Any children starting Eaton Manor nursery in Jan 2013?

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Any children starting Eaton Manor nursery in Jan 2013?

Postby Minnie » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:28 pm


I just wondered if anyone had any children starting Eaton Manor nursery in January 2013?

Mine start with 5 mornings a week which terrifies me as they've never been away from me!

Originally it was supposed to start Sept 2012 with 3 mornings but they seemed to of changed it. Apparently the Jan 2013 starters will have introductory sessions this coming Sept.

Anyway it would be good to hear from any other parents.

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Re: Any children starting Eaton Manor nursery in Jan 2013?

Postby boojackson » Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:27 pm

My little one doesn't start until April, but my son was there himself (now in the big boys school!)
Don't fret, you'll be invited to the Arts and Crafts weekly sessions at some point next term where you'll get to meet all the other little ones starting in the same class and there mummies/carers plus their teachers, so you won't be going in "cold" in January, and it will be familiar to you both before you start.
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Re: Any children starting Eaton Manor nursery in Jan 2013?

Postby susieq » Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:14 am

Don't worry , my son started the nursery many moons ago at the tender age of 2 and 4 months for 2 mornings a week, he 's now in the prep school. I suspect the reason your son is due to starts in January is something to do with how popular the school in general has become and that the starting age has been put back to accommodate more siblings. As mentioned previously the nursery does invite new children and their mothers/carers to visit once a week (used to be a Weds at 2pm) for the term leading up to the start date at an arts and crafts session. Obviously there are less children in the nursery who stay all day so its quite quiet and gives the new ones a chance to get used to their surroundings before the big day in a calm manner. The teachers are all lovely, its a fantastic start for moving up to the pre prep and come the move to big school much less traumatic as they already know the gym, school entrance etc. The good thing about a slightly later entry does mean that the rush to potty train can be delayed a tad, we just about did it but 2 and 4 months was at one point looking quite optimistic !
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