Mountain Buggy Duet

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Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby Gillak » Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:35 pm

Does anyone have any experience using a mountain buggy duet? I had pretty much resigned myself to buying a Phil & Teds Explorer as I wanted something manouverable around shops and easy to get in a nd out of the front door but wasn't really very happy with one child been stuck under the other especially as they got older. I discovered the Duet by looking at some reviews and seems to tick all my boxes. Also can you get away with putting the baby in a cocoon rather than buying the basket? I am expecting my second in April when my first will be 19 months. Any help appreciated!
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby clapham_mum » Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:51 pm

Hi Gillak

I used to have a mountain buggy (single one), but bought a double P&T Sports buggy when my second baby was due. The difference in comfort is sooooo big, I don't like the P&T at all. The mountain buggy is so manouvrable and flexible, it will be a pleasure to go walking believe me!
As for your question concerning the basket: the mountain buggy seat can be put fully horizontal, so I guess you could just use a cocoon instead of buying the basket. However; this weekend, I saw a moutain buggy basket for sale in Fara (secondhand shop on Northcote Road), which could be an option if you don't want to buy a new one.

Good luck!
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby Widger » Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:57 pm

I created a post about a week ago about having 2 under 2 and what tandem/side by side that people would recommend and got some good advice. ... 16010.html

I too thought that P&T would be the only answer until many said about mountain buggy duet. I had a go of one in Peppermint on Saturday and is really lightweight and it is the same width as a P&T (obviously only the wheel part of the p&t) but still, it gets through doors just the same. Think I'm going to buy one plus the freerider scooter that can be used as a buggy board for my son when he gets a little older (19 months now).

I am not going to buy the pram part as 2nd time round, I know that although lovely, it is a waste of money particularly as this buggy lies flat. All I would say is it didn't look particularly comfortable so would defo need a sheepskin liner or something, never thought of a cocoon. Maybe need to try that out before I buy one.

Good luck, I'm due in March.
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby KatherineHepburn » Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:53 pm

I just bought the Mountain Buggy Duet from Peppermint as it felt good to manoeuvre, wasn't enormous and works for twins. I won't be able to try it for proper till the wee ones arrive in April but decided to get the saving in the sale. It certainly looks like the best 'side by side' option.
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby Gillak » Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:38 pm

Thanks ladies! All your advice has been really helpful. Funnily enough I was in peppermint at the weekend looking at the p&t explorer but didn't look at the mountain buggy as I was so dead against side by side because of the added width and size. I will have to go back in and try it out!
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby twoundertwo » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:31 pm

I bought a P&T Explorer in Jan '11 & it was great for the newborn phase (cocoon v cosy for a winter newbie) but once my daughter had outgrown the cocoon she cried every time she was put in the bottom seat. I sold it and got the MB Duet thinking it would solve the problem but whilst it has been a breeze in terms of getting through doors and in and out our Victorian terrace we are having to deal with a whole new set of problems - her big brother (19mths older) is a hitter and just will not leave her alone when they are both in the pram. As it is so narrow it means he can fully reach her if he tries and i have him hitting her & biting her fingers just as she is dropping off to sleep. A trip out in the pram still ends up with her screaming and I am now using a sling and the pram - my poor back! So just something to bear in mind.....

If you DO go for the duet I can recommend the 7am Enfant Duo footmuff - I found it hard to find any single footmuffs that fitted properly on the narrow seats.
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby capmum » Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:57 pm

Hi - I have one and rave to anyone who'll listen about it. I have 2 kids- toddler and baby. I started my pram life with a bugaboo chameleon which I loved. When number 2 arrived I got a p&t vibe which I hated with a passion. Baby grew out of cocoon in about 2 months so I was forced to put him in the little back seat which hardly reclines so he was slumped. I hated 'posting' him into his seat etc etc. but I couldn't put him in the front seat either as the whole thing would topple backwards with my daughter in the back seat. So I got a duet when baby was 4 months and the duet was launched (July). It fits in any doorway, it's not as long as the p&t, you have a usable shopping basket, you can hang your bag off the handlebar without the bag whacking the littley in the head, it manoeuvres well and the 4th wheel adds stability when going up and down curbs. Both kids can recline, both have a sun shade and both have a view. And you can shove a scooter in the basket/over the handlebar. My only criticism would be that Im not facing my baby (as you can with the bugaboo) but he's not bothered- he's sitting next to his best buddy!
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby runningmummy » Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:31 pm

Yes . It is briliant! So easy to push and turn.
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Re: Mountain Buggy Duet

Postby Allegrasmummy » Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:04 pm

I know this is an old thread but wanted to say that the Mountain Buggy Duet V2 is great. I recently got one and cant live without it.
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