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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by Midwifemummy13 » Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:43 pm

Here here what snobs on this site. I'm sorry I didn't realise that only people who own their own home etc etc could post on here. I was brought up on northcote rd in the days of it being a complete dump, shutters go up &a few posh shops & the community suddenly thinks it can look down on everyone!! There's no community on northcote rd anymore like there was years ago. How dare you put down someone for living in social housing, you people should be ashamed of yourselves! Disgusting ignorant ill mannered smallminded people. Phew that's feels better to have that of my chest.

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by people peace » Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:15 pm

This is an old post which I raked up ( sorry! ) lol

But I do agree - I was SHOCKED by the response , there is a difference between having some class and decorum and being downright rude & snobby ( and ignorant about Mutual Exchange schemes! )

It has nothing to do about the value of the property actually , yes , some areas are more desireable than others but you would be surprised at what lovely properties are actually available on home swap schemes including the sought after areas like the Shaftesbury Estate...

Some people may have 2 grown children sharing a bedroom , and these houses are not exactly large in themselves , so rather than continue living on top of each other as a family they may decide to UPSIZE through the scheme and not be TOO snobby about the postcode etc if the other person has the exact property they want which in their family can be , dare I say , HAPPY! ;)

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by wandsworthmummy12 » Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:02 pm

What the hell?? House swapping is a very popular thing within social housing!! What's wrong with advertising on here? Clearly noone will be interested on this site because the majority of people on here own their own property. I feel it's extremely rude to make fun of someone's post.

Tilly I would try homeswappers or speak to your landlord as they normally have a list of other people seeking a mural exchange.

Good luck with your search

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by people peace » Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:07 pm

I think not everyone knows that all people in social housing can do a home swap or 'mutual exchange' it is a scheme which helps people move into more suitable accomodation or to move area if they wish , all the paper work has to go through the council or housing association

I hope I do not encounter such snobbery as was wishing to move to Wandsworth for the FRIENDLINESS believe it or not , so do those in Peabody Trust housing get looked down on by the neighbours who own their properties???

I was hoping this was not the case

What I have to offer in return is an amazing council property in the Clapham area which does actually ( God forbid!!! ) come under the London Borough of Lambeth ....For those who are to uppity to enquire , well by all means PLEASE don't! ;) lol xx

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by clapset » Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:03 pm

Can the OP confirm whether she still wants to house swap - as I would imagine all the bickering has put her off living in this area ...?

I'm thinking of moving out - may be go up't north where life's a little more simple and I can park outside my house - for free! (to be absolutely clear I said "life" not the people before I get accused of anti-northern-ness, as I am northern and that would mean I'm calling myself simple, which some may agree with).

Ah well, at least the differences of opinion have highlighted the ad and hopefully it will lead to something positive!

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by nannyS » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:32 pm

Can I just say another scenario, there are Wandsworth residents who have lived in Battersea all their life and/or brought up their children here and not moved in to be near either H or B schools. A friend has 5 children, her youngest still at B. When her siblings started there, ( they could have gone to H too) it was not a school you had to live on the doorstep, so don't presume that if in social housing or live more than a few streets away that means your in another criteria. Maybe you are just a genuine old school Wandsworth Resident. Maybe.

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:07 pm

Thank you abbeyville mummy sense sense and more sense :)

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by AbbevilleMummy » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:59 pm

Are people living in a privileged bubble with blinkers on?

There is an abundance of social housing btc and on lavender hill and those in social housing are able to swap their houses in order to get a bigger living room, garden etc.

I have no idea whether the OP is within social housing, however it would be wrong to just assume that they want to swap their c.£500k house for a c.£1m house!

And with regards to how they got their child into Honeywell in the first place, there are provisions for those will social, family or economic needs.

People are forgetting that this site isn't just reserved for the well off and my issue with the catty posts is that it seems as though they are making fun of those less fortunate in life than themselves.

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:53 pm

Bullies will be bullies moving on

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:20 pm

It's obvious that the "deal" doesn't add up but I just love how excited everyone is getting about it. I think some more analogies would be useful - who can come up with the best...? I'm going for "It's like swapping a Wandsworth Council for Lambeth Council" ... Gangnam Style!

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by GES77 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:43 pm

Talk about knickers in a twist...

Personally, I think all the alleged bitchiness, smugness, spitefulness and snobbery has come from the posters who seem to be 'defending the OP'. The few of us who have "dared" to mention the rather significant issue of value (and, as Lalatrice said) market forces and economics are the ones who have been subject to harsh words.

Of course there is nothing wrong with advertising a houseswap - no one said there was, did they???? Its a great idea. However, there is a fundamental flaw in the ad: she is not asking for a like-for-like swap as highlighted in the car analogy. For those of you so "offended" by the mention of a range rover, I'd like to swap my £10 note for a £5 note isn't a very realistic or appealing swap either. I stand by my point with no bitchiness, smugness, spitefulness, snobbery intended. Just fact - Lavender Hill and BTC have differently valued property.

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:54 pm

I'm not not communicating nicely (if that double negative works, which I think it does!). I'm taking "the proverbial" and linking a number of themes from the site which are amusing me ... such as the snobbery, the anti-nanny advertising postings, and the line about swapping a range rover for a ford escort. Didn't mean to offend you Lauretta ... but no need to tell me to "listen" ... chill. It's nearly Xmas after all. I honestly hope that the member in question finds a swap for her house. And my real name ... Noel Edmonds, ex host of Saturday Swap Shop.

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:26 pm

Listen clapset at least i use my name to say what i think good luck to you and lack of communicating nicely best Lauretta

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:03 pm

It's called sarcasm Lauretta ... I don't care if the lady swaps her house or not ... if she does then I would like her to come work for me... because she's a genius; and no I have little else to do! That's why I'm writing this ... happy days

Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

by lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:48 pm

Omg !!! Poor lady was asking an innocent question on house swap...... Most comments on here are bitchy and those who have nothing better to do with your lives other than writing nothing short of rude comments are sad people. Why is it on a number of subjects on this site people choose negative over positive. Nannies in particular will never be banished!
Good luck with your move, wish you well Thank you
