Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby supergirl » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:11 pm

Flowergarden, this is a hell of an experience you describe... I hope you worked for a grateful family after this one.

Good luck.
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby agivas » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:12 pm

I am a nanny myself and have worked with many families over the years and luckily most of them were amazing. That does not mean that they paid me in time (I have to check every single week if my salary arrived to my account) or didn't think I live to look after their kids and be there whenever they want me to. For me work comes first but I learnt to say no, I had to. I do enjoy this job, I couldn't work in a stressful corporate environment just for the money - not because I am not capable but it's not worth it for me.
I noticed that many parents just don't have the patience for their kids. Then they feel guilty for not spending enough time with them and spoil them - ruining the boundaries set by us and making our work that much harder. Indeed it is so much easier with kids when the parents are out.
Your children's behavior is a consequence of yours. Are they good? Well done! Are they naughty and spoiled? I'm sorry to say but it is very likely your fault.
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby schoolgatesmum » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:49 pm

Just to put the article into perspective - this is a column that is in the Saturday magazine every week. It's not an article by a journalist but anyone can write in and say what they're really thinking - things that they wouldn't normally say out loud. The other week it was the turn of a working mum. So this is very much one person's way of getting a few things off her chest. Maybe someone could write in from the other side?
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby simplyme » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:55 pm

I'm a nanny.
I can understand the food comments- I have known plenty of families who claim they are into healthy eatting etc,yet think nothing of plying children with sweet things when they come home from work. To the point the kids learn that they can skip tea as mummy/daddy will give them stuff later.Luckily my current family arent like it but I have experienced it.

As for the rest,I dont agree with.How hypercritical is she? She doesnt seem to agree with working parents and childcare,yet shes a nanny.
Cleaners are paid a gross wage.Nannies are not supposed to be self employed so our wages are net.Plus cleaners tend to do short hours so normal to be paid more per hour.Comparing 2 different jobs is hardly fair. Plus,I have alot of respect for cleaners-I couldnt do their jobs for all the tea in china as I hate cleaning.
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby lawrence » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:42 pm funny.well its a two way situation,really,every nanny,every family have different expirience,is part of the process getting to know eachother,ets.funny article!!!
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby MGMidget » Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:36 pm

The Guardian article sounds like an individual experience. Also Flowergarden, you have taken your own individual experience and tried to generalise it! It is always good to be able to see another's point of view and I sympathise with your bad experience, but generalisations of people to avoid or choose are somewhat insulting to those concerned and perhaps even racist since you're mentioning nationalities. I could site faults with past nannies but they would be specific to those nannies rather than a fault of nannies in general (I would hope!). I can't think of anyone who 'looks down' on their nanny and I don't know of any mum who's not delighted if their children love their nanny! Some families like that may exist but they are probably a small minority.
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby shellbell83 » Tue May 01, 2012 12:43 pm

I am a nanny...

I think stating 'avoid british families' is racist and very sad on ur behalf, how can anyone judge by a experience..

Dont get me wrong, iv seen bad parenting and good parenting, iv seen alot of love and alot of 'havent got time or patience love'

Everyone is different.. Children are the most precious things in the world, everyone should respect and love them..

As a nanny, i personally think its the best job in the world!!!!

I love the 3 kiddies i look after with all my heart...
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby Mumofthree » Wed May 02, 2012 9:17 pm

This is a facinating thread and agree that the negative experiences seem specific.

I'm a working mum of three....

There are mornings when the house is chaotic and then our lovely nanny arrives! They love her and she loves them. We love her because she loves them. Of course there are mornings when I leave her with them and I feel a bit sad that I won't get to go to the park or the playgroup or do whatever fun activity they have planned for the day. That is the lot of most working mums and I doubt any fair minded nanny would be jealous of that particular dilemma! She works hard, cooking for them and doing their laundry as well as generally taking care of them and teaching them amazing things. We all do our bit. Of course we overcompensate sometimes, but we try to get the balance right. It's a known fact that children behave better for their nannies. It's not about nationalities, careers, spas, big salaries, etc. It's about chemistry. If it's not working, make it stop and find someone else to share your life with!
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Re: Is this what your nanny is thinking ?

Postby zaza107 » Wed May 02, 2012 10:12 pm

I agree with the last post. Find the right person for you and your children. We got very lucky and have someone terrific. Not perfect, but no one is (including us), but she is great with our child and I very much enjoy her company as well. I doubt that a nanny can be great if they are simply very good with the children. She (or he) needs to become (and the parents need to let her/him become) a part of the family, in a way. It takes time, but it's worth it for everyone involved.
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