There are endless resources to support children with the academic aspect of the 11+.
Few resources offer support for parents to help children manage the emotions of the process and deal with test anxiety on the day. Look no further...
Role Models have teamed up with Atom Learning to bring you: 'How to support your child with the stress of 11+ preparation'Tuesday 8th November at 7.30pm
Register here: ... 83qHW6WhcQ
Co-hosted by Laura Kay (Head of Education, Role Models) and Anna Masterson (Head of Education, Atom Learning), this webinar will offer expert insights into how to support your child with the academic and emotional aspects of the journey to 11+.
Learn from Anna Masterson about how to arm your child with the skillset to tackle papers successfully, followed by actionable strategies from Laura Kay about how to manage emotions of the process and help your child overcome test anxiety.
Whether your child is at the beginning of your journey towards the 11+ or will sit the test soon, you won't want to miss out on this invaluable expertise.