Battersea Dog Photographer Achieves International Recognition

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Amie Barron Dog Photography
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Battersea Dog Photographer Achieves International Recognition

Postby Amie Barron Dog Photography » Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:14 am

Battersea Photographer Amie Barron has gained international recognition by winning a significant award with the Guild of Professional Photographers, a highly respected national photographic body. 

The Guild received over 13,000 entries to its Image of the Month Competition during 2023, from both photographers in the UK, as well as overseas! 

From all of those, an image by Amie Barron was selected as the overall Image of the Year Runner-Up of the Pet genre - a remarkable achievement when one considers the number and standard of the entries. 

The Award was announced at an Awards ceremony at The Hilton, Etruria Hall on Saturday 3rd  February 2024.
Steven and Lesley Thirsk (the Directors of the Guild) said – “We are both proud and delighted that Amie has achieved this recognition with her striking image. The Guild has very demanding standards when judging photographic competitions. The judging is undertaken by a panel of internationally recognised experts from a variety of photography backgrounds, so Amie quite rightly should be delighted with her extraordinary achievement”. 

On hearing the news, Amie Barron said - “I am overwhelmed to have achieved this award. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet. I have always been interested in photography but was never in a  place in my life where I could pursue that interest. I bought my first camera when Theodore, my miniature pinscher puppy, came home to us. I dabbled with it as she grew, wanting to document her life with us and my dachshund mix, Oscar. 

When Oscar suddenly passed away, it broke me. He had gotten me through some really hard times in my life, and the loss hurt more than anything I had experienced before. When I looked back at the photographs I had of him, I felt failed by technology. All I have are grainy phone photos, some with terrible filters applied, from the days before I knew how to use my camera. 

It was around that time that I realised my purpose. I believe I am here to immortalise the lives of as many dogs as possible with my camera. To tell their stories as they navigate this world for a time that is never long enough. Every dog is unique and has their own personality and narrative, and I want to meet and show kindness to as many as possible through ethical photography for as long as I am able to.

Thank you so much to the judges at The Guild, I could never have fathomed a few years ago that I would be receiving this success.”

As well as achieving Image of the Year Runner-Up, Amie Barron is also honoured to become a Top 10 Photographer of the Year in the Pet genre.

Each image is scored, and the scores from the year are then totalled to determine who wins one of the Guild’s Top 10 Photographer awards. This is clearly a very demanding year-long process!

Members of the Guild are committed to achieving the highest standards of professionalism and to a journey of continuing professional development. You can find out more about the Guild of Photographers at its website, and more about Amie Barron at their website

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