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Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by Bonnijump » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:19 pm

Hi grigorjoy,

had a very good one with my two boys. First one home birth, second one at St. THomas. She is excellent and tells you if you really need to see a doctor. Her name is Odette at Regents midwifes. See At homebirth she was there around two hours - I had the perfect birth two times. She also is in contact with the hospitals near you and will call them if needed. All the best!

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by DinosMom » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:21 pm

I just had my baby at home 11 weeks ago with a private midwife. As St. George's couldn't guarantee someone would be here (and I may not even know the person who would show up on the day) we opted for private. In the US they are all private and that's how we had our first child. I had Elke and Jacqui of The London Birth Practice. They were fantastic. All antenatal appointments in the comfort of home (except scans). I had both of them on the day. I hired a birth pool in a box and had a water birth. my labor wen really long and they had to break my waters, which sped things up. They were well equipped and supportive. The follow up care was awesome. Every day for a week, then every other day, then once per week until 6 weeks. Best 4,000 I've spent. (Other than the US$4,000) for my son :-)

BTW - The Birth Practice next to St. George's close down :-(

Good luck and congrats!

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by annaliesebattersea » Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:30 pm

I had both my sons at home using midwives from The Birth Centre in Tooting. I cannot recommend it more - I had a very positive experience both times. I think they have changed the way they work now, so a home delivery is more expensive, but if you are happy to be at The Birth Centre itself which is right next door to St Georges, then the price drops considerably. They have open mornings where you can go and have a look round and meet Caroline Flint, the midwife guru who runs it. I agree homebirth isn't for everyone, but the post-natal care is amazing and no question or query is too trivial in the run-up to the birth. Go for it!!

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by jellybean76 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:16 pm

I had my first baby at St Thomas's and the second at home with 2 NHS midwives. I was a little concerned at first about having a home birth but it really was a much more enjoyable experience (as far as labour can be enjoyable of course). The midwives were very good and they stayed with me for what I felt was long enough afterwards. Having said that, I had a very straightforward labour so they didn't really need to do too much but even considering that they still stayed 3 hours. In that time they did all the examinations needed and even ran me a bath. It's much nicer to be able to watch TV / listen to music, have tea in your favourite mug at home than being in hospital. The midwives clearly liked being in the home environment too and they were both very caring and attentive.

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by Azilal10 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:29 pm

I had an almost identical experience to that of GardenRosie's by the sounds of things. "Birth pool in a box", hypnobirthing course (can't recommend it enough - it's much less hippyish that it sounds!!) and I cannot fault the care I had from St George's homebirth team who were outstanding. I had my son at home but due to him being a compound presentation (hands up by his head as he came out - ouch!) I had a tear that the midwife preferred the doctor at the hospital to have a look at even though she was more than capapble of doing the stiches herself. Rather than whisking me off in a flash they very kindly let us spend 2.5 hours (which passed in a daze) with our baby/recovering whilst they cleared up etc and then called an ambulance who took us in to St Georges where I received very good and speedy care and was home again with 4 hours.

Despite the slight inconvenience of a brief visit to the hospital post delivery the whole experience was faultless. We are now expecting our second baby and I have already booked in for a home birth with the same midwife team. The homebirth mid-wives now have their own dedicated team (Rainbow Team) which wasn't the case previously, they were just part of the other midwife teams (yellow etc) and I have all my midwife appointments at home at a time that suits (they definitely do Saturdays, can't remember if they do Sunday's too but have a feeling they do). They do their utmost to make sure you're always seen by the same midwife and that same midwife will also do their best to be there for the birth too. I know there is a certain sense of security built in to the booking of an independent midwife which I totally understand (I looked at it for my first but couldn't afford it!) but for those who can't afford the independent route but prefer the home birth option, based on my singular experience which I know doesn't count for much, I can highly recommend St George's Rainbow team. xx

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by jess123 » Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:47 am

We used Annie and Tina too and they are truly fabulous and will inspire you with confidence. My first birth was not very nice at hospital, my second birth was actually fine and delivered at home, i couldn't have done without Annie and Tina.

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by GardenRosie » Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:46 am

Hi there

I had my baby (first and only one so far) at home, with the team at St Georges. I think they are called the Rainbow team now. It was the most fantastic experience - part of my reason for electing for a home birth was the amount of aftercare the NHS provided in comparison to a hospital birth, and it really was great. During the labour there was a midwife present (often two) and then when my daughter was born there were two present (one to look after me one to look after the baby). After she was born my midwife gave me a bath and washed my hair in my own bathroom - the most lovely experience - and then tucked me, my husband and our new baby into our own bed with clean sheets. She came back the next day first thing and then (because I had a heavy bleed) every day for a week. Maybe I was very lucky, but I think the home birth midwives at St Georges are an absolutely brilliant team and I can't see how private care could have been any better, they were superb.

The best thing was I never had to get dressed and venture home with a new baby, just out of the house after about 5 days, and got to know her steadily in our own environment. We had a 'birthpool in a box' which worked really well and I did a hypnobirth course, which helped me to be very relaxed.

In the event of needing hospital care, I would have been in an ambulance to St Georges and I understand if there is any concern an ambulance will be on standby outside the house.

Homebirth isn't for everyone, but for me (someone who is totally afraid of hospitals) it was a very clean, safe and calm way to have a baby. If ever we have any more they will be born at home too.

Its worth considering that if you book in for a home birth, at any stage (including early labour) you can change your mind and go to hospital, but it doesn't work the other way round as they need to visit your house and drop off a load of kit in advance.

Good luck, whatever you choose to do!

Rosie x

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by grigorjoy » Sun Sep 18, 2011 6:41 am

Thank you for sharing your experiences. They have certainly been most helpful in making me more confident about my decision to have a home birth now. Thanks also for your recommendations. I have contacted them and am just waiting to hear back.

Good luck with your delivery next month, CornishMummy!

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by moominmama » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:57 pm

I also used Annie and Tina for both my home births and cannot recommend them enough. The best money we've ever spent! Both girls were healthy and happy little babies...

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by nictoo » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:06 pm

I've had three children - the first two were both NHS and induced (past due dates) and all fine, but the third at home with an independent midwife. With the third I stayed with the NHS up until 31 weeks and then I realised via a NCT home birth group that it was porbable that once I went into labour the midwifes couldn't guarentee they would come out to me. Slightly defeated the object of getting everything ready for a home birth. So I opted out! It is to this day the best £3k ever spent (he's now five so old price).

I interviewed a few independent midwives - suggested to me by the NCT homebirth group - and went with the most fantastic lady. She visited me every week, everything was done at home to my convenience (fitting around work), she gave me loads of relevant insightful advice and reading to follow, relaxation techniqes - the lot.

During my labour (pool in kitchen) she was fantastic - he was back to back and she had me doing loads of exercises to shift him. It worked. The birth was went really well, very controlled and really showed her experience. No tearing despite a 9lb 11oz baby.

Aftercare - well wonderful. She came every day for as long as I needed her for at least 10 days. And then once a week for the next 6 weeks. She helped me with feeding, sticky eye, getting my husband to do more stuff :) and was just heaven to have around.

I can't recommend the experience with an independent midwife highly enough. And my notes are unbelievable - the detail she went into! So hopefully you'll find someone who suits you as that's important - sadly mine retired and moved away from the area.

Re: Private Midwife for Home Birth

by CornishMummyinLondon » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:10 pm

I am planning a home birth with my third baby who is due in a month and I am using Annie and Tina from South London Independent Midwives.

As I haven't had the baby yet I can't fill you in on how it would differ to the nhs births I've had but the care I have received to date has been second to none. I have all of my antenatal appointments at home at a time that is convenient to me, they spend 45 minutes to an hour with me every time, and have really got to know me throughout my pregnancy so I am very comfortable and confident with them. They are also really warm, experienced, lovely women who know their stuff and really care about the mums they are looking after. I have seen them every four weeks throughout my pregnancy, every fortnight since about 30 weeks, and from 36 weeks I'll see them every week. During this time, as it's my third birth the nhs had planned to see me four times despite having had relatively high risk pregnancies in the past. I can not rate them highly enough.

They charge £3,600. This includes all of your antenatal appointments, accompanying you during the labour (one will come if you go to hospital, two if you are have the baby at home) and they visit for up to six weeks after the birth. I don't imagine for a second that they will rush off shortly after I've delivered the baby. I'm sure they will hang around long enough to ensure I will have no problems. I was recommended them by two friends who have used them and they rave about them too.

Good luck whatever decision you make. If you want to PM me for any more information please feel free to.

Private Midwife for Home Birth

by grigorjoy » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:03 pm

I wondered if anyone has had any experience with a private/independent midwife for an at-home delivery? I had my first at St George's and unfortunately having him at home was not an option as I had complications and needed to be induced early. The worst part was having to stay in hospital for another 3 days after I had already been there for the 3 days previous constantly strapped to a baby monitoring machine. Not to mention the after care was awful, which is why this time around (given there aren't any foreseen complications) I am strongly considering a home birth. Will private care differ significantly from an NHS at-home delivery? How long do the midwives stick around post-birth? With the first delivery I developed a perineal haematoma (internal bleeding) about an hour afterwards, which I had to have surgery to drain. What happens if you run into complications and need hospital treatment? Approximately how much do they cost and does anyone have any personal recommendations?
