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Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by Kristin » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:33 pm

I'd highly recommend Tracey Goulding who works from the Chelsea Club (swim / gym included in price), from Battersea or EDulwich. Tel 07941 740 018 - mention Kristin Hayward for discount. Lyndsey Isaacs, ex Zita West is also fantastic, central London, tel 07989 706 682. Do call me if you'd like more advice, I specialise in HypnoFertility (also ex Zita West) so happy to have a chat (tel 07963 046 456).

Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by Caroline1972 » Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:33 pm

I can highly recommend all the team at London Acupucnture, whcih has a number of clincis in London. I tended to use the Harley Street centre. I was treated by them for around a year and found them all fantastic.

Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by imogentemplespa » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:48 pm

I can highly reccommend Treat at Balham.

They have a specialist fertility clinic which incorporates accupuncture and nutitional therapy to give you a personalised treatment. Their accupuncturist Daniela Gottwald, is brilliant and really helped me. I can't reccomend her highly enough.

Tel 0208 673 2163- or have a look at their website

Best of luck!


Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by cupoftea » Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:58 pm

Thanks everyone for your replies, I will definitely look into all of those. Thanks again.

Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by thinkstyle » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:58 am

I used to work with Philip Davies who is the founder of Glow - there are two branches, one on Motcomb Street and one on Pimlico Road and they have a full range of dedicated maternity treatments.

Philip specialises in Maternity and in case the idea of going to a man feels less comfortable than a woman, I totally recommend him - I've known him for around six years and he's always had lots of regular female clients coming to him for pre / post maternity and fertility. He's really warm and friendly, so I would imagine it would be fine to give him and ring and have a brief chat to find out more beforehand. Feel free to message me direct if you would like any more info.


Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by Groucho » Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:21 am

Hi Cupoftea,
I know someone who has had really good results, lots of successes.
Her name is Lynda Mathewson contact 07766522155
She does a consultation and tailors the acupuncture each individual. Highly reccommend.

Re: Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by GardenRosie » Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:12 am


Christine Hall is great - I did a hypnobirth course with her and then had a little acupuncture to hasten birth, and my daughter arrived 50 minutes before her due date!

Let her know I gave you her details

Rosie x

Can anyone recommend accupunture?

by cupoftea » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:31 pm

I am thinking of having accupuncture for various fertility issues, and I would just like to know if anyone has any experience of using one.

Is there anyone in particular you can recommend, and what exactly happens in a session?

Thanks in advance.
