8 month old not sleeping!?!

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8 month old not sleeping!?!

Postby Sam001 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:31 pm

Hi, i wonder if any of you lovely mums out there can help me?! My daughter has slept all the way through the night since she was 3 months of age (7pm - 7am with a dream feed).
Since February this year she has been sick with tummy-upset and a cold and flu and therefore her sleeps have been disturbed due to her being sick and occassionally needing to feed through the night because she would not have eaten well during the day.

last week she was very sick with teething (fever and lots of pain) and therefore we had a full week of crying all the way throughout the night - which needless to say have left me exhausted!

now the tooth is out and she is fit and healthy, therefore no reason for her to be awake at night - but she is!! She is still waking up regularly during the night, not necessarily out of hunger, but it seems that she is struggling to sleep! What shall I do? I have been trying hard not to feed her, although I do end up giving her some milk to help her get to sleep (does not always work!).

Help please because sleep-deprivation is killing me!

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Location: Wandsworth Town

Re: 8 month old not sleeping!?!

Postby murgs » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:16 pm

Had the same problem, couldnt figure it out. eventually put it down to night terrors after illiminating teething/cold. Sounds silly but mine child was screaming at one point waking every hour or 2 it passed after a month, some suggest not talking to them when comforting as can make them worse. we had mostly several wakings a night from 6months he's now 9.5months but does have 6 teeth! Thankfully he's settled down in time for my start back at work.

try to refrain from night feeds it will just make the situation worse if feeding well in the day. Can try water.

Unfortunately dont think there is a quick fix, its a challeging time for the baby crawling, exploring, falling over enough to give anyone nightmares! :(
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