Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

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Mrs Miggins
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Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Mrs Miggins » Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:38 pm

URGENT ATTENTION fellow Mummies...(& daddies!)

Wandsworth council have proposed the installation of an 18m high telecommunications mast (Vodafone/O2) just 25m from the much expanded (soon to be opened) children's playground and Tooting Triangle One O'clock Club (Balham end of Tooting Common). There's already a mast for railway intercom just the other side of the bridge - which went up without planning permission 3 months ago. Is someone seeing how much electromagnetic radiation they can cram into one small space before enticing the kids along with a new playground?! The situation rather sickens me :x . If you feel as strongly PLEASE SEND YOUR COMMENTS AND OBJECTIONS IN BY THIS MONDAY - 9TH JANUARY - LATEST!!! Yes that's how little time they've provided for objections....and somewhat cunningly over the festive period.

More detail here : (then click "Find a planning application" and enter number below)
Application Number : 2011/5259
Location: Tooting Bec Railway Embankment, Tooting Bec Common, SW12 (near end of Cavendish Road).
Wandsworth Council Planning Officer : Adam Hussain - 0208 871 8416

Comments can be made on the website as above or by e-mail to

All comments should include your name and address, the application number, and the site address in any correspondence. If e-mailing send your comments as an attachment if you don't want your e-mail address published!
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Goldhawk » Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:09 am

Are health conerns considered to be a valid reason for objection or will the council ignore them?
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Goldhawk » Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:05 pm

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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Sunnydoulahannah » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:36 am

I wrote the following to council today. Feel free to copy and paste the majority of it

I strongly object to the councils proposed the installation of an 18m high telecommunications mast (Vodafone/O2) just 25m from the much expanded (soon to be opened) children's playground and Tooting Triangle One O'clock Club (Balham end of Tooting Common). There's already a mast for railway intercom just the other side of the bridge - which went up without planning permission 3 months ago.

Is no one in planning seeing how much electromagnetic radiation they can cram into one small space before enticing the kids along with a new play area.

I am really appalled. As a mother of 2 boys, their safety and health comes first. As a research and a nurse, I am fully aware of the dangers that these telecommunications masts bring, as a doula, I have clients in the area who are concerned aboutl iving and placing their children in harms way.

As a constituent of the Wandsworth council for the past 4 years, I expect more from the council when it comes to our safety and our families safety.

I think you, and planning team or whoever is responsible, have acted in deceit by not announcing this with much time nor prominence to the local community over the busy and focused Christmas period. By doing this you miss out on people away on holidays, there are no announcements in local schools on school run that parents can see, and people are busy doing Seasonal festivities. This is a cunning move by your part and my family and friends are disappointed.

Be sure that if you go ahead with this mast, you will seen as not acting in the local communities best interests, especially that of our innocent children.

I am against this plan!!

With Regards
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby alexj » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:36 pm

Hello -

I'm one of the local ward councillors for the area that takes in parts of Tooting Common (Bedford). It's not the council that has put in this application or suggested a mobile phone mast goes there. It's mobile phone companies that are applying to the council for planning permission. My fellow ward councillors and I have written to the planning applications committee opposing the move. I've reprinted our letter below.

All the best,
Alex Jacob

Dear Mr Hussain,

We write to object to planning application made to erect a Vodafone/O2 mobile phone mast at Tooting Bec Railway Embankment, near the end of Canvendish Road, SW12 (ref 2011/5259).

As Bedford Ward councillors, we object to the application on the following grounds:

• The location chosen is unsuitable as it would locate a major electronic, radio transmission, infrastructure facility in close proximity to a newly refurbished busy children's playground and youth club on the southern side of the rail line. It is clearly inappropriate to locate any such infrastructure facility in an area set aside for children's recreation and play.

• The proposal is out of keeping with the appearance of the Common in this area and includes the construction of a 2.4 metre high palisade fence around an area on the northern rail embankment. The land may be privately owned but the affect of the fencing will be to give the impression of encroachment onto the Common. Nearby open post fencing is, by comparison, 0.9 metres high.

• The amount of palisade fencing and land given over the mast site is excessive and adds to the sense of an overbearing and imposing structure. The plans show that the palisade fencing around the site is repeated at a higher elevation with further palisade fencing around the electronic equipment cabinets. The image is of a 'motte and bailey' design to the facility!

• The pole itself at more than 18 metres is higher than nearby structures and does not conform to other masts bordering the Common. In this proposal the mast is shown mounted with a head frame and three directional antennas. Other structures, such as to the south of the Common along Tooting Bec Road and the Bedford Hill Road Bridge mast, have been designed as single monopoles without visible separate directional antennas, in order to limit visual impact.

Finally, we note that in the covering letter to this application, the applicant outlines the strategic intention of Vodafone and O2 to "consolidate the number of base stations required through [network] sharing which is in accordance with Government policy; [and to] significantly reduce the environmental impact ..." It appears to us that in view of the points we make above, this application does not meet those corporate strategic commitments.

Furthermore, we note that if the intention of the sharing arrangements between Vodafone and O2 is to reduce the overall requirement for mobile base stations this application is not appropriate. The justification given is to provide 3G network coverage to both operators in the East Balham area. Presumably, both operators are therefore already providing adequate 2G network coverage and no evidence is given as to whether existing 2G network masts in the area could have been adapted as opposed to building a brand new mast. We understood this upgrade of an existing 2G site to have been the justification used elsewhere around Tooting Common in the previous 18 months.

Yours sincerely,
Cllr Antonia Dunn
Cllr Alex Jacob
Cllr John Locker
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby clapset » Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:37 am

Railway gsm system are European law dictated for safety reasons they have nothing to do with commercial gsm, GPRS or 3G. Nevertheless is it too late to write and complain and does my complaint have less weight if I own one or more phones and what if you give them to kids for their safety ... Moral dilemma indeed
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Mrs Miggins
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Mrs Miggins » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:32 pm

Thanks for all your views and comments. :D I just wanted to make people aware that this is happening as the proposal was going through over the festive period, plus it has been very poorly publicised in my view.

Incidentally some of you say you have submitted objections :) yet they are not appearing on the Wandsworth Planning web portal along with the ones already there. You can see in the online case file 2011/5259. Perhaps worthy of a follow up call....I'd hate to think that objections could be errr "lost"!! Oh and it says online that we have until the 12th January to submit objections (not the 9th) - so there's still time!!

Despite there being many scientific studies stating that these mobile phone masts pose a serious health hazard ( see here ... udies.html ) the government/councils apparently base their core judgement on one in particular - the Stewart Report - which says that there is no proof that such masts are harmful. However this study apparently focusses on the effects of the heat that the masts give off (like microwaves which slightly warm nearby bodies) and not the LONGTERM effects of electromagnetic radiation - which naturally nobody can yet foresee. :shock: Remember that Asbestos was deemed to be of absolutely no hazard to health for many many years!!

From a little reading I gather that it is best to focus objections on the "perceived" threat to health and the "stress" that this will bring upon you / your family etc etc. The fact that it will deter you from use of the expanded new playground could provide a good case (much taxpayer money used!). Last but not least it is to be an incredibly unsightly build on a plot surrounded by green Common land (18m mast + big grey base station + metal fencing), which will be detrimental to the preservation of the Common.

Incidentally I too have a mobile phone and rely on it at times. I understand that masts need to exist to make them work. I just don't believe that a new one needs to be built, and that there isn't a better location. They (O2/Vodafone) appear to have gone for a cheap, easy access option, without consideration as to the Commons preservation, the expensive new playground, and the impending stress of health perception concerns amongst local mums/dads and residents.

I accept that some of you will not feel any desire to object to this proposal - that's of course your choice and I totally respect that. ;)
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby kewty » Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:36 pm

I would definitely welcome a new mast in the area, in the hope that I might be able to use my mobile around here.

However, I do NOT agree with the location of the proposed mast - isn't there somewhere else less harmful to our young they can put it? Can't Vodafone and Wansdworth talk and find a more suitable location?

Fingers crossed for a happy solution all round.

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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby EileenOConnor » Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:06 pm

Many doctors and scientists worldwide believe there is a very real and significant risk to the general health of the public, wildlife and the environment.

There is a very significant body of research published reinforcing the hypothesis that mobile phone mast emissions are detrimental to health demonstrating that radiation exposures set within the current thermal ICNIRP guidelines can increase the probability of developing diseases following long term exposures, mainly cancer, tumours, and genetic damage.

The Stewart report is riddled with warning bells and caveats. So here are a few extracts (with for convenience) their respective paragraph number references.

"1.19 We conclude it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.
1.20 We recommend a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available
1.31 We are concerned at the indirect adverse impact which current planning procedures are having on those who have been, or are, subjected to the often insensitive siting of base stations. Adverse
impacts on the local environment may adversely impact on the public’s well-being as much as any direct health effects.
1.56 Concerns have been expressed that the pulsed nature of signals from mobile phones and masts may have an impact on brain function. This is an intriguing possibility, which deserves further research, particularly if pulsed signals continue to be used in the third generation of phones and related technologies.
6.39 We conclude it is not possible at present to say exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.
6.40 In the light of the above considerations we recommend a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available.
6.44 Although it seems highly unlikely low levels of RF radiation from base stations would have significant, direct adverse effects on health, the possibility of harm from exposures insufficient to cause important heating of tissues cannot yet be ruled out with confidence. Furthermore, the anxieties that some people feel when this uncertainty is ignored can in themselves affect their well-being.
6.54 We recommend that particular attention should be paid initially to the auditing of base stations near to schools and other sensitive sites.
6.63 It was suggested to us children might be especially vulnerable to any adverse effects of RF radiation. There is evidence that at the frequencies used in mobile phone technology, children will absorb more energy per kilogram of body weight from an external electromagnetic field than adults (see paragraph 4.37). A one year old could absorb around double, and a five year old around 60%, more than an adult. Additionally, since children are being exposed to RF radiation from base stations (and from mobile phones) from a younger age than adults, they will have a longer time in which to accumulate exposure over the course of their lives, and a longer time for any delayed effects of exposure to develop."

Finally I would like to end on a personal note. I have no doubt in my mind that I am a victim to long term exposure to radiation from a phone mast. In November, 2001 I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 38 with no history of breast cancer in my family and living a healthy life style.

I am now almost ten years clear of this terrible disease and it had an enormous impact on my life and the lives of my friends, family and neighbours. It has been a long hard battle not only against breast cancer, but also against the insensitive siting of the T-Mobile phone mast which was 100 metres from my home.

Out of the eighteen houses surrounding the mast at up to a range of 500 metres, 77% of the tiny hamlet had health related illness believed to be as a result of radiation from the mast. The out break of illness occurred in 2001 after seven years of exposure to the radiation emitted by the T-Mobile mast. We are now in contact/communication with many people who claim to be suffering from this form of radiation throughout the UK and throughout the world.

You can view my presentations on phone masts via the following link: ... &Itemid=21

Kind Regards,

Eileen O'Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust
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Mrs Miggins
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby Mrs Miggins » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:05 am

Wow! :D We now have a total of 45 objection letters & e-mails posted on the Wandsworth Planning online portal. Community spirit is truly alive and kicking!!

I believe and sincerely hope that the Council decision will now either be a full on "decline" and/or it will go to "appeal" - so please please be prepared for another Vodofone/02 challenge!
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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby simonh » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:25 pm


Planning Application - 2011/5259
Site Address - Tooting Bec Railway Embankment Cavendish Road SW12

This phone mast planning application appears to be back, as the application has reopened for comments by 3rd August 2012.

Could I encourage people to add their comments to the planning application?

Comments can be made on the website - use this link: - or by e-mail to

All comments should include your name and address, the application number, and the site address in any correspondence. If e-mailing send your comments as an attachment if you don't want your e-mail address published!

Link to Wandsworth Planning application is:

The main new document appears to be this one:

"Alternative Site Investigation Meeting for Proposed Telecommunications
Mast at Tooting Bec Railway Line (Planning Application No. 2011/5259)
Date of Meeting: 20th April 2012"

This document is also new:

(I'm one of the Tooting Commons Management Advisory Committee members. I've asked the Bedford Ward councillors to find out from Wandsworth Council officers as to the exact status of the planning app, and I'll ask them to post their answer here.)

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Re: Proposed 18m tall phone mast by SW12 playground - immoral??

Postby alexj » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:37 pm

Thanks Simon - we've written again to the officer dealing with this application and reproduced the letter below....

Dear Mr Hussain,

Further to our email of 9th January 2012 we write again to reiterate our objection to the planning application made to erect a Vodafone / O2 mobile mast at Tooting Bec Railway Embankment, near the end of Cavendish Road, SW12 (ref 2011/5259), a copy of which is included below for ease of reference. We note that the applicant has made no progress in finding an alternative location for the mast since the original application was made. We believe that their efforts have been unsatisfactory and their proposal remains unacceptable for the open space of Tooting Commons near the recently refurbished Children's playground and One o' clock Club.

Specifically we would point out that according to the applicant's Supporting Technical Information - ... ageCount=1 - the target area would seem to be the residential area covering Midmoor, Bunbury, Cambray and Radbourne Roads in the Borough of Lambeth. Yet according to Site Specific Supporting Information - ... ageCount=1 - site #6 on the rooftop of the Big Yellow Storage Company on Weir Road (which is a commercial property) is dismissed despite being nearer to some of the areas highlighted in the Supporting Technical Information as having the worst coverage. Instead the applicants would seem to prefer to place their electronic industrial facility in the heart of Tooting Commons bringing that open space up to a coverage strength described as "Indoor Dense Urban." This is clearly inappropriate for land protected from urbanisation for public utility and the preservation of wildlife. It appears disingenuous to us for the applicant to justify their proposal by claiming a need to provide mobile (3G) coverage to a residential urban area with a proposal whose outcome by their own admission would leave that area (i.e. the streets named above) with a mobile strength only suitable to support use inside cars whereas the Common land would be subjected to a strength of radio frequency capable of penetrating brick walls!

We believe that the applicant's attempts at finding an alternative site as described in the Alternative Site Meeting Notes - ... ageCount=1 - were insufficient.

The focus was on alternative sites along the railway embankment and no further information was given about reviewing locations in the urban area they desire to cover. One has to question that if residents, landlords and businesses in the area of East Balham do not wish for a mast to serve them in their own area, why should it be foisted on Tooting Commons close to a Children's playground?
The planning proposal remains as described previously in our correspondence out of keeping and represents unnecessary urbanisation of Common land. Furthermore it is unclear to us what, if any, concessions the applicant has offered regarding to the appearance of the structure. The proposed galvanised steel mast with a large headframe and directional antennas would have a negative visual impact standing above and detracting from the line of trees which has been carefully cultivated over many years precisely to hide the impact of encroachment on Common land (namely the rail line). In addition the proposed structure does not conform to other masts bordering Tooting Commons which are monopole single omni-directional antennas without a headframe and as per the mast at the Bedford Hill Rail bridge has been treated to give the appearance of a tree trunk. There is therefore a precedent for the Local Planning Authority to insist on such measures as a requirement for masts in this sensitive area.

We also note that in their application documents the applicant states they have not received response from us as ward Councillors to their pre-application correspondence, we would point out that our objections have been made to you as the relevant planning officer and are a matter of public record. Finally whilst there is no school within 250m for the applicant to consult with it would have been good practice for the applicant to have consulted Wandsworth Council's Children's Services Department with regard to the nearby Children's playground and One o'clock Club. It is our understanding no such consultation was undertaken.

In light of these comments and those made in our email of 9th January we hope that planning permission in this case will be withheld.

Yours sincerely,
Cllr Antonia Dunn
Cllr Alex Jacob
Cllr John Locker
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