PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby juliantenniscoach » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:20 pm

Good man. I'll try not to bark instructions! Sorry couldn't resist :lol:
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby LP73 » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:27 pm

Firstly, I am so sorry for your experience the lady should have taken your details and made sure that she repaid you - not all dog owners are like this.

Secondly, what a well written message, I only hope that my daughter writes as well as you do when she is 15.

Finally, dogs have as much right as people to be on the commons and parks. Dogs like humans have their own minds and it can be quite difficult to control a dog that smells food. Also just because the dogs were of decent size you cannot be sure that they are. It puppies or young dogs. Before anyone tried to say 'If that is the case then they need to be on the lead' no this is not the case, being off the lead is part of their training.

I really hope that someone stops to tell the lady with the three dogs what has happened and she is able to contact you to hopefully re-pay you. if she doesn't drop me a DM and as a dog owner I would be more than happy to pay for your pizza and phone cover.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Manalive » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:31 pm

Juliantenniscoach - I won't let you give me any Shih Tzu.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby sw11_ » Tue Aug 09, 2016 10:51 pm

That's really kind of you LP73
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby MGMidget » Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:00 pm

Wandsworthteenager, I had the same experience as you a couple of years ago and I think it might have been the same dogs and owner! I remember the Vizla or a dog that looked like a Vizla in particular as well as a couple of other big dogs which were labradors or similar. The dogs rushed at my son who had a sandwich in his hand. My son has been brought up to be familiar with animals so isn't normally scared of dogs, but three big dogs surrounding him, jumping at him and trying to get the sandwich out of his hand was obviously scary (he was then aged about 6 from what I can recall). The owner was slow to call them off - when I first looked round I couldn't tell who the owner was and was trying to chase them off myself. When she did eventually appear it was my son and I had dealt with the situation ourselves by throwing his sandwiches away so they would stop jumping at him. He was obviously scared and shaken (who wouldn't be when the dogs were veering up above him and trying to claw him?!) The owner did then call them rather meekly after that and I concentrated on reassuring my son as I didn't want him to develop a fear of dogs after that! I honestly think she had insufficient control of them and they were the worst behaved dogs I've seen on the common so far. However, I've also avoided offering my son food anywhere apart from the dog-free area since then in case this is a common problem with dogs!

If I do see anyone with dogs who matches this description I shall be watching them closely next time and ready to give the owner a piece of my mind if I see similar behaviour again!
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby AtCrossroads » Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:12 pm

StephA wrote:Are there rules that dogs should be on leads when they are on the common? I thought that they weren't allowed to run loose.

I wish I'd been there, OP; I would have helped you confront that stupid dogowner.
Agree there should be rules. I am often scared by dogs on the common. They should be obliged to be on leads at all times I think!
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby mtate4442 » Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:13 am

isn't it just a funny accident?..
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Jen66 » Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:58 am

I also think all dogs should be on leads in public places at all times.

I no longer run on the common because I fear being attacked by a dog - as I have been twice before.

Sorry this happened to you OP. There are Park's Police and you should report the incident to them. The dogs were dangerous and out of control.

And guaranteed the woman who wasn't carrying cash will be the very type not carrying a bag to p/u her dog sh either.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby danijeanne » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:58 pm

Jen66 - Of course dogs can't be on leads in all public places at all times!! :o They need to have places to run otherwise the only place they could is the garden which in London is pretty small! I personally don't carry cash when walking the dog but do have poo bags, though if I didn't have cash would have still taken details of the op to reimburse.
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby Nev123 » Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:36 pm

Agreed. Dogs have to be allowed off the lead. The vast majority are well behaved doing so. I go to Wandsworth common a lot and have never experienced any issue with dogs. In fact I enjoy seeing them there. The owner of the dogs in question is at fault here. They should have done more to control their dogs and to recompense the OP. Honestly some of these responses you'd think there was a pack of wolves roaming the commons of SW London. Cats however, don't get me started ;-)
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Re: PLEASE HELP: attacked by dogs on Wandsworth Common

Postby mollys » Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:53 am

Please don't tar all dog owners with the same brush. What happened to you (and others in this thread, especially incidents involving terrified children) was horrible and the dog owner(s) in these cases behaved badly - but if you think how many other (well behaved) dogs (and owners!) there are on the common, I think it's the behaviour of a few tainting people's views of dogs generally.
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