Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby Mils » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:12 pm

I've only just seen this post but wanted to reply as my no.2 was back to back and I totally sympathise with how you are feeling. My eldest was delivered by c-section because he was breech so I thought I would be encouraged to have another c-section with no.2 but they were happy for me to try naturally. After a 28 hour labour they finally realised she was back to back and not progressing and I was rushed into theatre for an emergency c (she was eventually delivered by ventouse). It was hugely traumatic for both my husband and I and it took quite some time to get over it. Having said that, no.3 was a natural birth in 3 hours, so it hasn't been all bad :) In all honesty the recovery from the c-section was probably more straightforward, but I know that's not always the case.

My advice would be to go with your gut instinct, if you feel a c-section is right for you, go for it. The most important thing is the safe arrival of your baby and the care of you during that process. Just don't let anyone make you feel bad about your decision, you're the one having the baby after all!

Lots of luck for September.
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby ckwmum » Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:40 pm

Hi, hope you're not feeling too nervous about it all. Tough one with the baby being likely to be in a back to back position as that can indeed mean a longer labour. Did they give you any advice on how to try to avoid the baby getting into that position? I have lots of info about that if you'd like it, drop me an email if you're interested. No pressure of course though, if you'd rather keep focused on a repeat cesaerean then that's what you should do.

I'm having a baby in october, most likely by repeat cesaerean too so if you ever want to chat about anything, just drop me a line.
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby erinisle22 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:06 pm

Hi everyone
I want to share a positive experience at St Georges that I had yesterday.
I'm 18 weeks or so and had an emergency C-section with number one 18 months ago. Today I had my first Consultant appointment to discuss what the birth of number two in January is going to look like. I was dreading it slightly but I had a really really nice female consultant who told me that it was my choice - there was little pressure either way from her on vbac or elective c-sec.

I think every situation is different - turns out, I think, that my appointment was more about identifying that I did probably have pre-eclampsia the last time. So she was more concerned about monitoring my blood pressure now very regularly and said we really didn't know what was going to happen in January at the moment. She also did say that she thought that I could have a vbac as I got to 10cm and it was that my son was in a difficult position that is usually sorted out by forceps or ventouse but not that time.

I had a difficult recovery from c-section so I am keen to really take vbac seriously but I'm also not sure about blood pressure and induction and other issues with that but I was really pleased with the compassion she had and how positive an appointment it was. She couldn't find the heartbeat easily either so snuck me in for a quick scan to put my mind at rest too.

So I'm feeling much more positive about St Georges at the moment!
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby edam » Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:15 pm

Hi ladies

I've been meaning to post a reply for a few weeks now but just wanted to say that my c-section was approved and is scheduled for next week. I have a pre-op appointment next Wednesday when I find out the actual date.

As previous posters suggested, I stuck strong to my request and at every opportunity. I did have doubts at times about whether to try the vbac but the anxiety never wavered and I felt it was a really negative way to start preparing for a natural birth.

It turns out my baby is already in OP position so MW at my latest appointment said it was a good job I was already booked in for the section - so quite reassured by that.

Only problem now is that I'm feeling quite anxious about the operation! Along with my awful labour, I also had quite an unpleasant experience with the procedure last time :( hoping to address the concerns at the pre op appointment and go into theatre feeling much more comfortable next week! fingers crossed ;)
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby ckwmum » Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:22 pm

If it's a planned procedure, it will be really calmly done, they can take their time a bit more and you'll also have time to ask any questions of the anaesthetist or anyone else in the team beforehand, which will hopefully reduce your anxiety.

Really hope it goes well for you, do let us know. I'm booked in myself for a second caesarean on Monday too so can let you know how it goes if it helps.
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby edam » Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:35 am

Thanks so much ckwmum! Wishing you all the best of luck today for the safe arrival of your little one xxx
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby Annabel (admin) » Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:33 am

Good luck!

Do let us all know how you get on

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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby katskiih1 » Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:11 am

I have been reading this post for some time with a lot of interest as I was in exactly the same boat - had an emergency C with baby number 1 and wanted to have an elective with baby number 2 at St Thomas.
The process that you have to go through to get a C section is very tiresome (constantly being bombarded with all the bad things about a C and good things about a VBAC) but as long as you stay calm (I didnt initially!) and go to all the appointments they will give you a C Section.
I had my baby 2 weeks ago exactly by elective C section at St Ts - I had to have it slightly earlier than planned as my water broke but I can honestly say it was a great experience. The whole process was very calm - I was in a recovery room with 3 beds to begin with and had to wait a while but the midwives were so lovely and kept me updated on the progress of the person who had to be whisked in for an emergency C section before me that I felt very calm. It is quite a surreal experience being wheeled in to 'have your baby' but it is all so calm, I even had time to ask them to tidy up my horrific scar from my last emergency C section - which they seem to have done :D My big suprise was I had a baby girl when the scan had told me I was having a boy so it was all very exciting! Afterwards I spent about 5 hours in recovery with my husband and then was taken up to the ward (great view of big ben!). Your partner/husband will be able to stay until 8.00pm which is nice. I was in for 2 nights and then discharged.
I thought the doctors and midwives at St Ts were absolutely great and the whole experience made me pleased I did not give up on getting an elective C!
Hope this story helps anyone thinking of goign down this route!
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby Mingg » Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:19 am


Just saw this thread so a bit late posting but just wanted to say I had very similar MW experience at St Thomas'. One of the things my MW told me that no woman had ever died of a natural birth and the chances of me dying following C-section were remarkably higher (this about 2 minutes after I had told her about my cousin spending 2 weeks in intensive care and her baby 5 after complications during birth). She also told me there was no guarantees my C-section would be performed by a doctor... I made an official complaint and suggest you do the same.

I had a C-section privately and it was a lovely experience. Very calm and controlled, I could choose the music I wanted to listed to, my husband was present and it was very quick. It took about 10 minutes for the baby to be out, he was handed to me for a bit while I was being stitched up and then he was taken to be weight and measured with his father in tow. In total it took about 30 minutes, was very peaceful and totally painless. Good luck with yours, I am sure it will be fine!
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby ckwmum » Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:12 pm

Hi, have you had your pre-op appt now? Do you have a date?

I had my brilliant baby boy on Mon and it was a great experience. Truly weird walking to theatre knowing I'd have another baby in half an hour. I found the worst bit was having the anaesthetic put in, not that it hurt or anything, just a slightly odd feeling.

Overall it was a wonderful, calm experience and although I had forgotten how painful it is the day after, I was still recovered well enough to leave hospital yesterday morning.

Really hope you have a great experience too. It must be hard given how it all went last time for you, but keep your eyes on the prize - you're getting a gorgeous little baby to gaze at at the end of it all. I'd sort of forgotten about that bit and it's the best surprise ever.
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby edam » Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:31 pm

Hi ckwmum!

Wow - it is so amazing to read your post, makes me so happy and reassured.

My pre-op was yesterday and I voiced all my concerns about anesthesia and the process and the midwife was absolutely lovely so I'm feeling much more confident. I'm booked in at 8am tomorrow, and starting to feel a bit nervous/excited... very surreal to think this time tomorrow I should be cuddling my baby boy.

Thanks again so much for sharing your experience - I'll also post mine once I'm back home and brain is a bit more switched on!

Love and best wishes to you at this special time xxx

PS - so funny you should mention 'walking into theatre' my husband and I were thinking exactly the same ;)
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby ckwmum » Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:46 pm

Oh wow, best of luck tomorrow! Don't be afraid to ask for more pain relief if you need it afterwards.

And if you've forgotten the rush of emotions you get when gazing at your new baby, you've got a real treat in store.

All the best! x
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby emanu_ela » Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:23 pm

I hope everything went as planned! Please let us know what you think about your experience...I'll have an elective C-Section in February for baby No. 2. Many thanks for sharing!
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby edam » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:31 pm

So, my baby boy is one week old today and is absolutely adorable :D

And to update on the elective c-section - well, all I can say is, what an amazing experience!

I was so nervous on the day, but everything was so calm and everyone so friendly and supportive. I got to meet all the medics in advance and had a good chat with the anesthetist, who (again) was absolutely lovely. I walked into theater, given a spinal block and within the hour was holding my baby.

I felt a little guilty before the op that I didnt try VBAC - so was very relieved when the surgeon confirmed there was no way it would have happened for me naturally this time - or for any other children I may decide to have.

I was also especially relieved when a new mum in my post natal ward had a horrific experience trying VBAC, which ended in her second emergency c-section - I wont go into detail, but it was gory - poor thing.

Anyone who is considering elective c-sec over VBAC - do it, you will not regret the decision! ;)
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Re: Elective c-section - 2nd pregnancy

Postby emanu_ela » Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:35 pm

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy!
I'm so happy to hear that you had a lovely experience...I'm a little bit nervous about my C-Section in February but reading about some amazing experience gives me so much positive energy!
Thank you so much!
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