For many children, sitting the 10+ or 11+ will be their first formal exam, and it will naturally feel daunting. We take this responsibility seriously and understand that building confidence is key at this stage. We want your child to have a positive experience, and take great care pitching papers at the appropriate level (based on your school choices), and putting them at ease.
12th Nov
19th Nov
26th Nov
3rd Dec
10th Dec
TIME: 9.30am to 12.30pm
VENUE: Nightingale Classroom, 89 Nightingale Lane SW12.
Verbal reasoning
Papers will reflect the academic standards required by the competitive London day schools including Alleyns, JAGS, Dulwich College, Emanuel, Whitgift, GDST etc..
A report will follow with results and constructive feedback. This will include last minute tips and areas that require more attention.
Contact us now if you would like to book a place for your child, or would like any general advice about last minute prep.
Nightingale Tutors
020 3771 7876
89 Nightingale Lane SW12 8NX