Flu vaccination for children?

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Flu vaccination for children?

Postby MickeyMouse » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:19 am

Hi everyone.
Any thoughts on the flu vaccination for children (nasal spray)? GP strongly recommends it as all health profs would. I had heard of secondary risks. The general consensus is that the benefits or immunising our children is greater than the risks but if risks there are I would rather know. Also, is this safe for a child with a mild egg-white intolerance?
Any advice/past experience welcome,
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Re: Flu vaccination for children?

Postby lemonzest » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:27 am

In my opinion - do it! It's painless and totally worth it for a significant reduction in the chance of picking up flu. Eldest has had it for last two years with no ill effects.

I'd talk to your GP/specialist re: the egg allergy. It's my understanding they can be offered the jab instead, if the allergy is severe enough to warrant it, but I'm no medic.
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