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Re: Marmalade Caterpillar vs Bertrum House

by nicolaatkins856 » Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:48 am

My son is at Marmalade Caterillar and absolutely loves it. The Teachers are amazing and since day one he has been so excited about going. We have an afternoon place and this has worked out to be perfect for us as it means a relaxing morning together. :D

Re: Marmalade Caterpillar vs Bertrum House

by ready2pop » Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:03 pm

Both of mine are at Marmalade Caterpillar and we (and the kids) couldn't be happier with it.

We did look at the Crescent kindergartens and Bertrum House but chose MC because, as you said, it seemed a bit more structured than the others we looked at. The teachers are fantastic and the children do a huge range of activities. In the second year, the children spend more time on actual learning (in the sense of reading, maths, learning to write etc...) and they've been fantastic about helping us choose where to move our son on to .

Re: Marmalade Caterpillar vs Bertrum House

by Wfm » Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:39 pm

I'm sorry i can't give you views on the two you mentioned, but I am also going crazy with the decision. I know it's only nursery school and not "proper" school but I can't decide either - between Parkgate and the Roche.

Marmalade Caterpillar vs Bertrum House

by Abi_88 » Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:53 pm


I am in a dilemma in choosing between these two pre-schools! Does anyone have any advice?

We apparently will be offered a place at both (albeit a pm place for Marmalade Caterpillar) but I can't make my mind up!

I loved the large rooms at BH, and that it had more of a school feel, so may provide an easier transition to my sons next school. However it felt quite unstructured, more of a playgroup feel.

MC felt very friendly and the ofsted report is amazing. It also felt more structured.

Does anyone have any advice? I need to make my mind up quite soon!

Thank you.
