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Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by waleeedijaz » Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:12 am

I too am really happy with Southside - loads of parking, big wide walkways for prams throughout, big cafe area with soft play area in it where you can relax on sofas (and they can't escape).

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by mummytimestwo » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:03 am

Virgin Southside membership seems to costs less per month - £55/month and under 3s has no monthly fee. Creche is £4 an hour though. When they turn 3 and pay the monthly fee I'm pretty sure they get up to 4 hours/day free creche time.
I too am really happy with Southside - loads of parking, big wide walkways for prams throughout, big cafe area with soft play area in it where you can relax on sofas (and they can't escape).
Worth checking out.

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by MrsAmanda » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:24 am

Lol, fair difference between North St in Clapham and North Road in Wimbledon. The Wimbledon one does sound good, though, having decent parking makes all the difference.

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by Firefly » Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:22 am

Oh you mean North Road Gym, there is another one in Clapham on North Street that has no parking!

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by anootka » Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:16 pm

OMG the parking lot is huge, it's at least as big as the gym.
It's right in front of the gym, if you are on Haydon's Rd, take left at Round about onto North St and drive until you see the gym on your left (going through 1 little roundabout).
The monthly fee is £71 plus for children under 3 it's £10 per month, and the creche is £3.50 an hour.
But they always offer 2 months free so it ends up being about £50+ plus your child, and they do a Creche Card, which is you prepay for 10 hours and you pay £31 instead of £35
Plus when your child turns 3 the cost goes up to £15 a month, but and here is where it gets really interesting for me, at 3 your child gets 2 hours a day of creche time for FREE!!!! So that means you can excercise 6 days a week for 2 hours with your child in a creche for £15 a month, not a bad deal!!

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by Firefly » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:56 pm


Where is the parking at North Street because I looked into that club but was told there is no parking :?

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by Activemum » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:37 pm

Is the creche included in the membership fee? If not, what is the hourly rate? Thanks

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by anootka » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:49 pm

If you think that gym is good come to the Virgin Active on North St, it has its own seperate children's facilities, with a great creche, outside space for kids to run around and play when the weather is good, fun activities for kids durring half term and spring (like bouncy castle and games every monday).
They have a seperate warm teaching pool which is great for babies and children, plus they also do birthday parties on weekends, very reasonably priced I must add, and again facilities probably some of the best ones in this area I have seen.
Parking is free no hassle of getting tickets and validating them, plus there is a special for parents only car spaces at the front of the gym.
I've been a member of both, and much prefer the North Road Virgin Active!
Plus there is also a SPA!!!! So you can get everything done in one place.

Re: gym with creche...YAY!!

by peasepudding » Fri Mar 09, 2012 10:33 am

I think the council run Wandle Recreation Centre and Nuffield Wandsworth would beg to differ!

gym with creche...YAY!!

by Lizzy34 » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:05 pm

I have recently joined my membership to Virgin Active in Wandsworth and have been pleasantly suprised about the facilities here. I've been having trouble finding a gym with a creche for my little ones. The staff are extreemly friendly and the kids absolutely love it...(especially the swimming pool) :lol:

The reason for my post is to just inform anyone who is currently seeking a gym with childrens facilities in the Wandsworth area. as far as I am aware, Virgin Active in Wandsworth Southisde centre is the only Health club in the borough that offers these facilites (and I have been searching like mad). Also, included in the memberships are monthly one hour sessions with a fitness professional and they even advise on pre or post natal fitness programs. I am well and truly impressed with this gym and if you are looking for one, seriously consider Virgin Active in Wandsworth.

Also, if anyone is currently a member give me shout if you wish to have a workout together...its allways seems easier with friends..

