Book a Free Trial Class
New Year is a time for New Resolutions. How about making Busylizzy one of them?
We'd love to invite you to join us for a free trial of one of our amazing prenatal or postnatal fitness or baby classes.
From our pre and postnatal Stretch & Strengthen and Yoga classes to our postnatal Total Body Toning classes, we have something for every fitness level and the best bit is that baby is welcome at all of our postnatal classes.
If you'd prefer to trial one of our wonderful baby classes then our baby massage and baby music classes are always super popular. Baby Karma, which is a fab mix of massage, reflexology, sensory play, music and bubbles is also a firm favourite. Our baby classes are best for little ones 6 weeks - 12 months. Mini Musicians is fabulous for crawlers - 2.5yrs.
Our full timetable is below. Just choose your class from the list below and email me, letting me know your preferred class and date and we'll get you booked in.
We very much look forward to seeing you soon.
Anna x
Weekly timetable (Prenatal):
(All classes are held at Fresh Ground Church, SW11 1EQ)
Thursday 6.45pm - 7.45pm - Prenatal Stretch & Strengthen
Saturday 9am - 10am - Prenatal Yoga
Weekly timetable (Postnatal):
(All classes are held at Fresh Ground Church, SW11 1EQ)
10.50am - 11.20am Baby Picassos (monthly)
11.30am - 12.15pm Postnatal 'total body toning'
12.30pm - 13.15pm Postnatal Stretch & Strengthen
11.00am - 11.30am Baby Karma
11.45am - 12.30pm Postnatal Aerobics
10.00am - 10.30am Baby Stretch & Sing
10.40am - 11.25am Postnatal Yoga
11.30am - Midday Baby Music
12.15pm - 12.45pm Baby Music
10.40am - 11.10am Baby Massage
11.20am - 11.50am Baby Karma
1pm - 1.45pm Postnatal 'Total Body Toning'
2pm - 2.30pm Mini Musicians (crawlers - 2.5yrs)