PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

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PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby wandsworthteenager » Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:56 pm


I am a 15 year old girl and on Monday (26th July) I had an issue on Wandsworth Common with a dog walker which has really upset me. I would really appreciate some help resolving it.

At about 3pm, I was on Wandsworth common, sitting on the grass relatively near to the red and yellow playground with a friend. We had bought pizzas from Franco Manca (mine was £7.80) and had literally just sat down so that we could eat them when suddenly three big dogs ran up to us. We grabbed our pizza boxes away from them to try and stop the dogs from eating the pizzas but I didn't stand up in time and the dogs were all attacking my box while I was still on the ground trying to get up and (although I am a person who really loves animals and have pets at home) I panicked at the size and overall aggressiveness coming from the dogs. I genuinely thought they were about to bite me and their mouths were gnawing at my hands. I tried to move my hands away as I was quite flustered by the dogs and as I did this the dogs opened the pizza box and devoured my pizza within seconds.

Additionally, I had my phone next to the pizza box and the dogs made a noticeable scratch and two small cracks on my screen whilst doing this. I had a screen protector on my phone so luckily the actual phone was okay, but I now need to buy a new screen protector, which will cost me about £10 to replace.

I saw the owner of the dogs walking towards them and I said 'your dogs just ate my pizza' to her. She got angry at her dogs and casually apologised, but then told me (before I even asked) that she had no money to give me and that she hoped I'd had enough to eat. She got angry at her dogs again and then walked off.

As someone who is not only still a child but also in general a shy and anxious person, this really upset me and I did not know what to do in the situation or how to handle it at the time. I know that £20 (for the pizza and the phone protector) probably does not seem like a lot to adults, but for me this is a lot of money to loose. I also earn all my money from babysitting, so the fact that the cash I had worked hard to earn was suddenly lost really upset me.

If you have any information on who this is (or if you think it was you) please tell me! I want to resolve the situation with the dog owner - it would be a huge relief to have it fixed.

- CJ

(extra info:
I think the dogs were 2 Labradors and 1 Vizsla or breeds with similar appearances . The owner looked middle-aged and had white/grey hair. I have the receipt from the pizza which proves the timing and price)
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Kittens77 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 8:05 am

I'm so sorry to hear this, it must've been a really upsetting experience. I witnessed something similar on saturday, a couple who were sat close to the pond on Wandsworth common were just tucking into their picnic when an out of control dog ran over and stole a substantial amount of food and ran off. The owner (a woman in her late thirties) had no control over her dog (he was running away from her) and casually shouted out "sorry, do you have enough to eat?" I was incensed that she didn't offer them some money, or at least properly apologise. The dog went on to terrorise another group of picnicking families. Dogs seem to rule the common and while I'm a dog lover, owners need to take better responsibility of their pets. I really hope we can help you find the owners... And they do the right thing. Big hug X
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Rose@abambo » Sun Aug 07, 2016 3:30 pm

Bless you, that sounds really upsetting.

It's a great shame when dogs are kept in London that are not under control. It's not the dogs' fault, it's the owner, and yet the dogs are the ones who get shouted out for doing what is natural for them (grabbing food!!).

If you know that your dog is likely to be out of control around food then you need to keep it on a lead when walking in busy parks, sadly. Or ideally train the dog properly!!! Having said that, most dogs will try to eat food when it's at their level no matter how well-trained they are. Labradors are hopeless dustbins when it comes to food. It's not always easy when humans share public spaces with dogs, yet share we must.

Although I don't think you'll get much resolution, you could go back to the park at the same time for a few days to see if you could find the lady, because dog walkers tend to know each other because they see each other most days, as most have a regular walk time. At least you could explain the pain you felt to see if she might offer her sincere apologies and perhaps even pay for the damage? She may not have recognised that it was a serious event for you, because she is probably used to her dogs helping themselves to food whenever they get a chance?

Good luck

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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Genie » Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:24 pm

Are there rules that dogs should be on leads when they are on the common? I thought that they weren't allowed to run loose.

I wish I'd been there, OP; I would have helped you confront that stupid dogowner.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby sarahsarah » Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:29 pm

This is a horrible experience and I hope it doesn't happen again. What you do have to remember though is it's never the dog, it's always the owner that makes an annoying dog. I guess all you can really do in this situation is try to keep calm and not reflect on it too much. Unfortunately there's always an idiot with a dog wandering around and the fact she didn't offer to pay for it is a shame. it must happen a lot.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby 1sttimemummy » Tue Aug 09, 2016 12:46 pm

These are two of the most ridiculous statements I've heard in a while,"What you do have to remember though is it's never the dog, it's always the owner that makes an annoying dog" and "there's always an idiot wandering around with a dog".

Whilst I agree it is normally the owner that makes a bad dog (especially in circumstances when a dog is vicious), I think you're two statements are just plain rude, so everyone that has a dog is annoying and an idiot?

I have two dogs, both of which I've had since they were 8 weeks old. My eldest dog is perfectly well behaved, she listens every single time we ask her to do something, my other dog doesn't listen to a thing, especially if there's food involved and she has been known to steal a sandwich or a sausage roll from people, if I haven't managed to put her on the lead in time. I trained her in exactly the same way I trained my other dog, but she has her own personality just like children do, and it's about learning to deal with a situation before it happens.

Let's put this into perspective, a dog smells a pizza and goes to check it out, it's food it smells yummy end of! The owner should have ran and got the dogs back and offered to pay for the pizza but let's not make this out to be more than it is...a simple pizza stealing event by a greedy/hungry dog.

Secondly, no there aren't rules that dogs have to be on leads on the common, please remember that dogs need exercise too. Most dogs in London spend hours and hours indoors and only have an hour or two a day to play and run around, lets not deny an animal of some freedom and the ability to enjoy themselves. There's plenty of places to go where dogs aren't allowed or have to be kept on a lead, so if you're a dog hater go to the dog free zones or eat in a restaurant at a table!
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby hellokittyerw » Tue Aug 09, 2016 2:00 pm

" eat in a restaurant at a table"?!! - come on, surely you can't be serious that people cannot enjoy a picnic in the park!!!!!!!!!

Most people in London spend hours and hours indoors TOO, so we cant deny them the freedom of a picnic in the park.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby 1sttimemummy » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:08 pm

Hellokitty - I'm absolutely not saying that. Parks should be enjoyed by everyone, but people should be realistic, if you sit on the ground eating food then the likely hood of a dog coming to have a nose is quite high.

When I have a picnic, I am always conscious of the fact that a dog might come and steal our food, I just stand up and shoo it away... it happens all the time, it's no drama!

I am not denying that dog owners should try and stop their dog before it intrudes someones picnic, I'm just saying that if you hate dogs coming up to you then go to a dog free zone or eat at a table!!
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby papinian » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:40 pm

1sttimemummy wrote:I am not denying that dog owners should try and stop their dog before it intrudes someones picnic, I'm just saying that if you hate dogs coming up to you then go to a dog free zone or eat at a table!!
Seriously? Don't force your lifestyle choices on the rest of us. Dog owners need to be realistic and keep their mutts away from our children and our possessions.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby 1sttimemummy » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:56 pm

No comment Papinian!!!
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:39 pm

I'm with Papinian on that point. I'm not sure why I would have to 'shoo away' someone else's dog. I'm amazed at the number of dog owners who simply ignore the very clear 'No dogs' signage around the tennis courts just because it doesn't suit them. It's a dog free area for a reason.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Manalive » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:08 pm

Dogs on the commons are a real pain if your kids are terrified of them.

Recently, I had the day off work and took my three kids (4, 2 and a baby) to the playground on Clapham Common and for a picnic. While I was feeding the baby, a dog appeared out of nowhere, stole the two year old's pork pie and ran off. The dog owner didn't care and walked on. My two year old was very upset.

Ten minutes later another dog appeared and stole the pork pie from the four year old. The dog owner didn't come within 100 yards of me so I didn't get the chance to remonstrate with her.

1sttimemummy - Why should I be expected to restrict my kids to 'dog free zones' just so that they can eat their food? With three kids, it's really not easy to be looking out for dogs as well.

Juliantenniscoach - I've just signed up for the intermediate class starting in September - can't wait.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:20 pm

Good man. I'll try not to bark instructions! Sorry couldn't resist :lol:
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby LP73 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:27 pm

Firstly, I am so sorry for your experience the lady should have taken your details and made sure that she repaid you - not all dog owners are like this.

Secondly, what a well written message, I only hope that my daughter writes as well as you do when she is 15.

Finally, dogs have as much right as people to be on the commons and parks. Dogs like humans have their own minds and it can be quite difficult to control a dog that smells food. Also just because the dogs were of decent size you cannot be sure that they are. It puppies or young dogs. Before anyone tried to say 'If that is the case then they need to be on the lead' no this is not the case, being off the lead is part of their training.

I really hope that someone stops to tell the lady with the three dogs what has happened and she is able to contact you to hopefully re-pay you. if she doesn't drop me a DM and as a dog owner I would be more than happy to pay for your pizza and phone cover.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Manalive » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:31 pm

Juliantenniscoach - I won't let you give me any Shih Tzu.
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