Tweakments - A better version of me update

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Clare (Admin)
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Tweakments - A better version of me update

Postby Clare (Admin) » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:39 pm

Back in April I was totally fed up with the way I looked and it wasn’t simply a matter of getting a good cut & colour and losing half a stone.  After chatting to girlfriends I decided to explore non-invasive ways to achieve a better version of me.  A girlfriend calls it Tweakments!  Alison Telfer at The Glasshouse, just off Northcote Road, was recommended time and time again.  Following a consultation, Alison suggested a course of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to tackle the aging combination of uneven skin tone, high colour, pigmentation, broken veins and loss of volume.  It makes me sound like a crone doesn’t it!

I’m now half way through the 5 sessions having had a break over the Summer due to the fabulous weather, a mini break to Valetta with my BFF to celebrate her big birthday, our summer family hol in Greece and generally busy family life!  However, I was very mindful of not undoing the May and June IPL treatments so I religiously slathered my face in factor 50, wore a very fetching hat on hols or sat in the shade. 

What can I tell you about the 3 sessions I had so far?

The IPL sessions are quick – not much more than half an hour and the Glasshouse therapists are lovely.  I was a bit nervous at my first session and it was so reassuring to hear that my therapist Vicky had tried the treatment herself and she was able to tell me what to expect.  Once I’d settled myself on the treatment couch (very comfy and wide) Vicky gently tidied my hair away in a net, cleansed my face and then covered it in gel much like the gel used for ultrasounds.  Two thick cotton wool pads were placed over my eyes and held firmly in place by protective goggles.  Vicky handed me a cool air blower for me to direct at my face during the session.

The photo-zapping then started and Vicky methodically worked her way over my face.  It’s like being pinched very quickly in a stingy way accompanied by a very bright flash of light.  That sounds awful but it’s not.  It’s not comfortable but at the same time it’s not run for the hills hideous and the cool air tube really helps and instantly soothes the sting and the hot skin.  It’s over very quickly and all in all, very doable.  After my whole face had been zapped the gel was gently wiped away while I continued to cool my skin. Finally a factor 50 moisturiser (I could have opted for a tinted factor 50) was gently massaged all over my face and that was the session done.

Vicky explained that over the next few days I should expect pigmentation spots, freckles and small red veins to darken and then start to fade to invisibility.   After each session I have noticed a few of these that have turned a reddish brown and then melted away. There was no down time after treatment.  I was a little bit pink but I could have opted for a tinted factor 50 moisturiser.  My skin was tender for a couple of hours but no more than that. 

In terms of aftercare – Sun screen, sun screen, sun screen!  Basically we should all be wearing at least factor 30 on a daily basis.  Immediately after the treatment you need to avoid hot baths, saunas, sunbeds, swimming for 48 hours and wear at least factor 30 skin protection every day for at least a week.

Three sessions in and even with the Summer break there is already a difference.  My skin does look smoother and clearer, less pink and flushed. 

I'm cringing, but I thought it might help to see pics of what it's like so I’ve included a few:  a before pic, Vicky treating me with the IPL and a pic of me immediately after treatment, a bit pink but nothing too frightening. 

I’ll do a proper before and after in a couple of weeks’ time when I’ve completed the course.

Until next time

Clare x

PS For anybody who is interested here is a link to my earlier review: viewtopic.php?f=34&t=95015

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