by mememe » Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:48 pm
THIS ENDS TODAY - NEEDS SUPPORT, the Rigby woman is councillor in Balham & has got this thru with no consultation, actively rejected the conservative councillors call for a consultation. there is an online one now bt is a sham as it was approved the day before it went live. Anyone with a min to write, a sentence and postcode is needed, under the guise of road safety improvements. Link to consultation is posted above!
Main points are : No turn right to Boundaries Road will cause significant tailbacks all along Chestnut Grove and beyond, this goes against the council’s principle of keeping traffic to main roads and will adversely affect children going to many schools in the area having to breathe in the fumes from stationary traffic. Boundaries Rd having a one way section will have zero affect on the number of cars here as they will simply drive around to reach the same point. Traffic is merely displaced but you have not assessed this as you wouldn't want to know the results and claim its costly. Why was the amendment to the consultation, that there should actually be a consultation not regarded as relevant - to inform neighbours and affected people of this proposal? Why was this submitted as a deputation? On behalf of some people who agree with this proposal, I believe these were a handful of people who have been trying to get this through for many years & this was their only way of achieving it? 2 accidents in the past 3 years do not merit this upheaval to the neighbourhood. The mean speeds recorded in Endlesham, Chestnut & Boundaries do not exceed the 20mph limits in any way so what is this all in aid of? From your own engineers report : "A review of the Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road corridor did not identify any immediate road safety concerns" "There is no suggestion that the current mini roundabouts on Chestnut Grove are unsafe” " Based on the current traffic volume and movements on Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road, it is evident that a mini roundabout works well to facilitate traffic movements at this junction" "Data shows Boundaries Rd carries in excess of 300 vehicles per hour" - so not the 500 needed for the cycle one way on Boundaries - this is a waste of money - this is being forced on us by a councillor who wants everyone to cycle regardless of ability, capability etc who doesn't have to suffer its consequences. - cars at 300/hr is between 5-6pm peak which isn’t anything to do with school hours! May I add this is a permanent disruption 24/7 not only school hours! Jo Rigby, a dedicated cycling activist who is seeking re-election in the Tory-held Balham ward and was the Labour group’s spokesperson on the LTN issue, had “constantly argued” a position that “all roads as far as possible should in fact become low traffic neighbourhoods” Displaced traffic is intended to be diverted along Balham Park Road in both directions, no one on this road has received any intention of these changes! Low traffic volume on Endlesham rd - since when? This is a cut through across Balham from Nightingale Lane?! Together with a school street on Hearnville Road, this will be total carnage & divert traffic along all roads between Ravenslea Road and Chestnut Grove Solution - can the planned zebra crossing further down Chestnut Grove be installed outside the entrance to the school - as a start, if this is all implemented together it will cause great distress to local residents due to traffic displacement etc. The borough engineers agree and state in their report there is no safety issues with the road layout at present, the mini roundabouts work well.
THIS ENDS TODAY - NEEDS SUPPORT, the Rigby woman is councillor in Balham & has got this thru with no consultation, actively rejected the conservative councillors call for a consultation. there is an online one now bt is a sham as it was approved the day before it went live. Anyone with a min to write, a sentence and postcode is needed, under the guise of road safety improvements. Link to consultation is posted above!
Main points are : No turn right to Boundaries Road will cause significant tailbacks all along Chestnut Grove and beyond, this goes against the council’s principle of keeping traffic to main roads and will adversely affect children going to many schools in the area having to breathe in the fumes from stationary traffic. Boundaries Rd having a one way section will have zero affect on the number of cars here as they will simply drive around to reach the same point. Traffic is merely displaced but you have not assessed this as you wouldn't want to know the results and claim its costly. Why was the amendment to the consultation, that there should actually be a consultation not regarded as relevant - to inform neighbours and affected people of this proposal? Why was this submitted as a deputation? On behalf of some people who agree with this proposal, I believe these were a handful of people who have been trying to get this through for many years & this was their only way of achieving it? 2 accidents in the past 3 years do not merit this upheaval to the neighbourhood. The mean speeds recorded in Endlesham, Chestnut & Boundaries do not exceed the 20mph limits in any way so what is this all in aid of? From your own engineers report : "A review of the Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road corridor did not identify any immediate road safety concerns" "There is no suggestion that the current mini roundabouts on Chestnut Grove are unsafe” " Based on the current traffic volume and movements on Chestnut Grove and Boundaries Road, it is evident that a mini roundabout works well to facilitate traffic movements at this junction" "Data shows Boundaries Rd carries in excess of 300 vehicles per hour" - so not the 500 needed for the cycle one way on Boundaries - this is a waste of money - this is being forced on us by a councillor who wants everyone to cycle regardless of ability, capability etc who doesn't have to suffer its consequences. - cars at 300/hr is between 5-6pm peak which isn’t anything to do with school hours! May I add this is a permanent disruption 24/7 not only school hours! Jo Rigby, a dedicated cycling activist who is seeking re-election in the Tory-held Balham ward and was the Labour group’s spokesperson on the LTN issue, had “constantly argued” a position that “all roads as far as possible should in fact become low traffic neighbourhoods” Displaced traffic is intended to be diverted along Balham Park Road in both directions, no one on this road has received any intention of these changes! Low traffic volume on Endlesham rd - since when? This is a cut through across Balham from Nightingale Lane?! Together with a school street on Hearnville Road, this will be total carnage & divert traffic along all roads between Ravenslea Road and Chestnut Grove Solution - can the planned zebra crossing further down Chestnut Grove be installed outside the entrance to the school - as a start, if this is all implemented together it will cause great distress to local residents due to traffic displacement etc. The borough engineers agree and state in their report there is no safety issues with the road layout at present, the mini roundabouts work well.