How to get a bank account for au pair?

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How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby Tigger » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:09 pm

Does anyone know how to arrange a bank account for an au pair? We have a lovely Swedish girl start for us last week (our first au pair) and she went into Natwest on St John's Road to open a bank account. I assumed that as she was in the EU this would be an easy thing to do, however they apparently said that she needs an National Insurance number and employee references before she can open an account. Obviously it's no problem to get an employers reference but I've no idea how she would go about getting an NI number.

Has anyone had to go through the same thing who could give me some pointers and guidance?
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby sid_seal » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:06 pm

when our old nanny (also EU, non-UK citizen) needed to open a bank account she hadn't received her NI number yet. I went with her to the local branch of our bank and they opened an account for her very quickly; I don't think they even wanted to see her contract! so you may wish to ask your bank in the first instance.

I am not sure of the position of au pairs vs NI number; technically as they have low income they shouldn't be paying NI, but there may be other reasons, which I am not aware of, for them to have one.
Anyway, if she is required (or entitled) to have one there are some useful instructions here:
She will have to book an interview with the local Jobcentre; upon booking they will give her a list of documents she needs to bring. When I went through it the process was a bit tedious but simple.
Good luck!
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby Felicity0204 » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:52 pm

I went to Natwest and Barclays and both said that they needed a proof of address (you can have her name added to a bill) and an ID.
I hope it helps!
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Mother of one
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby Mother of one » Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:11 pm

Hi, our au pair was able to get an account with Lloyds by providing her ID / passport. She went in and made an appointment and they set her up straight after that. All other banks required proof of address (which isn't easy) or an NI number which au pairs don't need.
Hope this helps.
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby Bee@lifeafterlondon » Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:01 pm

My last au pair got an account at lloyds but one branch said she needed NI the other just did it there and then. Others tell me the Halifax is good so my new au pair is going there tomorrow to try. I'll report back!
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby Calaya » Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:45 pm

There is a EU directive so it is now possible for any EU citizen to open a basic UK bank account with just an ID and therefore do not need proof of address or NI number. The problem is the staff at most banks has not been trained properly. Only Lloyds, Halifax and Barclays staff seem to have a clue on this subject. I've wasted a lot of time with Natwest so please avoid.

You should therefore apply on line for a basic account at one of the bank mentioned above and the au pair just need to go to the branch the following day with her passport. She should received détails of her new account and a debit card within 5 days.

Hope it helps
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Re: How to get a bank account for au pair?

Postby MGMidget » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:54 am

If you do need proof of address I found that simply writing a letter stating that the Au Pair lived with us was satisfactory proof of address. They also had an au pair contract from us which they could wave at the bank staff which might have also helped. The same type of 'proof' was needed to join the local library, register with the doctors etc. Obviously not difficult to write a letter if that's acceptable to the bank staff.
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