Dog mess in Dundonald Road

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Location: Wimbledon

Dog mess in Dundonald Road

Postby Hattie » Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:17 am

Not really sure which category to put this under so here goes. I live off Dundonald Road, opposite our lovely Dundonald Recreation ground in Wimbledon and have done for 30 years.

As anyone who lives around here knows, there are two nursery schools and one primary school along this stretch, and a much loved park/playground area which is heavily populated with young children. I have noticed a huge increase in the amount of dog mess ... and I mean HUGE .... along this road on my daily commute to and from work during the past year. This mess is usually fresh and clearly being left on the pavement by a few irresponsible and inconsiderate dog-owners who walk their animals before 8am. This mess is duly trodden in, squashed and smeared along by dreamy toddlers on their way to nursery, whizzy kids on scooters, hurrying commuters and rushed mums getting kids to school.

I have started to take pictures (not my favourite hobby at 8am, I have to say :? ) and sent them to the council as of last week as I feel the problem is getting much, much worse.

As any parent knows, dog mess carries very severe health risks to all children, so please can you be vigilant and, if you see any on your walk to school/park etc. photo it and report it to the council on either FIXMYSTREET site or download the Love Clean Streets app and simply photograph it and send it straight through to them for actioning. I have asked them if they can arrange for a regular patrol first thing in the mornings to deal with this increase in mess.

If you see anyone allowing their dog to foul the pavement and not clear it up, please photograph them in the act and send it to the council by either of the above methods and let the offenders know that you have done so.

Perhaps a hefty £1,000 will encourage these people to clear up, be more considerate of their neighbours and understand that sneaking off and leaving it there is not acceptable to any of us who have to walk past (or, accidentally THROUGH it) every day.

We are fortunate enough to live in a street where we know most of our neighbours and we all get along very well. All our friends here with dogs agree that this is now a serious problem and they are keeping an eye out for the Messers. Please help us identify the regular offenders and keep our little area clean and safe for the little people.

Thanks. :P
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Re: Dog mess in Dundonald Road

Postby Balhammummyx » Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:53 pm

Thanks for this post. We have a similar problem on the next road to us which is basically the main thoroughfare into Balham and is regularly covered in dog mess, quite obviously from the same dog day after day. I have downloaded the app you mentioned and I think it's a fantastic idea. surely if the council is inundated with direct complaints in this way they've got to do something about it? You would hope so.
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