Do you drive a 4x4

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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby stayathomemuminsw11 » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:06 pm

Hmmm tricky one...

I'm generally of the view that 4x4s are a BAD idea in Urban areas, especially with such narrow roads and lots of children, and I agree that loads of people I've seen driving them are BAD drivers, (the being on the mobile while driving is a particular hate of mine, THERE IS NO EXCUSE!!) but as someone else pointed out, you can be a bad driver whether you're in a tiny car or a massive 4x4. However, as we all know, the damage that could be done by hitting a child in a 4x4 is likely to be much worse-it really doesn't bear thinking about... I've seen people drive APPALLINGLY in this area (both in 4x4s and normal cars) especially along Broomwood Road. There is really NO excuse for this at all-driving at 50 MPH along a 20 MPH road when the area is chock full of children is dangerous and irresponsible.

BUT I also understand that if you have several children, it's quite tricky to fit all the seats and buggies/luggage etc in if, for eg, you're going away for the weekend... but using 4x4s for the school run, or to just pop to the shops is not good...

In fact, I actually don't understand why people use their cars so much in this area. Don't get me started on kids being dropped off at Honeywell and Belleville Schools in cars.... surely they should be walking distance?!

What do people think the answer is if you can't fit all your kids and stuff in a 'normal' car?

Just interested! At the moment we have one child, and a normal Vaxuhall Corsa (and to be honest I hate parking that so who knows how I'd get on with a massive 4x4!!) but I know that if/when we have more than 2 kids, it's simply not going to be big enough. I'd love to know what alternatives to a 4x4 there are. It's something we'll be looking into for sure. I guess the answer is a 'people carrier' type of car-do people think these are more acceptable and 'safe' in this area than 4x4s?

As for cars being a status symbol, maybe for some, but I can think of a zillion things I'd rather spend money on. To me, a car is something I need, not something I want to show off with...
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby supergirl » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:26 pm

I dont think anybody is going to change their mind about this subject... Those who loves them and those who hates them.

I cant stand a 4x4 unless you live in the countryside... I dont care whatsoever that people would buy them for social status or the so-called "feeling secure and high up". You can buy a Renault Espace or Scenic, or a Touran and you would be high enough and very secure WITHOUT polluting the environment as much plus you would make a saving....

You know how much you pay anytime you fill it up with petrol, look at your consumption miles/gallons and how much CO2 you are expelling compare to any other car...
This is what I dislike about people driving a 4x4: they are oblivious of the damages they are causing in the long term to the environment - environment they will leave to their children and children of their children after they have passed away.
Think about your children in the future living in a garbage planet before you buy a 4x4. Needless to say, they are of no use in London...

PS: I love driving but sensibly
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby kiwimummy » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:45 pm


I don't think the people on the thread against 4x4s are against them because they are an ostentatious display of wealth. What a ridiculous post. There are much nicer cars on the road in Battersea than Landrovers.

But then, if you're so proud of your 4x4, you wouldn't be using a pseudonym instead of your usual user name, would you?
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby supergirl » Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:52 pm

PS: Forgot to ask a question to ALL the 4x4 drivers.

How often do you use the 4x4 drive ie. this is when the 4 wheels drive instead of the first front two wheels???
Also, if you do need to use the 4 wheels drive, do you know how to switch on and then to reverse to the two wheels drive???? :lol:

Please dont be offended as I genuily dont mean to offend anyone, but please really think about all of that prior to buy one. And then make a conscious decision of buying it. Nobody should care about display of wealth, having more and better than a neighbour, etc.

We should all just be very happy in ourselves for what we have (we live in an area as somebody said that is one of the richest) and feel blessed by the wonderful husband/wife and child(ren) we have.

Happy Christmas everyone! X

(yes I am in a christmas mood now 8-) but do believe what I said)
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby Goldhawk » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:27 pm

I've not used the 4x4 yet but they are usually very simple to switch over
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby schoolgatesmum » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:02 pm

We've got 4 children and we drive a Ford S-Max. It's not flash at all (particularly the inside!) but it fits all 4 children in and with a roofbox has plenty of storage - we go camping and it fits all our camping stuff and luggage.It is a bit higher up than a normal car but is very easy to drive and park and feels like you're driving a car not a tank. So for the person who was wondering what car to get to fit in her children - the Ford S-Max is perfect. There are plenty of cars out there that fit car seats (when we had 3 children we had a VW Golf). I rarely use the car in London - we walk 15 minutes to school. The thought of driving to school fills me with horror - what a stressful way to start the day. Much more pleasant to walk - fresh air and exercise and a chance for the children to chat about their day. And to the person who said that we all have envy I don't think that's true. I've lived in this area for many years - when Northcote road was not a place for sitting enjoying a latte! The area has changed an awful lot and there are some people who do want everything for show (the 4 x 4, the expensive holidays, the interior-designed kitchen, the posh school) but don't kid yourself that we're all full of envy because we're not. Why should the people who've lived here for years not find the displays of wealth vulgar? I certainly do. And your comment about public sector workers and million pound houses just beggars belief.
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby supergirl » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:12 pm

I have to say something here.

My husband is a civil servant (move out of the private sector 7yrs ago, he was a consultant) and although we are comfortable i am yet to live in a multi million pounds house!!!!!
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby Happymama » Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:39 pm

I agree Schoolgatesmum and kiwimummy - and sorry Discogirl but I am glad that I wasn't the only one to find out post a bit ridiculous.

I most certainly do NOT have husband envy, house envy, school envy, holiday envy and out of principle I would never drive a 4x4 car in London. This is just my opinion - we live in a free country and you are entitled to yours but don't just assume because we are against 4x4 cars that we are all communists who find display of wealth vulgar !

In any case the original post was not about being envious of people with more money who drive big cars - it was simply asking 4x4 drivers why they felt the need to drive such big cars in London?
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby kewty » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:46 pm

We have a 4x4 as we have children and various hobbies which require transporting large amounts of equipment long distances most weekends, even to the extent of adding a large roof box. We do not have it as a status symbol and I was frankly against getting the 4x4 just for this reason.

Our car is very rarely driven during the week, I prefer to walk - cheaper and better for you.

So can those of you who like putting us 4x4 drivers in their petty little boxes, please stop, as we are not all stereotypical sheep.
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby mummynanny » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:19 pm

Some really ridiculous posts. But everyone has their own opinion...

I don't drive 4x4 - I cannot really imagine to drive anything bigger than our Vauxhall astra. And the streets in London are so narrow. I don't think that these cars belong on London streets but I guess that majority of people who have them don't use them only for driving in London.

I generally find all of the big cars annoying as they completely block my view and it's usually us in smaller cars having to reverse - doesn't matter that you have passed the half of the road and didn't pass a free spot to move out of the way... Most of the roads in London are too narrow - cars are parked on both sides - sometimes it's difficult to get through with my small car!

Unfortunately everyone have different taste - in cars, or they have bigger family and need bigger car, or family travels often to countryside... I don't think that it is our business - who owns what and why - what I would do is to change some roads to one way roads. There so many roads that are parallel to each other - like many roads of Webbs road. We would prevent some problems on the streets.
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby juliantenniscoach » Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:20 am

I think you'll find that the floorpan of a 4 x4 and a people carrier is about the same. 4 x4's are generally higher and have a bigger visual impression. If you re-read the comments, most of them are about the behaviour of drivers not the car itself.

I had a Volvo v40 estate which is the same overall length as the volvo 4x4 and it got written off after 2 crashes both no fault to us. Once by a motorcyclist overtaking on the wrong side of a traffic bollard, the other by an Audi A3 pulling out whilst on the phone. So from my point of view the size of the vehilce is irrelevant.

Now showing my hand completely, I've just bought a Landcruiser and I've found I actually drive more carefully because of the size. I bought it because I can use it for the extra seats (8) for social and business reasons. Also it runs on LPG which is way cheaper than petrol and diesel. £30 Wandsworth parking permit for a start.

My other posts on driving around here have been based from a cyclist's point of view and yes there is undoubtably a size issue with 4x4 and people carriers to be fair. However driver behaviour is by far and away the biggest problem.

So whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you drive -
Look don't glance
Have consideration
Get off the phone :evil:

Happy travels.
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby twice_as_nice » Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:02 am

I know you can get stats to prove anything but this is the most recent research I have found (though it is 2008).

"Today's study by the Transport Research Laboratory shows the collision rate for 4X4s is 30 per cent lower.

However pedestrians, motorcyclists and drivers of small cars are more seriously hurt when hit by large 4X4s. Small 4X4s are no more dangerous in an accident.

The study, obtained by the Standard, was commissioned by Transport for London"

Whilst the damage to another car from a larger 4x4 might be worse, given that the likelihood of this happening is much lower, they are actually safer according to this research. Maybe those of you against these cars have more up to date research?

In my car, I have cameras and sensors all around the car which means that I can see others when reversing. Unlike the small car driver who (parked in a drive I was walking out of) nearly backed into my daughter because he wasn't looking / couldn't see.

As for 4x4 drivers thinking that they 'own' the road, I think that's actually down to the attitude of the driver rather that the make of car!!!! Plenty of small car drivers are not courteous or think that they own the road just because they are arrogant people and arrogant drivers. I do not drive like that myself!
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby juliantenniscoach » Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:53 pm

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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby adamgh » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:13 am

Oh dear Discogirl. If you live with envy all your life you may not end up that happy. 4 X 4s are silly in town or country. Only farmers really need them in this country. There are plenty of decent size cars that you can fit a family in these days without having to buy a Range Rover.
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Re: Do you drive a 4x4

Postby Kirsty » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:35 am

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