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Postby shabbychic » Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:47 pm

Hi has anyone attended a hypnobirthing course run by Hannah Hatherell (natural hypnotherapy) in Balham? If not, any other suggestions for hypnobirthing classes in Balham welcome. Thanks.
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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby Hypnobirthinglottie » Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:30 am

Hello lovely

Huge congratulations on your pregnancy - when is your guess date?

I teach Hypnobirthing all over London however I am 39 weeks pregnant so unsure as to when I'll be back in the swing of things! I teach the Wise Hippo / Katharine Graves method but I am listening to Natal Therapy (Maggie Howell) as i love her voice!! I whole heartedly recommend Hypnobirthing because it prepares you for your dream birth but also for your plan B if things take an unexpected turn. It gives you the confidence to decide for yourself what you want on the day, whatever that may be and is a full birth preparation class which gives you just as much if not more so than the NCT (however a previous client has said the NCT and my classes compliment one another very well.)

Happy to have an informal chat with you if you like or help you find a good practitioner. My website is www.blossomandbloom.net and you can Email if you like, I'm hypnobirthinglottie@gmail.com x
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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby bumblingmum » Mon Mar 10, 2014 8:57 am

I attended a course by midwife Judith Flood at St Thomas' Hospital. You don't have to be booked at St Thomas' to book onto the course. It is held on two separate Saturdays. I loved the course and am now looking forward to the birth that I was previous dreading! It really helped that Judith is an experienced Midwife who has worked in London as she had practical and realistic advice about how to put your hypnobirthing into practice.
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Location: London

Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby CalmSophie » Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:32 am

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

I teach all over London and am happy to chat if you'd like to find out more about a course. I love Hypnobirthing and it is how I had my son.

My HypnoBirthing classes are intended to help you have the most natural childbirth possible, using easily-learned self hypnosis and breathing techniques. Whatever kind of birth you're planning - homebirth, hospital, birthing centre - HypnoBirthing does help.

Soundly based in established anatomy, physiology and psychology, my HypnoBirthing courses teach you and your birthing partner the HypnoBirthing techniques to achieve a calm and comfortable birth; all the antenatal training you need.

Sophie Kirkham MHbA, Dip HB
07886 904 589
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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby dudette » Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:20 pm

I used Helianthe from the Hypnoclinic. I think she's moved back home to the Netherlands now but I thought the teaching method was great and they do classes locally. [url][http://www.hypnoclinic.net/home.htm/url]
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Re: Hypnobirthing

Postby Balhammummyx » Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:31 pm

I saw Hannah for a couple of one on one sessions as a kind of refresher as I was having baby no.2. I didn't see the need to do the course again but I wanted to get prepared again. Hannah is lovely and Hypnobirthing is amazing. Very very much recommend it, I had a very medicalised induced labour with baby no.1 and a lovely home birth with baby no.2 and it helped massively with each labour. Good luck!
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