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Re: Successful primary school application outside Wandsworth

by mami pedi » Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:50 pm

Your welcome millymoo,
Good luck :-)

Re: Successful primary school application outside Wandsworth

by millymoo » Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:12 pm

Thank you mami pedi, appreciate your advice her. I am going to go with my first choice as well and hope for the best!

Re: Successful primary school application outside Wandsworth

by mami pedi » Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:14 am

I successfully got my son in to park walk, which is under Kensington & Chelsea it was our 1st choice.

At first we were given a place at High view (which was our 4th choice) and put on the the waiting list for park walk, we were 8th and a few weeks later we were given a place.

Successful primary school application outside Wandsworth?

by millymoo » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:36 pm

So as it has been a while since this topic has come up...I'm curious to hear about anyones experiences of getting a primary school place outside Wandsworth. Now that the admissions process is all online, it seems like a much more straightforward to apply across boroughs but wondering whether it actually leads to any successful applications as presumably good schools elsewhere also operate on very tight catchment areas.

And secondly (apologies if this seems like a very obvious question) what happens if you don't get a place at any of the schools that you have chosen, does the council allocate a place somewhere in the borough regardless of distance (assuming you don't go down the appeal route)? i.e. does anyone have any idea on whether there are actually enough primary school places for those who are due to start reception in Sept 2014?
