Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

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Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Pod » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:54 am

So my friend and I are happily working out on the common near the band stand and a group of dog walkers are standing around chatting about 100m away. Several large dogs are going beserk and chasing each other, coming quite close to us, then one of their pug puppies runs straight at my friend who is lying down doing abdominal crunches and leaps onto her face! i was horrified and she was shocked and tried to get up but it kept licking her face - revolting but also worried it might take a nip at her too. Eventually she pushed him off and I glared across at the dog owners - who were laughing?!?! Then she lay down again to do some more sits up and the dog came hurtling towards her again and did the same thing, I managed to use my foot to push him off her but it just would not leave her alone, she was being very brave and I meanwhile was too shocked and scared to do anything. So I yelled at the woman and said "do you mind?!?!" then she cheerfully called her pug (ugly) dog over. We gave up and walked back to the car and did stretches there - THEN I could not believe the audacity of this woman - "You should go in there it's dog free area you'll be safe" SAFE?!?!? Gee whizz if it's not deemed safe with her dog charging and leaping at peoples faces then it should be on a lead surely!?! I was so mad I couldn't speak, I have always had a dog in my family and am happy to share the common with dogs and respectful owners but as for this womans attitude - I could have sworn until I was blue in the face and booted her pug dog to the otherside of the common given half a chance - sorry but if my friend had been a toddler or young child it would have scared the life out of them - and yes dog free area is great - but why should we be forced to workout in there when they could just control their dogs!?!? Anyone else had similar experience? sorry rant over! x
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby schoolgatesmum » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:12 pm

I had a dog experience at the bandstand a couple of years ago. I was sitting on a bench while my kids were running around. There was a big dog not on a lead. My youngest loves dogs and started to approach it to which the man said "don't do that, he doesn't really like children"! I couldn't quite believe that he had a big dog off a lead in an area with loads of kids when his dog doesn't like children! I was quite astounded and suggested that maybe his dog should be on a lead if he didn't like children to which he replied that he was exercising. I couldn't be bothered to argue so I just walked off. I still see him around everywhere and saw him in Cafe Nero the other day with the dog which started sniffing about in the bottom of someone's buggy (with the child in it). It beggars belief.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Medway » Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:52 pm

I know I risk being a bit controversial here but I think you are over reacting. Many non parents would probably make the same comments about parents who allow their offspring to get away with all sorts of frankly 'anti social' behaviour. I think you were being gently teased as you went back to your car - really if it bothered you that much why didn't you go to the dog free zone? If a non parent was exercising in the playground and complained about your child disturbing her, you would tell them to get out of the playground. By the way - I hate dogs, but you sound slightly like someone who needs perspective.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:19 pm

Scared? Of a pug dog? They're six inches high and their jaws don't even close properly so they can't bite you!!

I kind of see that it could have been a little annoying but you were hardly in any danger.

I don't have a dog myself but I do have 2 little children and my daughter has been knocked off her feet by the pugs on clapham common many times and it is funny and quite adorable really. She has never been scared of them so I'm not sure why you were!

It's the dangerous fighting dogs which are without leads on the commons that scare me.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Pod » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:39 pm

SGM - good to hear we were not alone in our experience, but will def use dog free area next time

thanks abbeville mummy it's great to know that Pugs can't bite -
But yes you're right the dangerous fighting dogs are far more worrying

I guess it's just that unexpectedness and the fact that others think it's funny besides - I am still sure no one really wants something licking their face with something that has also been licking it's backside! :lol:
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby sezwedz » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:19 pm

I hear what your saying. I really get sick of the dogs and their poo having the run of the common. Why should we have to be locked away to enjoy the freedom of not having to tread in dog poo or get our picnic rampaged by a dog. Do what they do in New York, set a place aside for the dogs to be fenced in and socialise together, here in England it's the other way around we are the ones to get locked away. Seems nuts to me.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby mummySW18 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:33 pm

You are not alone ...

My little terrier seems to think anyone exercising on the common, particularly when doing press ups etc is fair game for 'play'! She has run up to more people than I can remember, totally ignoring my shouts to come back. Luckily she is a very friendly dog, and for me the poor people exercising have never been too worried.

I certainly don't encourage it, but sadly can't always stop it happening. :D
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby twice_as_nice » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:48 pm

I think for me the main issue is that the owners didn't bother to try and call their dog off and found it funny.....that's just rude and would annoy me most of all. I don't have a dog but I certainly wouldn't let my toddler run up to someone and lick their face - of if they did I would apologise and tell them off. Just rude and unnecessary. :twisted:
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Souza » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:09 am

I'm a dog owner and I do sympathise with the original poster's dilemma. The 'non dog owners/mums 'n' kids vs dog owners' thing has been done on many similar on-line discussion forums. It doesn't really help in finding mutual solutions as both parties can cite lots of 'wrongs' committed by the 'opposition'.

I think dog owners and mums n kids/elderly/fitness trainers etc etc all need to work together in harmony to create long term mutually beneficial solutions. We can all cite annoying and upseting incidents regarding dogs/children/mums/other park users - but as with anything in life - we need to ultimately work together and help each other out so that dogs/mums-n-kids/elderly people/fitness trainers etc can all use the park in harmony. 'Fighting' with one another doesn't achieve anything in the long term...just a thought...
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Souza » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:22 am

I know staff on Clapham Common are planning an education programme for dog owners to address the issue of dog owners and other park users such as mums n young kids/ the elderly etc - all co-habiting happily with each other in the bandstand area - especially during these hot summer days - when the bandstand area can get very busy.

The CC team also plans a similar education programme for other park users eventually... so that we can all live happily together in the park.

I'd value your suggestions re: your advice to dog owners for creating a happy family in Clapham Common - I have a friend involved in the consultation and can pass on your suggestions. Thanks in advance everyone. :-)
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby calliwally » Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:40 pm

Dog owners/walkers should be more responsible. Yes it was only a pug, but it could have been any dog in their charge. People are genuinely scared of dogs and they have a right to use the common without fear or being jumped on (cute pug or not!!). I would not let my child jump on someone and he doesn't even bite... anymore ;o) !!

The dog free area is for people to use with young children, not for people to exercise in. There should be more dog free areas. I've had dog poo on my hand from exercising on the common before. Not nice! Luckily I always have baby wipes and hand gel in the buggy.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Ursaminor » Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:23 pm

Dear Pod, I'm so sorry. I was that woman with the puppy that jumped on your friend. She's only 5 months old and full of love, which can be over bearing and yes, it isn't pleasant having her jump on your face and being licked and nibbled. She does love to run all over people who are lying on the ground and I'm working on it at home (lying on the floor and teaching her not to do that).
I was laughing out of embarrassment. And I was genuine in my suggestion of doing that kind of floor exercise in the fenced off area, only as it is difficult sometimes to stop unwanted (loving attention) from little ones.
Someone alerted me to your post (they didn't even know it was me and my puppy) but I own up. She's not actually a Pug but a Boston Terrier and if you google them you'll see how loving and fun loving the breed is - they are clowns and adore children - I usually manage to grab her before she gets near a toddler - she wants to lick them too. I do try to be responsible and spend a lot of time letting children meet her and touch her especially if I see fear. Again I apologise, sincerely. She's a lively, loving, little girl and i'm working on it. As she gets older she'll be less ebullient but I know that's no good for you now. Please accept my apology
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby cheshirecat » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:07 am

I am a dog lover but I HATE loosing my picnic to out of control dogs, stepping in **** and eating at the common cafe. It is annoying.

Why should YOU have to move? She should come over to get her dog under control and apologise.

The area around the bandstand and especially the cafe is full of unleashed dogs and my friends toddler was nipped by one (owned by a family with children BTW) leading to my toddler and hers now shaking with fear at the sight of dogs. When I am at the cafe there is always at least 3 or 4 unleashed dogs wondering between tables while the owners enjoy a nice coffee and a chat. So my toddler hates it there and we no longer go. Plus despite my sons fear I do not want to share my coffee hour or lunch with other people's pets.

It is upsetting that the common has a small dog free enclosure. It should be the other way round!!
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby metoo » Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:18 am

We were walking to the dog-free area once, only to come across a lady inside playing 'fetch' with a HUGE, energetic and scary-looking dog. My husband called over the fence that she was in the dog-free zone and she told him that she couldn't exercise the dog on the main common as she couldn't control it, it was too large and unruly - she also said my husband should shut up as he hated dogs!! Another family (who had a dog with them) told her to get out, that she was ridiculous and shouldn't have a dog off a lead if she couldn't control it. She left in a huff.

That was a couple of years ago and I still shake my head in disbelief. How mad.
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Re: Some Dog Owners Grrrr!?!?

Postby Ursaminor » Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:51 pm

Dear Cheshirecat,
My post (in which I apologise) comes before yours on the subject being discussed.
I was the owner of that puppy.
Just so you know, in response to what you wrote. I did recall my puppy and I did pick her up and I did apologise. But yes I was smiling and laughing a little out of embarrassment more than anything else. She was licking the poor woman to death and she clearly hated it.
I am a responsible dog owner.
I'm still training my puppy (5 months)
She's not dangerous and is full of happiness and love which can be over bearing.
I usually walk her in the evening and stay well away from the bandstand and cafe area normally, but was meeting a friend with a puppy on this occasion.
It was in the evening and the common is full of trainers and trainees doing their thing.
The training groups and other individuals find her attention amusing.
I always pick up her poo.
I spend considerable time with children and parents helping them to overcome their irrational fear and all are very grateful.
You teach your child how to deal with traffic and cross the road, why not teach them how to deal with the possible, unwanted attentions of a puppy or dog.
Stand still, turn your back and don't scream.
Puppies think a running screaming child wants to be chased. They do learn to respond to body language and eventually they become less ebullient and playful.
I hope my Boston stays as happy and loving and playful for as long as possible. My last puppy died aged 9 months in April and not only was she extremely popular on the common but charmed all that came into contact with her. Many children mourn her passing.
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