unfit nanny

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unfit nanny

Postby busybee5 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:42 pm

Today I was in the park in Clapham Common north side the park with the red car and choo choo train with children I nanny for plus my own I notice two young children one girl looked about 6 blonde hair and her little brother looked around 3 or 4 years old blonde hair to
There was a nanny that was suppose to be supervising them she was sitting on the bench listening to her music with earphones on and chatting on the phone for over an hour whilst the children played alone The little girl had fallen and went over to the nanny for comfort the nanny put her hand up and waved it as if to say go away and continued on her phone this made me very annoyed and I approached the nanny with my concern who rudely told me where to go I didn't want to rip into her in the park so I walked off and sneakily took a photograph of her still sitting on the bench as if nothing happened
The children were totally unsupervised and danger could of been a head i am very disgusted on her behaviour. I still have the photo but not sure if I can post it on here she had a foreign accent like polish Croatia something like that.
It's very hard for parents to trust a person to care for there child but please be more aware of who you hire! I have been working with kids for 22 years and never came across such laziness and ignorance
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby playgroundmum » Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:19 am

I had a similar experience with a nanny on Monday 4 August at the playground in King George’s park. She was sitting on a bench talking on the phone whilst the two children with her were playing out of her sight for a while. When she had to attend to them, she was impatient and visibly annoyed with them, telling them off for no good reason. The boy was maybe around 2 and the girl 4/5. They were both blonde.

The nanny was blonde and tall and had an Eastern European accent. I feel I need to report this as I would hope someone would do the same for me as I believe the nanny’s behaviour was inappropriate.

I have more details about the children – I think I heard their name so PM me if you know children/nanny who fit the description.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Jen66 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:22 pm

I see this all the time. Surprised that people are surprised to be honest.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Chestwig » Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:29 pm

This really upsets me seeing this as I've been a Nanny for 21yrs and wouldn't dream leaving a child unsupervised whilst in my care. it's giving us good Nannies a bad reputation. It's allways the foreign Nannies/au pairs that do things like this.
Don't let it put you off getting a Nanny coz there are good ones out there I promise.
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gruffalo's dad
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby gruffalo's dad » Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:30 am

Chestwig wrote:It's allways the foreign Nannies/au pairs that do things like this.
Is it really? I am sure that some non-British nannies are good and some British nannies are not so good. I know that some families use inexperienced and sometimes uninterested au pairs to look after children. I suppose most of those are foreign. However, your generalisation is far too broadbrush and unfair. As somone who is "foreign" and whose spouse is also "foreign", I would not employ you as a nanny.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby hjm » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:18 am

This is both racist and untrue. I had a terrible, lazy English nanny and now have an amazing Polish one. We all know that there are good and bad nannies out their; their race or nationality is completely irrelevant. Let's stick to the point of the original post and try to help the person who posted.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Chestwig » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:41 am

I aplogise how it sounded. There's good and bad in all but just wish this wouldn't happen..
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Sessa84 » Fri Aug 08, 2014 1:57 pm

It is so awful that people that do not have the vocation to work with children, do it just for the money.
I always loved the kids I looked after and I loved spending time with them. Each day I felt so grateful to have the possibility to spend my time with kids so amazing. I fully understood the feeling Mums and Dads had in the morning leaving them to go to work. I always made sure I had the best ideas to keep their most precious jewels happy safe and sound.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Mummymummymummy » Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:19 pm

Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable at this trend for 'outing' foreign nannies?

Would any of us like a snapshot of one of our less glorious parenting moments photographed and broadcast online?

Who knows what the 'nanny' was dealing with on the phone? not me, not the OP. Perhaps it was a stressful phone call, illness, a bereavement, a problem with the children's parents. Perhaps being confronted by the OP was the last thing she needed.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she was neglectful, but I feel very uncomfortable at judgements being banded around based on a snapshot of lives we can know nothing about.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Lovingsleep » Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:44 am

Whatever is going on, at work she should put the children first. I think it's great that other people out there care enough to report things. Besides if something 'serious' is going on in her personal life I'm sure the parents would take that into consideration.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby nanny_kitty » Sat Aug 09, 2014 5:19 pm

Given that nannying is a profession with little supervision by colleagues or management, and usually working with non-verbal children I think it is totally appropriate for nannies to be "outed" on a local forum. If you are doing your job properly then surely you have nothing to hide?

I entirely disagree with the generalisation of "foreign" nannies though, there are both excellent and terrible nannies of all nationalities.
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby family1 » Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:16 pm

@nanny_kitty - very very well said. I couldn't agree more with you. As a mum of two who has childcare, if they are out without me, I hope that the community are my secret pair of eyes. I think it is fantastic that people post on here if they see something that worries them.
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Sea Hibiscus
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Re: unfit nanny

Postby Sea Hibiscus » Sun Aug 10, 2014 4:07 am

hjm wrote:This is both racist and untrue. I had a terrible, lazy English nanny and now have an amazing Polish one. We all know that there are good and bad nannies out their; their race or nationality is completely irrelevant. Let's stick to the point of the original post and try to help the person who posted.
Please show evidence for the racism. An above poster made an ill thought generalisation; it was not racist. I myself do see this thread becoming somewhat Eastern Europeancentric however there's no need to start race baiting. (Just so you know, I'm not English but I tire from people shouting 'racist' without considering the meaning of the word).

I think there is a difference between looking out for your community and snooping. I am glad there are people who are concerned for children's wellbeing however let's not turn that into prejudice or a witchhunt.
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