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Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by lindylindylindy » Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:29 pm

My cleaner and her friend who has cleaned while she was away, are excellent, extremely thorough and reliable £10 per hour. I can give you their detail if you like?

Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by MGMidget » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:04 am

If you are asking her to do something and she's not doing it but hasn't given you a reason that's a bad sign. I would speak to her once more and ask her why she isn't doing it. If its because she didn't have time I would suggest she alternates some things she does each visit. I don't imagine the dust you are seeing under cupboards accumulated in one week. Our cleaner does 4.5 hours for a five bedroom house but she has some essential things she does each week and some things she rotates or does when they need doing. If your cleaner's only excuse is not remembering then I would make that her last chance then look for someone else if she still forgets!

Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by AbbevilleMummy » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:40 pm

Get a new cleaner!!

My cleaner cleans much better than I would do myself and that's what I expect. You are paying for a service after all!

Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by Smiley sun &;-) » Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:22 pm

£12 an hour Carina. 07984837827
A great trustable Portuguese girl.
After 4 years, I'm not even in the house while she's cleaning. She will go in places that you won't even think to clean. Really precise. Not sure she has any spare time, though. She's really in demand

Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by Tils1 » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:48 pm

I agree it depends on the number of hours they have. We had the most amazing cleaner who then moved to a different profession. After trying probably four cleaners most recommended on this website and all at £10 an hour, more than we paid before, I was ready to give up. We now use Done and Dusted who do advertise on the site and thats how I got their details.... To be honest the first cleaner was probably 85% of what I would have hoped but the current one incredible. The huge advantage I have found is that if its not great I can speak to the company and move someone on without having to have those difficult conversations myself. Also they arranged cover and extra hours over Christmas when I really needed it...

Jackie also comes and asks your expectatiosn and takes notes before so there is a reference point back if things arent done...

Good luck as its so frustrating when something isnt done quite up to scratch and it should have been able to...

Re: What is reasonable to expect from a cleaner?

by ScotsMuminLondon » Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:07 pm

I think it depends on the duration you pay the cleaner for and what is reasonable within that time. I only have my cleaner for 2.5hours once a week and we have a 3 bedroom home so I don't expect it to be as thoroughly done on a weekly basis as I would do myself - it takes me the best part of the day to do it all at once!
However, my minimum criteria is that the bathroom and kitchen are absolutely spotless and thoroughly scrubbed and that the bedding is changed. As for the cleaning in the other rooms, a light dust and hoover is all I feel I can expect for the time I pay for. If I have a specific job I want doing (oven cleaning or a more thorough clean of the lounge/dining/bedrooms), I will pay her extra time.
I do expect her to sweep under the sofas in the lounge before hoovering though - and I did have to specifically ask her to do this (more than once!) before it became part of the regular cleaning.
