Battersea Photographer Achieves International Acclaim

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Amie Barron Dog Photography
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Joined: Dec 2023
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Battersea Photographer Achieves International Acclaim

Postby Amie Barron Dog Photography » Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:54 am

Amie Barron, a dog photographer based in Battersea, has reached the Final of the fiercely contested Guild of Photographers Image of the Year Competition.

The Guild is a highly respected UK-based association for photographers, which has members from overseas as well. Each year it runs an online monthly photographic competition, judged by internationally respected judges, with awards given to the best entries. 

During 2023, the competition attracted 12,000 entries from the most talented of photographers. 

It has recently been announced that from all the entries across the year, the Guild’s Judges have selected no more than 10 images in various genres to go forward to the annual Image of the Year Final. Those selected really are the best of the best, and an image by Amie Barron is one of those selected as a Finalist!

Guild Director Lesley Thirsk said “One of the Guild’s aims is to drive standards and creativity amongst photographers. Our competition certainly does that, for the standard of the entries we see each month is quite staggering. To have an image recognised by the Guild in the monthly competition is difficult enough, so to have an image selected as being one of the best in a category for the end of year Final is, without doubt, an incredible achievement and shows just how talented a photographer, Amie Barron is.”

Amie said “I began entering the monthly competition at the beginning of the year because I have always been so intimidated by photography competitions and awards, and I thought entering may be good for my confidence in my own photography. I never thought for one second that I would end the year as a finalist. It is an honour to be nominated and to sit alongside photographers who are so incredibly talented.” 

“This photograph of Stanley the schnauzer was taken in Clissold Park, and is a fantastic example of my work and what I try to achieve with my camera and London’s dog residents. I aim to immortalise their unique personalities and show the world from their perspective, encapsulating moments with them in fine art portraiture that often resembles a painting.”

To find out more about photography sessions with Amie Barron visit

Guild Image Of The Year Web.jpg
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