Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

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Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby Thatsnotmymonkey » Sat Feb 25, 2012 8:42 pm

I didn't get the chance to go to the consultation evening for the new Wandsworth Prep School and was wandering if any nappyvalley-ers did. If so, what were your thoughts? Obviously, the website promises the most amazing education EVER....but what do you think the reality might be? We are currently on the waiting list for Finton House but need to start looking at different options incase we don't move up the list! I am going to go to the Open Morning in March but would really appreciate some thoughts/ insights.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby Thatsnotmymonkey » Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:59 pm

Any thoughts???
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby IrishLass » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:45 pm

I'm not sure as I didn't go either however I have heard from a friend who works at Thomas's, that the new Head Teacher and Deputy Head of Wandsworth Prep are longstanding staff members from there

Very interesting indeed.....

Open day on the 24th and 31st, might have to go along and find out
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby Wheresmyschool? » Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:46 pm

The only problem with this type of school set up is I think, and I could be wrong, but I think its a private company behind the schools.

This causes huge problems because, at the end of the day, their primary objective is to make money for their shareholders. They will aim to do this by delivering a great school but their shareholders are their primary objective.

I have a good friend who has children at a private school in North London (not this group but a different one) and the parents just got fed up of the money leaving the school. A good year is a dividend for the shareholders as opposed to a new set of books for the library.

It also makes the PTA and interesting body. Why, he claimed, would they raise money for the "school" when its a bunch of investors who are the main stakeholders. That made the PTA rather superflous and so the school didn't have much "soul".
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby MVCC » Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:41 am

Many private prep schools are for profit - having a charitable arm or providing scholarships does not mean there is not also a private company or individuals) making profit. Some schools hide this quite well on their websites. If this matters to you, investigate all schools thoroughly and ask questions, including who owns the building. Also, a school will only make profits if it is successful, and will only be successful if it builds a good reputation with parents and children and achieves its stated aims.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby NYE31 » Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:56 am

I went to one of the open mornings, it's not academically selective but they said they will interview parents to see if "they are the sort of parents that they would like to work with"

WPS will open this Sept with just Reception, you can register now for future years & they will offer interviews in the order that you are on the waiting list. Will be 50:50 boys to girls, I think the pick up/drop off might be a nightmare for those living on Allfarthing Lane, Geraldine & Melody Roads as there is nowhere for cars to stop other than on the roads themselves.

One of the Heads was there from another school in the group, a few of us thought he might be hard to work with ;) understatement of the year although he won't be Head of WPS, there appear to be close links to Wee Ones.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby nell65 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:08 am

I don't know if you mean the one on Allfarthing Lane - I would be worried about my child going here because there is already very negative feeling from the community near it.
There has been graffiti sprayed onto the fences around it against SUV's etc and wealthy parents. The school is almost attached to a council estate and I imagine people living on top of it feel ill will towards what they see as a symbol of wealth.
I don't know how this will palm out when the school opens but I imagine the hostility will continue.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby twice_as_nice » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:44 pm

I went to the open day and to be honest you didn't miss anything - there was a ridiculous lack of information about the actual school, more information was given on the 2 pieces of A4 that they gave out than in the actual speeches.

I felt ( and many people I know felt too) that the speeches were very much grand-standing about how great they are but not really anything about how great the school was. They did say something along the lines that the problem with parents who want to send their children to private school is that they want to have an academically excellent school but also one that is nurturing, inclusive and supportive....and that this is a balance which is difficult to get - but that they would get it....though NO information whatsoever about how!!! Pretty ridiculous.

Also, if you are worried about finances, I did attend the locals consultation meeting and at that it was revealed (or if not, implied and not refuted) that the schools in this group are managed by an off-shore company so I suspect that not only are they very much about shareholders and profits but also sounds like they don't even pay taxes into the UK system. (Please note I'm only reporting what has been said - I haven't done any research on their finances myself).

The link with wee ones as I understand it is that the lady who runs wee ones thought the site would be great for a school so contacted the bellvue group (or whatever they are called) and suggested that they look into putting a school there.

The other consideration is that the council is currently considering developing the land behind the school (the bit that's parking and grass) to become social housing for those with learning difficulties. I would suspect that this might put off the type of parent that they are trying to attract???

The site is really small and there isn't much in the way of outside play area.

Local feeling isn't overly supportive - mainly due to concerns about parking and the school's use of the dog free area (they want to use this for sports etc) - also some concerns about noise. Locals also still feel aggrieved that the library closed down - but to be honest in my view a school is probably a better use of space than more housing development that I believe was previously planned.

The school said that pupils would come from the local area and so would walk but they weren't keen to discuss anything about putting in place selection criteria that would actually lead them to selecting local people so I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen! (lets face it, if parents are paying around £12k a year to get to school I can't see that they would appreciate being told how to get their child there!)

Surprised to hear there are interviews, I don't recall them mentioning this on the open day.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby Thatsnotmymonkey » Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:40 pm

Thanks for all your thoughts. Naively, I have never really thought about where the fees actually go to - a little new to this 'School Game'.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby PeppermintPatty » Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:10 am

Is the ill-will from local residents to do with the fact that the building used to be a community library?

If that's the case and from their point of view, closing the free library that everyone could use at no cost in order to open a school they can't afford to use must be irritating in the extreme - no wonder it's provoking resentment. And I suspect the resentment is unlikely to stop any time soon.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby nichat » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:03 am

Hi Thatsnotmymonkey! If you are looking at alternatives to Finton House I would like to recommend Newton Prep, my son is now in year 1 & has been there since nursery. I only have praise for the school, they have fantastic teachers & fabulous pastoral care. The facilities are outstanding & due to be even better from September 2012 when the current building works are finished. They have regular open days or I think you can just arrange to go along & meet the Headmaster. I could not be happier! Good luck with everything.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby NYE31 » Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:47 pm

V.useful, thanks :) The "anti" feelings are really worrying & the selection process is confusing to say the least.

I think Wee Ones might get preference but this wasn't stated.

We have also looked at Finton & Hornsby but the waiting lists are so long so we did end up registering for WPS (as a back up) we liked Roche & I went to Hurlingham, we're now going to look at Newton based on this & a friend who taught there.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby CitySlicker » Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:01 pm

My brother and sister in law had their daughters in an ultra snooty feeder prep for St Pauls Girls'. And the education is indeed second to none, there is no doubt my 10 year old niece is getting a phenomenal learning experience there. My younger niece had a vastly different experience, having been diagnosed with severe dyslexia. Such that they have been told they can pay for a new teacher (£28k a year on top of the fees) Or they could take her out. Now she is in a state primary and getting all the help she needs. Bottom line, she was a drain on their resourses. Which proves the point - private schools can be great but the bottom line is their own bottom line, not the children. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for private schools, but as that school showed, the kids aren't the priority. Whereas in the state sector they are. Bottom line.
So yes Wandsworth Prep will probably be fabulous, but god help you if your child is anything other than perfect.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby tooposhtopush » Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:28 pm

Can I add to that, the "for profit" private schools are all about the bottom line but there are shades of grey in the private sector.

Firstly, Finton and Hornsby are charities, so they ARE all about the children's education, thats the reason they exist. Its not a coincidence that these schools have such massive waiting lists as they are the best of both worlds.

Next, there are schools such as Broomwood and Thomas' which are for-profit but are family owned. These almost have a matriarch or patriarch approach. You're left in no doubt that they're owned by someone but in these cases (I think) its families and they get a lot back from running good schools, from being the "owners" of the school.

Lastly you have private schools that are backed by investors.

A good example is here:

these guys are a massive education firm backed by private equity

the website of Congitas prviate equity firm is here

Bregal exist for ONE reason only, to make money. Thats it. There is NO other reason for a private equity firm to exist. They even pride themselves on the businesses they have sold (its the exit tab) so this is a long winded way of saying its not all bad BY ANY MEANS, but some of it is very very bad.
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Re: Thoughts on the new Wandsworth Prep School

Postby tooposhtopush » Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:30 pm

Just re-read my post and wanted to clarify something.

I have no idea if the Wandsworth Prep school has investors but if they do that would be a red flag.

Personally I think Thomas and Broomwood are fab schools :D
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