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Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by dannig17 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:15 am

Hello everyone,

I found this post very interesting. I have messaged a few of you on here. I recently made the jump to self-employment myself and now I am looking for other mums who wish to do the same. Take a look at my 8 minute on-line video and let me know if it interest you:

Best wishes,

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by walesdavies » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:33 pm

Just a quickie on this topic....
I was a teacher & have decided NOT to go back to work as it is NOT an easy option!!!!!! A lot of people think that teaching is great because of the holidays and childcare but is is an incredibly demanding job, particularly when you are training and in the first 3 years. It's the best job in the world, one of the most rewarding jobs in the world - one of the most important jobs in the world. But only if you have got the time to do it justice!
I too am dreaming of finding that 'perfect' job / self employed route & thank u to everyone who has posted about their ideas, inspiration & if I could just find 3 nano seconds to myself to think about what I would like to do....... ;)

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by fashionistamummy » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:21 pm

I am also self-employed with a fashion label and my baby girl is 10 ½ months now. I admit I underestimated what was involved in motherhood and juggling a business but being able to spend extra time with my baby and also flexible time has been worth it.

Falconmum, have you looked at Business Link government website: I know there also use to be some grants that you can apply for like the Prince’s Trust as well…I am not up to date what is around now. Regarding putting together a business plan I found Business Plan Pro by Paolo Alto quite useful which is software that you can buy from £40 to put together a business plan and templates for cash flow. I found the most useful thing is all the examples they have of business plans of real businesses that helped with some ideas.

Other things I have found quite useful running my own business, working from home and being a mum is getting a virtual office which you can get through companies such as Regus where you have a business number but someone answers your calls and emails you the messages which is brilliant when I am tied up with my baby as my customers want to talk to someone at all times. They also provide an address for correspondence if you don’t want to use your home address and can forward you mail and faxes etc.

Jafina, you were mentioning what to do…If I could go back in time and do it all again I would also look at as another option either an established business I could invest in and add something to or there is actually a lot of businesses out there who think they need money but really need someone to come and help sort out cash flow (for example getting customers to pay better) and there are opportunities to become a partner by adding value to existing businesses with your skill set and experience you can bring. Starting a business is very rewarding but depending on what you do it can take up a lot of time, it is great to hear some of you have started businesses that are not too draining to start up.

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by lknappen » Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:32 pm

Jess123, I have an au pair and my older son goes to nursery 3 days a week. I am definitely not superwoman! Nonetheless, despite the help I have (definitely not from my husband who is at work from 4:30 to 8 most days!), I still end up doing work at night or on the weekends. I hope that won't be forever, but it's the way it is now while the business is still in it's early stages.
Some people have pm'd me asking for examples of my work, so here is the most recent film I finished for a client in New York: The company I run is called Smitten Films - sorry for not including this information earlier!

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by Beebee100 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:53 pm


I have a home based business that is is very flexible around children and is available to anyone irrespective of past experience. I started it when my child was 2yrs and it was the best thing I ever did. I would love to show you what I do over a coffee. Email me direct if you are at all intersted/curious on

Look forward to hearing from you,


Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by falconmum » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:13 pm

It is soo amazing and inspiring to hear all your stories. I think in the end all that is needed is determination to do something .
However, I am not sure of how to go about doing a few things . Are there any mentors/consultants out there who show the path to getting a business model in place?

I tried looking for govt. websites but not much luck

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by carrakane » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:00 pm

I have 2 little ones...ages 5 1/2 and 3 1/2. I was at the point where I really needed something other than the kids and their activities to keep me from going crazy!
In October, I started with a jewellery company called Stella & Dot - and I am my own boss. I work when I want, how many hours I want (or can), and how often I am able to. Basically, for £198 I got my business in a box....invested a little bit more and within a few weeks made back all of my money. It's a very simple business model: you have samples, hold parties at people's homes, place orders online and the company ships everything for you! I have no stock except the samples I want. As an example - in March, I worked 14 total hours. I had 2 parties in the evening (partner was home with the kids), one morning at the gym (kids at school and gym creche), and then a few hours at an office building in the city (kids at school and nursery). I earned £600. And it was FUN! PLUS - I have the most amazing jewellery wardrobe to choose from. I have met the most incredible women that are also doing this. We are getting ready to launch in other parts of Europe - so there is a HUGE opportunity here to grow your business all over the world. There is a ton of info online here: and you can also call/email me. This is not a get rich quick or pyramid scheme. It's real, and I absolutely love it. Contact me at or 07786607534. I'd be happy to talk to you more about it.

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by jess123 » Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:27 pm

This is really inspirational guys, thank you. I have the idea but am just struggling to get the time to put it in place . I wondered how people made it work? I'm thinking I really need the help of an Au-pair if I'm going to make a go of it and invest some proper time in it. Is this what others have done, or are you all Super Women?
The yoga business is a great idea, I trained as a massage therapist prior to giving birth first time round, but soon realised a massage with the threat of a small child waking up was never going to be a winning combination!

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by franlib » Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:03 pm

Wow i can't believe how many mums have started their own business.. it truly is really inspiring and i so enjoyed reading about everyone's ideas!

my baby daughter is now 7 months and i was self-employed as a yoga instructor for about 2 years before she was born. so in a way i decided to go self-employed before having babies with a view that it would be easier to continue working once i'd had them. and in a way it is, i've been picking up jobs since January now and because i work early mornings, evenings and Sundays my husband can look after the baby and that saves a lot on childcare. plus i get to spend the week with my little one, which is hard work as we all know, but so excellent :))
i'm also setting up a business with my mum at the moment, it's going to be a nanny agency with a difference, we're still in the planning stages so don't want to reveal too much!! good luck to everyone with their projects!!

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by MustyTD » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:20 am

I loved reading this thread - something I can totally relate to!

When pregnant with my first child I was one of those people who said I would be back at work when she was 6 months old soon as she was born, my thoughts completely changed and I decided that there was no way I could return to my corporate career especially as I no longer wanted to travel all over the world for meetings.

I always wanted to set up my own business and remember trying to brainstorm some ideas with a friend but found it impossible to get anything done with both our daughters around. I remember thinking how great it would be able to work somewhere where she was looked after nearby and I could work efficiently for a few hours.

So I worked on business plan for my idea: 'a workhub with an onsite nursery'!

That was 4 years ago, and Third Door has been running for almost 2 years. I have to say that it has been the hardest 2 years in my life! My daughter was 2.5yrs old when we opened and my son was 6 months old. Both have grown up at Third Door - I take them to work with me everyday. At the moment I am waiting to find out if she has got a place in the local school as well as being 31 weeks pregnant with my third (unexpected!) child! I'm pleased I do have my own business as I can't imagine what it would have been like managing three kids and working for someone's not easy as it is but at least I do have (some) control over my time!

We have created flexible workhub and nursery so parents are able to choose the days the want to be at Third Door around their timetables. It's been great to see it develop from a simple seed of an idea into a functional business and I love knowing my children are in close proximity to me everyday. The most satisfaction I get is knowing we have helped parents (both mums and dads) focus on their career/business knowing their little ones are nearby and that they have like minded people around them to support them, work on projects together and even pass business to each other.

Good luck with all your ideas. My tip is that if you believe enough and are passionate enough, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Third Door,

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by Rabbit_and_Co » Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:10 am

I went back to work part-time (for the company I had worked at for 10 years) when my first-born was 1 year old, but after my second was born I wanted to spend more time with them both, and I set up my own business (selling personalised prints for children).

The upsides are that I do get to spend a lot of time with my children, which I genuinely love. I can choose my own hours. I can chat to people on NappyValley instead of working (oops). I don't feel stressed about sorting out childcare and commuting. The downsides are that I do miss the buzz of an office environment, and of course a decent salary! But I wouldn't swap.


Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by mandmassage » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:30 am

I find it fascinating how many new mums have decided to start up their own businesses. If you can get the balance right and actually make some
money then it seems like the best choice. But it can be quite tough starting out on your own and you can feel like you never actually leave the office behind as you initially get started. I run a business networking group for women in Wandsworth as an aside to being a therapist and we meet once a month and welcome anyone in who is just looking to find out more about what options are available to them. It's good to meet other mothers in a similar position. See our website for more details of the next meeting. Its totally free to come along and all held at Virgin Active near Wandsworth roundabout.

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by Clare Lupton » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:23 am

I tried a few things and now mix a part-time job with building my own business based on helping people save money - I love it when I do a good job and if I can't help I always say so. It's in conjunction with a FTSE 250 company, it's my own business so I decide how much and when I do any work and I get all the support I want, when I want it. If it sounds like something you might like have a look at and you have 2 and a half minutes then watch You can always call me on 07595 430560 to find out more about building your own business. Clare.

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by philippa » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:15 am

Hello all

I started my own business helping mothers find part time work. I enjoyed being my own boss, and building something new, but then financial realities meant that I had to go back to employed work.

I saw a career coach: julianne Miles @ career psychologists and she really helped me.

The most important thing I learnt is DON'T GO INTO TEACHING just because the hours fit: you also need the job to be fulfilling and energizing, which teaching is for some and not others.... Think before you jump, here, ladies!

Re: What amazing new things do people do?

by ESA » Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:11 am

I agree that it's a really tricky one knowing what to do when you have kids if you don't want to go back to your old job (or if what you did before doesn't suit having a family).

I really wanted to be around for my kids when they were small, but at the same time, I do think it's very easy to lose so much of your identity as people just see you as a mum and not as the person you were before with interests and other strings to your bow.

I thought hard about what i enjoyed and what made me feel good, and I realised that helping others and making a difference to others lives really made me feel valuable and purposeful.

As a new mum I remember with shock and amazement how much having my son changed things overnight and how I wasn't really prepared for the change. As time went on and I learnt the practicalities of looking after my baby, I started to help my friends when they had their babies - preparing them for what they needed and what it would really be like in those early weeks (something I wished I'd known).

It was through helping my friends and realising just how much I love helping people so that they don't struggle as much and making a difference to their lives, that I set up last year.

I'm still working out what is helping people the most - I am running classes for first time mums providing detail on all the practical things I'd wished I'd know about looking after a baby.
I am also doing classes for those pregnant for the second time where they can meet others with similar age gaps and learn about stages the older child is going through and ways of coming with 2, so they're more prepared when the time comes. I realised just how much less you think about your second baby as you're so busy with your first.

It's a constant journey and lots of hard work trying to 'get seen' above all the marketing noise around, but every time I give a class or 121 with pregnant ladies or a couple expecting and see how much happier and more confident they are afterwards, it makes me feel that I am making the difference to them.

I think if you're starting something up yourself, you have to think about what really makes you happy and what you enjoy doing and go from there.

Hope that helps

Eilish, The Baby Care Company
