather regimented when you first read it and almost impossible to grasp...but it works I promise. Yes it is difficult to keep to a routine when you have a toddler and a baby, or 3 under 3 which I did, but without the help of the book I don't think I could ever have considered having such a large family if it meant a household of children who didn't sleep.
I highly reccomend this book to anyone having a baby.

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by falconmum » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:02 am

hi ! I have was given the Gina Ford Contented Baby book . Havent had my baby yet ...but I am looking forward to following the routines (of course , based on how the baby behaves as well! )
I think it will do wonders to get the baby into routine !

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by stayathomemuminsw11 » Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:04 pm

I am a BIG Gina fan, and have all her books, they were SO helpful to me when I had my daughter. Having got rather ahead of myself :D I bought the contented baby with toddler book even though we were not planning on #2 for a while (and still haven't got round to it!) so if you'd like to borrow it you're very welcome! PM me if you'd like to borrow it (we live off Northcote Rd).

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by moops » Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:40 pm

Don't bother. I found her first book really helpful with my Son and have used elements of it with my Daughter mainly eating and sleeping times. In the contented baby with toddler book she still sticks to the strict routine of putting baby to bed in a dark quiet room and feeding her quietly which is great but what are u supposed to do with your toddler?! The fact of the matter is it's a bit of a juggling act that you just need to work out and what works best for you.

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by mrs_pavlova » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:02 pm

Hi Clapham Mum

I'm a big fan of Gina Ford and used her original book for my first baby who is now 2 years old (he's an excellent sleeper and loves his routine).

My new baby is 12 weeks old and to be honest, I haven't referred much to the 'Contented Baby with Toddler' book that I bought. Some of the early chapters were very nice to read before the baby arrived and help ease any anxious thoughts about coping with two, but the routines themselves seemed overly complicated and when the time came, I simply tried to fit my toddlers routine around the new baby routines myself. More often than not, I refer to the original book only just to check on the progress of the baby's routine. Over time the two routines have just slotted in between each other. Sometimes my toddler waits a little longer for lunch that is ideal, but that's fine. If you're relaxed about it it's not as difficult as Gina makes out. And I never thought that I would say that!!

Buy the book by all means though as you might find bits useful, but alot of it is repeated from the original book. Try eBay for a cheapy version!?

Good luck with everything x

Re: Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by supergirl » Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:32 pm

Cant stand Gina Ford
Find her too abusive...

I used Baby whisperer for toddlers, Happy Sleep habits Happy Child from Marc Weissburth and my gut feeling all in combination and almost never had problems although I found the first year with 2 very very hard.

Good luck

Is Gina Ford's "Contented baby with toddler" worth it?

by clapham_mum » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:44 pm

Hi there,

I'm due of our second baby in a couple of weeks and have a 2 year old toddler at home. I just read some reviews of Gina Ford's 'Contented baby with toddler' book and was wondering whether some of you have also read it and have (good/bad) experiences with it?

The book promises a happy baby that sleeps through the night very early AND a toddler that's not jealous and just happy... which would be fantastic of course!

Thank you for your response
