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Re: Mice!!!!!

by clapset » Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:02 am

NYE has hit the nail ont he head. Only way to get rid is block all runs and access holes. Go to B&Q buy a massive bang of tearable wire wool and jam bits into every whole you can find / around pipes etc etc. If you have doors they can get under from the areas they are coming from you need to fit draft excluders ...Then keep everything clean, no crumbs and eventually they will go next door ...

Re: Mice!!!!!

by NYE31 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:05 am

Try Jason at Pestalance, he not only kills the mice but works out where they are coming in from so he can block the holes etc.

His number(s) are


Good luck :)

Re: Mice!!!!!

by aa_mummy » Sun Apr 07, 2013 9:11 pm

We had a problem with them and had the pest man come and lay traps but the only thing that got rid of them - and it was very time consuming but worked!!!! was filling every gap along the floor (or anywhere else they can get through-which included spaces in our fireplace) with wire wool - downstairs where the problem was worse where we have wooden floorboards and tiles I filled with wire wool and then with a clear sealant over the top. Upstairs we have carpet so just filled all the spaces where floor met walls and there was any gap with wire wool. I had to do the entire house in the end but it did actually work - we did end up with some trapped under the floor boards in the lounge so called the council to ask about the hygiene aspect, as the smell was awful, and they said it was fine but would take up to 10 days for the mice to dry out and the smell would then disappear - and it did! So with a bit of hard work and some air fresheners the problem can be solved. They are revolting smelly little creatures and so glad have seen the back of them - our problem started when our neighbours moved house, they must have disturbed a nest somewhere.

Happy ending for us though - hope you get rid of them and good luck!!!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by Samalawl » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:34 pm

A friend of mine also has mice and she lives on 9th floor!! She lives above south side shopping centre and only started getting them when they moved the foundations to build the new extension!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by sophie7 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:20 pm

If anybody can recommend a really good pest control company thta can actually identify where they come from, I would love the recommendation. Most of them put bait in a box give you half a dozen and job done! I can do that, so need somebody to do the job of getting rid for good!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by sophie7 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:18 pm

Yes your right, any house renovations seems to disrupt them! This was the case when they gatecrashed my house 18 mths ago. I will try the glue mats but I know this is only a short term solution. They never go away, no matter what you try and do! :(

Re: Mice!!!!!

by Samalawl » Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:09 pm

The house next door to my sisters has been dug up due to building work and it seems the mice have relocated to her house, she is riddled with them, and they are so bold they will sprint across the floor while you are sitting on the sofa!!! She has tried everything, the best being glue mats, caught 6 in one day, yes they are not nice but you stick it in a bag and kill it with your frying pan! She has now decided the only option left is to get a cat, which they have coming in next few weeks an hopefully will keep them away!! Yuk! Good luck!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by twingirlsmama » Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:14 pm

I am doing the mnt tea bags tonight so will let you know if this is actually a deterrent!

Another thing to do is try and make sure that even the smallest of holes or gaps are blocked up with wire wool. check around where the waste water pipes exit the brickwork in the bathroom and kitchen - ive seen mine coming through by the waste pipe behind the sink in the kitchen! If you can remove the bath panel have a look under here.

blocking gaps is almost impossible because they will climb up cavities and through floorboards.

We wont be beaten!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by upseydaisy » Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:56 pm

Thanks ladies,

I have a real phobia with mice, I can't bear them so anything that may do the trick I will without doubt try out! I have already had a sonic plug, and it made no difference whatsoever! They are too smart, and are immune to the noise now, so say the pest control guys!
The mint oil and tea bags sounds like a try, so onto it now!
The glue mats I have used, but the horrible thing is you see them wriggling on the mat. Horrible!

Fingers x I can get the buggers out soon!

Thanks for your top tips x

Re: Mice!!!!!

by Camille » Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:22 pm

Not sure about the mint tea oil but have to agree the best way is a high quality sonic plug which will definitely move them (probably next door!). They are a million times better than wire, wool, traps and poison in our experience. Good luck!

Re: Mice!!!!!

by twingirlsmama » Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:11 pm

I am riddled with them! Just this morning I came down to a nibbled bag of flour.

They can climb walls and get through the tiniest of gaps so there is no escaping them whatever floor you live on.
What you need is a deterrent as they just return. If you release a mouse apparently they just return.

You say you had someone in previously to put poison down. The smell as they die between the joists in very unpleasant - it lasts a few weeks whilst they decompose - not nice.

Glue traps are effective but still inhumane - if you try to release the mouse its very difficult to keep its legs intact - especially on a baby mouse.

Try the sonic plug in devices - there is one for the whole house available at B&Q or Homebase.

Ive yet to try this but they have an aversion to mint! Potted mint in the kitchen (think of all those mojito’s!) is a deterrent. Fill a spray bottle with mint oil and water and spray on the floor under kitchen plinths and in corners – or soak kitchen towels with this and leave them behind furniture along walls where mice tend to travel. Use with some caution because this could cause staining. Another suggestion is to use mint tea bags in cupboards and drawers. Just replace them frequently.

I hope this is useful!

Melanie (proprietor at Done & Dusted Limited)


by upseydaisy » Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:30 pm

Hi there,

Please please can anybody suggest how to get rid of these mice from my home! The property is a first floor flat, yet they still manage to get in!
I had an issue with mice around 18 months ago, have had a pest control company to sort the issue out, but to honest these companies are pretty useless! Apart from providing a few bait boxes that's all they did. I could of done the same and saved myself £250!

Any suggestions please, along with any recommendation on companies that you did find useful would be much appreciated.

Very desperate for your help!!!!
