Hi, I sell oriental rugs which being made of wool are potentially a feast for moths. Several points: the clothes moths is attracted to dark undisturbed areas especially stains. Places to look for them are under the bed, under the sofa, spare room or loft.
Getting rid of them is a combination of spring cleaning and killing them. If the problem is severe you may need to bin carpets or clothing and or get pest controllers in. The pheromone clothes trap attracts and kills the male which therefore cannot mate with the female, she then does not lay her eggs so no larvae to feed on your precious items. For more in depth articles have a look at my website (
http://www.charlottegaskell.com/category/rug-care/. I also sell the moth traps (
http://www.charlottegaskell.com/product ... moth-trap/) and being local you can save the cost of postage.
Charlotte of Charlotte Gaskell Oriental Carpets