Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby The NSC » Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:54 pm

There is a lot of comment on here as to why we went with a feeder school admissions policy. This was by no means an easy decision as when any school becomes popular there will always be both winners and losers. Here are the main points which I hope helps those who query why we went with feeder schools:

1. Our new school will be comprehensive, non-selective and non-denominational and is open to all children in Wandsworth (and, indeed, other boroughs should there be sufficient places available). The academy’s admissions arrangements will be managed by Wandsworth Council and are subject to the same admissions legislation as other maintained schools.
2. Like all schools, the academy requires ‘oversubscription criteria’ to determine how places will be allocated if there are more applications than places available. We know that the hospital site is located in a relatively affluent area of Wandsworth, and in view of this have worked hard to come up with oversubscription criteria which do not exclude any one particular group and specifically which are not based solely on straight-line distance to the school – which would mean that only those who lived in the small area immediately around the hospital would be likely to gain a place. We wanted to prevent this happening to avoid 'selection by mortgage' only.
3. We have opted for a feeder school policy which prioritises applications from children who attend one of four local community primary schools – Belleville, Highview, Honeywell and Wix. Between them these schools have a broad demographic and geographic spread and, despite the relative affluence of the borough, two of the feeder primary schools have FSM percentages that are well above the national average. The aim in selecting these schools is not to exclude other children but to ensure the school is accessible to those who live in the south Battersea area. BPS is the natural feeder for Falconbrook to the north of Battersea.
4. We have consulted widely with local parents, primary school headteachers and the council on this proposal.

At the end of the day, the admissions policy is about enabling the local state primary schools access to the new local state comprehensive in south Battersea. Although the project is not solely about this by any means, by using feeder schools we can ensure access to the lower income families from both Highview and Wix (something that a straight line policy would not do). At its core, the school is about a local comp for local kids to help meet the current and projected demand for pupil places in the borough over the coming years.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby ready2pop » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:07 pm

My goodness, the tone of this thread has gone downhill rather rapidly since I last checked in. Neither side gains anything by demonising the other - you both just weaken your arguments.

I am equivocal about the school and it won't affect me anyway as I live nowhere nearby either it or any of the primaries mentioned.

It does occur to me though that the swell in primary school age children might not carry through to secondary age. Lots of the people who live between the commons see it as a stop gap on the way to the country and move on before their children reach their teens. This is why it is nappy valley - there are always a large number of young children but not as many teens.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby yummydaddy » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:26 pm

... a key reason for this being that there is a limited number of strong secondary schools in the vicinity.

I know of a lot of people who would have to move, they can't afford private education.
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Virgil Tibbs
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby Virgil Tibbs » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:46 pm

I am very much with yummydaddy on that one - families do move on but very often not through choice. If you ask around, some do move out of choice of course but many would much rather stay where they are - if they felt there was a local decent school on offer to send their kids to.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby ready2pop » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:44 pm

I don't doubt that is the case but it does give lie to the argument that the reason that the academy is needed is that there is going to be a lot more demand in future.

As you said people move because they don't feel there are decent local state schools not because there aren't any state schools at all.

Given unlimited funding I'd be all in favour of letting people have a go at doing better than the current schools but we don't have that.

Pretty much everyone who doesn't live in the Graveney catchment are could make the argument that their local schools aren't good enough - what needs to be shown is a particular need in the locale of the academy.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby doleofficedad » Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:53 pm

The council will take net migration into account when they forecast their pupil stats. They estimate that in excess of 1,500 additional pupil places will be needed in the coming years. It is pure folly to ignore this. Even in lean times why would investment in the education of our young children not be a priority? The quality of education is a related but separate issue - I think the school league tables are out this week, we will see then how all of our local schools are performing. So a big reason why the school is needed is very much that there is going to be a lot more demand in the future. The council would not back the campaign and the DfE would not fund it if that were not the case.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby localunionmember » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:41 am

Facts are stubborn things.

Falconbrook school is nearer than Wix school to Bolingbroke site on both measures of crow flies and walking on approved routes.

No ammount of claims to the contrary will alter this physical fact.

So why have the organizers and ARK chosen to exclude kids from the Winstanley Estate who go to Falconbrook school from being in the catchment area for this new school?

This question should be answered in a simple and strait forward way. There are safe and simple bridges allowing safe access to the new site for these kids.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby yummydaddy » Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:59 am

nobody has said wix was closer than FB.

My question to the NSC, slightly different: why is Wix included ? I would only qualify Belleville. Honeywell and High View, as true neighbourhood schools, as they are below 1km in terms of distance. And if the school is oversubscribed (like so many schools in the borough) then only half of the kids from a.m. school already fill up Bolingbroke. If the school is not oversubscribed well then everybody can be part of it, I understand, depending on distance - and that includes Wix, Falconbrook and other schools, correct ?
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby localunionmember » Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:28 pm

The post from school organizers on selection of catchment areas to be included and excluded is just another variation on the "north/south axis" now that it is clear that Wix is further away than Falconbrook from the possible site.

This time they make clear that they as non elected people made this decsion themselves to agree a north south divide and thereby exclude the Winstanley kids.

They are are not claiming to be respecting the wishes of the Batterea Park School (BPS) head as they did before they were challenged.

On the same logic they used re BPS being the natural feeder for Falconbrook then Chesnut Grove is a natural feeder for Honeywell School. They do not accept the second part of this logic but expect others to accept the first part.

As Vince Cable said this is the“kind of Maoist revolution happening” that the Lib Dems “should be putting a brake on “.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby yummydaddy » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:03 pm


sometimes in life things happen that you don't elect.

I didn't elect for BA to strike last time I wanted to go on vacation.

I also did no elect that I couldn't do my work last times the tube-drives striked.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby livegreen » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:08 pm

local union member
Honeywell a feeder for Chestnut Grove ? Interesting but unfortunately there are 350 children leaving primary schools closer to Chestnut Grove so it would not work as it only offers 90 non selective places.
I believe your union supports "Local Schools for local children as its education policy"

Falconbrook is very close to Battersea Park School about a km but a least double that distance to Bolingbroke.

Local schools for local children ??

Additionally many Winstanley children attend Wix, High View and Bellevilee so no-one being excluded.....
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Virgil Tibbs
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby Virgil Tibbs » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:28 pm

union person - you seem very keen on facts and logic and claim exclusive rights to both on your side of the debate. No doubt - in addition to Vince Cable - God is also on your side so how can you possibly be wrong? I cant help feeling that this thread is just going round and round with no end in sight but here goes. Based on fact and logic:
1. there are a greater number of primary schools between Chestnut Grove and Honeywell than there are between BPS and Falconbrook.
2. Honeywell is also further by distance to CG than Falconbrook is to BPS.
3. Falconbrook is closer to BPS than the new school site.

You seem very keen on debating the fine margins on all this so hopefully you will not dispute the facts above? I am also unclear on the basis of logic or fact why you choose to discount schools such as Allfarthing or Swaffield? One can only conclude on the basis of logic that your points are illogical as they are not based on fact. And talking about Maoist revolution in relation to a Tory policy is frankly a bit odd, even for you. Facts are indeed stubborn things as you say.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby yummydaddy » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:42 pm

I did the calculation on google map. Walking distance (since none of us is a crow).

Wix is closer to Bolingbroke than to BPS.
Falconbrook is closer to BPS than to Bolingbroke.

As a wise person once said, Facts are a stubborn thing.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby localunionmember » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:44 am

Here we go again.

One post yesterday conceeded that Wix is further away than Falconbrook on walking the approved routes - which is the case as it is also further away on the radius measure which is also used extensively to determine catchment areas.

Yet last evening we have a new post incorrectly claiming it is nearer. No ammount of claims to the contrary can wish Wix nearer than Falconbrook.

When Ark did the consultation what distances did it use?

We should be told.

What we are left with is a self selecting group excluding poorer Winstanley kids from Falconbrook from a new school that is less than a mile from their front doors on the spurious grounds that the "natural" school for them is Battersea Park school. They or their parents do not even get a say in the matter.
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Re: Anyone else get harangued outside Northcote Library today?!

Postby yummydaddy » Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:00 am


Tell me exactly which post claims that Wix is nearer to Bolingbroke than Falconbrook.

What is said was that on a walking distance basis Wix is closer to Bolingbroke than to BPS. Falconbrook is closer to BPS than to Bolingbroke.

That’s a fact.
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