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Re: Live in Au Pair

by firsttimerSW11 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:54 pm

To the OP, I worked as an au pair in Continental Europe as a teenager admittedly a "few" years back now, but I always had sole charge of children including 2 under 2. I know a few have said it isn't allowed but I know plenty of au pairs who don't have an issue with it and do it as a matter of course. Whether you wish to leave an under 2 in their care is another matter. £100 ish is standard for 25 hours, 2 nights babysitting and 2 days off per week. Some also offer an oyster card/sim card but it really depends on yourself.

(One of my host mothers used to have me hand wash her bras and her husband would only speak to me via his wife but that's another story.)

Re: Live in Au Pair

by evieandrose » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:11 pm

To echo the above-you absolutely cannot have an au pair in sole charge of a young child. You don't mention how old he is? Au pairs are supposed to have plenty of time to go to language classes, get to know the local area etc. They are supposed to work 25 hrs a week, or as Muddlemoo says, they can work 35 hrs which is considered an au pair 'plus' but that's about the maximum. I know childcare is expensive, but an au pair is NOT the answer for sole charge childcare.

Re: Live in Au Pair

by topmama » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:10 pm

I think the general recommendation is an au pair works up to 25 hours and get £80-£100 per week and au pair plus works up to 35 hours and get £100-£120 per week. Generally they should not have sole charge of children under 2 years and only do light house work....they are not a nanny or a cleaner. They get 2 days off a week and get at least 4 weeks holiday.

There have been a few threads about au pairs in the past, it might be worth doing a search....


Re: Live in Au Pair

by Muddlemoo » Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:06 pm

you shouldn't be using an au pair as sole charge. They are meant to do a max of 35hrs and for that we pay £150+. x

Live in Au Pair

by Lilla C » Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:48 pm

Hi All

I have found a live in Au Pair to look after my son - sole charge - he may do two mornings a week at nursery.

I wondered if there's anyone with a live in Au Pair out there and how much do you pay?

Thanks x
