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Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Asmeret » Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:40 pm

ohhh sorry to hear that we all pray for you I hope the next one will be successful God bless.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Widger » Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:26 pm

Really sorry to hear your news. I suffered 3 miscarriages all in one hit before my first child so know how devastating it can all be. I had so many tests (apart from killer cells - that would have been my next port of call) yet nothing came up - which was fantastic but so upsetting at the same time to be told it was just bad luck!

But, I'm now a mum of two gorgeous children so it will happen for you again. Sometimes there are no explanations so don't worry too much about that (difficult I know).

I wish you lots of luck xx

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Emilie1 » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:59 pm


I agree with Momtomum.

Adoption has been for us the most incredible experience. We had twin boys via ICSI after adopting our eldest son (when he was 12 months old from the UK) and I can say that as a mum, I love them all the same and so does my husband.

Although I am feeling that three children is now enough for us, I can't help feeling like adopting another one.

My husband could not have children. We decided to adopt because sperm donation was anomymous until 2006 and we did not want to have a child via sperm donation who could never trace his bioligical roots.

Some people wonder why we would want our children to find their biological roots but apparently, not being able to go back to their biological father/mother can bring some deep psychological problems to children and this is actually why they decided to change the law on sperm donation in 2006.

A lawyer who was himself the result of sperm donation apparently campained to have the law changed in the UK since he was always upset to be denied this opportunity to trace his biological father.

I really wish you to have your birth child/children is that is very important to you but if it does not happen, then, as Momtomum says there are other ways to become parents.

A friend of mine adopted a 19-month little girl after nine rounds of IVF and is the happiest mummy in the world. Like my son, this little girl is also thriving, a high achiever in school and adorable.

Some people believe that adoption is a difficult process (and in a way it is since you really get screeened thoroughly) but it is incredibly rewarding.

I must say adopting my son will be remain the most amazing thing I will have ever done in my life and I am so proud and happy about it.

Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss it. There are definitely many successful adoption stories out there.

Best of luck.


Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Mummyhawkins100 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 2:12 pm

Hi so sorry to hear your news. I undertook 7 rounds of IVF before I concieved my beautiful triplets... with 2 miscarriages along the way. I was told my natural killers cells were high and was treated for that and I also decided to use donor eggs. I too took Zita West vitamins and saw an amazing natural gynaecologist in Richmond called Trevor Wing - he is a wonderful wonderful man and has amazing results ...
PM if you want to chat anymore
Good luck
Charlotte x

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by NYE31 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:30 am

Thanks again for sharing your experiences, it's really helped to read of all the success stories that many of you have experienced.

I've been given Zoe Lake's details to try for accupuncture & will try her. - she works out of Neal's Yard on Northcote Road on Weds, Fri & Sat

Let's hope some tests done privately & some accupuncture can help me.


Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by momtomum » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:08 pm

I'm sorry for your loss.

I had two early miscarriages before my first son was born in 2004. I got pregnant when he was about a year old and had a third miscarriage around 13 weeks. It's so hard. Thankfully, I got pregnant again with my second and then (surprise!) third little boys. All of my pregnancies were complicated and high risk. In the end, we decided to adopt our fourth and soon to be fifth kids. (Yes, we'll have 5 kids in London. Crazy I know...)

The things that helped me stay preggers were accupuncture and a low dose of progesterone during the first trimester. I don't know if this is common in the UK (I was in the US at the time). All I know is that when I took progesterone, I stayed pregnant - when I didn't, I lost the pregnancies. Along with accupuncture, my chinese medicine doctor suggested some changes to my diet - mostly eliminating dairy, soy and wheat. She told me to eat a lot of soup. She said my spleen was cold. I have NO idea what that means...but I decided to bring on the soup. Of course all of that was based on what was going on in my body - but maybe a few more things to consider.

While it's not everyone's first choice, adoption has been an amazing gift to our family. I can't imagine our life without our adopted daughter. She's been such a blessing to our whole family and we can't wait to bring her sister home. For our family, we felt pretty strongly that if we couldn't get pregnant relatively naturally, we would pursue adoption. There are so many kids in the UK and around the world who need families. And as a mom of both biological and adopted kids, I can say without hesistation that the depth of love and connection I feel to my daughter is the same as to my sons. There are many paths to parenthood...most of them bumpy.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by sparkletiger » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:44 pm

So sorry to hear of your loss. Like you and many others who have posted I had several early miscarriages before I had my first daughter then another in between followed by successful second pregnancy and second daughter. I was just so grateful to have my baby that I saw it as an absolute bonus if I got another. I had loads of tests and the only thing they found was a little fibroid which they removed. Don't think thus was the cause as I had 2 miscarriages after that op.

Other posters have given excellent advice. It
makes me wonder if I had the killer cells thing...

The only Thing I have to add is that I found learning natural family planning - where you read your bodies signs to tell
when you're ovulating. I felt it gave me some focus and control and that I was doing what I could. It takes a bit of learning - taking body temp when you wake and charting it but you soon get it, with support
of a natural family planning specialist - check out uk or call
their helpline to get more info and find a specialist. With both successful pregnancies I knew I was ovulating so we had sex and hey presto.

It took the pressure off a little.

Good luck, love the child you have and keep
on keeping on


Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Trufflear » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:16 pm

I suffered 5 miscarriages before 12 weeks and my story is almost identical to juggling mum's post above. I was recommended Dr Shehata at the miscarriage clinic and was diagnosed with NKC. You are then put on a course of treatment according to how high your levels are - mine involved high dose steroids and a number of other tablets. It was very easy to follow and I didn't suffer any side effects. I know have a happy and healthy 10 month old daughter. I would highly recommend a visit to Dr Shehata, from the moment I was diagnosed he was sure that we wold have a successful pregnancy and he was right.
Good luck and best wishes

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by skipalong » Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:56 am

Very sorry to hear your sad news, I've also had 3 miscarriages and know how devastating it is. I think vista123 mentioned the recurrent miscarriage unit at st Mary's, paddington. I saw one of the recurrent miscarriage consultants from there privately, raj Rai who was fantastic (this was after two so couldn't get an NHs referral). Initially I did see a consultant at parkside and whilst he was good, the unit at st marys is supposed to be the best in Europe and my view was if I tried that and it still didn't work, then at least I'd tried everything I possibly could! Fortunately it did and I did find raj very supportive of me in my pregnancy because I was always worried something might go wrong again and he was very reassuring.
Good luck and I'm sure you will get there in the end and he/she will be all the more special for it..xx

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Emilie1 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:18 pm


When I just heard that I was expecting twins, my mum nearly died of thrombosis followed by pulmonary embolism.

I told my consultant at the fertility clinic where I was having IVF at the time (London Fertility Centre in Harley Street) that I had a deficiency in protein C and S (characteristic of people who are prone to deep vein thrombosis or clotting).

She put me straight away on anti-coagulants so that the chances of miscarrying would be reduced.

It was not a big deal. i just had to inject myself with anti-coagulatants every day throughout my pregnancy. The needles are very small. You just need a bit of fat (I had nearly none!) on your belly and it is not really painful since you inject in the fat tissues.

If you have a history of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary or pulmonary embolism in your family then it is worth mentioning because it could be a reason. I am not a doctor though.

All the very best.


Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Vista123 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:02 pm

I am so sorry for your loss. I had 3 mc too, so completely know how you feel. St Mary's Hospital in Paddington has a great recurrent miscarriage clinic, so perhaps see if your Gp will refer you there? I think you can see them privately also.

I finally got pregnant with my second daughter at 41 and she is perfect. As an older Mum, you sometimes have to go through it a bit before you finally conceive with a healthy pregnancy again. It can just take more time, and I know how frustrating that is.

Hang in there and seek all the support you can. I really hope it happens again for you.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by LadyOfLaundry » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:03 pm

I am also so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I had three miscarriages as well, all at early stages of pregnancy around six weeks. I went to the miscarriage clinic in London, which someone mentioned in another post, and after a series of tests they found that I had problems with my immune system, and elevated NKC (natural killer cells). As I understand it and simplifying it, my immune system was reacting to the pregnancy, hence the miscarriages. The treatment is straightforward and very safe, involving taking aspirin, a low dose steroid and blood thinner. It worked for me, so I'm passing this on in case it's of help to you. All the best of luck.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Juggling mum » Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:30 pm

Firstly - please accept my sincere condolences for your losses. To cut a long and painful story short - I had 2 miscarriages then my son. Followed by another 2 miscarriages. I went everywhere and took every test to be told there was nothing wrong with me. At my wits end - I found Mr Shehata at The Miscarriage Clinic who immediately diagnosed my problem. - which in my case was Natural Killer Cells. A condition where you lose the baby between 7-11 weeks due to your own immune system rejecting the baby. For some reason - during my son's pregnancy my immume system didn't react as much. There is lots of info on his website:
He deals with all different types of problems. He treated me in the first 15 weeks of my next (6th!!) pregnancy and my 8 month old baby girl is currently sitting on my lap as I am trying to type!! I would really recommend seeing him - I will be forever grateful to him. Very happy to chat some more if it helps or answer any questions.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by Txmom » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:46 am

I am also very sorry for you. I had 2 late miscarriages and went through a very difficult time and through that learned a lot via my own experiences and those around me. Luckily I finally managed to have healthy twin boys through IVF.

I agree with the other posters that going private if you can is the way forward to get quicker answers and also about trying acupuncture. Parkside may offer you some expensive blood tests to test for various things and it may be worth doing just to see if you can get any answers. Some things they can fix, sometimes, as others say, it is just bad luck (as it was in my case re miscarriages).

Best of luck to you and really hope it works out.

Re: Devastated after my 3rd miscarriage

by GillNic » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:43 am


I too am very sorry to hear of the stressful and upsetting time you've been having. I can share with you my sister's experience.

She had her first child no problem, first pregnancy and healthy birth. Then they went for No2, and she just had one miscarriage after another, 4 in total over a few years. She was devastated and exhausted physically and emotionally - just from being pregnant so often! Several were at quite late stages too, sadly. Like you, the Drs kept telling her it was 'normal' and wouldn't investigate until 3/4 in a row etc.

In the end she decided to take a break from getting pregnant and got a fitness trainer and lost some weight and got fit...and got pregnant and had her second child! She then thought, very understandably, well it might take just as long for No3 so let's get on with it...only to end up pregnant immediately and had No3 just over a year after No2!!

So having had 4 miscarriages she now has 3 very healthy happy, noisy, children.

I think stress (at work or from just trying to get pregnant) and health clearly have an impact...but also it can be just bad luck for a bit which doesn't mean at all that you won't have another child, if you can bear to keep going.

Hope that helps. And Good Luck. x
