Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby WandsworthResident » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:07 pm

I guess you never had a baby who took his or her socks off at every opportunity?! If you're talking about tiny babies, fair enough, though all the ones I see round here are tucked up cosy in their slings or buggies. But some older babies are remarkably adept at taking off their socks and really seem to prefer to have bare feet, even in this weather! The same for all those poor children running around the playground in just a t-shirt on their top half - their parents do care about them but some kids will shrug off the coat, wriggle out of the jumper and you're left looking like a "bad mum" for everyone else to tut at and judge.
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby Jetsettingbaby » Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:32 pm

with new babies i agree, but my toddler will not keep shoes or socks on for anyone. We were walking around the market on saturday and my son just kept taking his shoes and socks off in his buggy! i know people probably looked at me like i was a bad mum but what can i do .. i put them on 5 times before giving up and taking him back to the car!
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby lalectrice » Mon Nov 12, 2012 2:58 pm

Paediatricians advise that babies should not be put in shoes before they can walk as it affects/inhibits good foot and grip development. Personally I am not going to buy a pair of shoes solely (forgive pun) for buggy use when I can protect my baby from the cold with a couple of pairs of socks or thick slipper-socks, and a foot muff or blanket.
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Mrs Contractor Mum
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby Mrs Contractor Mum » Mon Nov 12, 2012 3:31 pm

I must look like a terrible mother then when dressing my son up but he hates being bundled up in too many clothes as he overheats. He refuses to wear a hat/hood unless there is a full arctic gale blowing and a jumper with a coat are also no-no's.
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby supermummy » Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:52 pm

Is this so terrible? I didn't put my daughter in shoes of any kind until she started walking for the reasons that baby shoes are not advised when they are v small, I thought it was a waste of money and I actually thought they looked a bit silly. She was wrapped up with a blanket/ foot muff when it was cold.
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby Camille » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:26 pm

Have to agree with most posters that shoes on young babies are a bit pointless and it's surely better to minimise any restrictions on their tiny toes at such an early stage in their growth
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:26 pm

Petal, I don't think it's a touchy subject at all, it's just that mums don't like to be told how to mother their children!

Since becoming a mum 3 years ago I've lost count of the times that perfect strangers have told me what I should or should not be doing, and it still never ceases to amaze me the arrogance of some people to think that they are perfect child raisers and we would all do well to listen to them and should be grateful for their sodding meddling!!

Anyway, rant over from me for now!
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby motherbear » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:38 pm

agree that shoes should not be on feet that can't yet walk

and also think mums should be more supportive and less judgemental of other mums...it is a hard enough job without total strangers thinking you are doing the wrong thing and announcing it

many many reasons that the baby might not be, in your opinion, dressed the way you think he/she should be

my baby gets really really hot and I had to stop overdressing him as I could not work out why he cried so much....was doing what the HVs, midwives etc said I must....but he was boiling!!
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby mamaika » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:31 am

I'm with petal!!!As a mum and nanny I can't stand looking at mums in north face jackets and uggs and toddlers without hat and bare foot.And please don't tell me you can't put clothes on your own child because he/she doesn't want!If the doesn't want to eat for acouple of days do you agree to that too?

I think(correct me if wrong,petal)she meant something more than socks ,not exactly walking shoes but more of a buggy shoes thing-leather perhaps.

think about outcome in future life!our body is to precious to chance some damage in early years.
When I see purple feet and ears,snotty nose and red hands I do feel for this kids too!
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby ekf » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:50 am

Firstly your child does not catch a cold because they have no shoes or hat on. It's because they've been exposed to the virus. This would happen with or without clothes on.
Secondly I'm far too busy with my own life to even notice or worry about what others are or are not putting on their kids feet. There are many ways to parent and we should be supporting each other and not judging others whose lives we know nothing about.
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby mamaika » Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:12 am

Viruses is one thing ,and getting cold is another thing.if clothes doesn't mattere at all lets walk naked.
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby shellbell83 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:49 am

There are 'sock-ons' ... Basically, they go over the socks to keep them on!!!

I use these and also tights under trousers, that way they cant get pulled off and the child has extra warmth under there trousers !
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby rebs30000 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:47 pm

I too agree with most of the posters on here. My child was happy in thick socks for the most part. His feet never got cold and he was always wrapped up. Whos to say that the child didnt have tights on underneath there socks or more than one pair of socks. its pointless putting shoes on a young baby as they just come off within five minutes because of kicking feet etc. My son didn't have his first pair of shoes until he could walk, never did him any harm
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Re: Put some shoes on your baby's feet!

Postby MadCurls » Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:18 am

I read this thread with amusement. I cannot believe someone actually took the time to post about parents' decision on how to dress their children appropriately. We should support each other rather than judge. Maybe the parent who only has socks on the baby was only out for a quick trip and knows what her own baby needs! Sheesh. If the baby is cold and uncomfortable s/he will fuss and cry. And really- slightly cold feet is hardly tantamount to child abuse!

-mum of warm-footed baby. :lol:
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