Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby mummy_dani » Sun Nov 04, 2012 8:44 am

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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby JDMummy » Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:19 am

How your children can settle in honey well school when they have a catchment area of less than 400 metres?
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby lalectrice » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:32 am

That is possibly a tad presumptuous, olivia1576. My own comment about market forces was motivated by the fact that we have recently sold our 1 1/2 bedroom flat near Lavender Hill and tried very hard and unsuccessfully to find somewhere in the coveted catchment area. Still no room for a dog (or dog walker) either, though I couldn't necessarily vouch for my husband, of course...
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby runningmummy » Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:33 pm

Good luck Busy bee. I think both Lavender Hill and BTC are lovely and some people might prefer to be closer to CJ and Chelsea. Ignore negative comments. There are some people on this site such as sg who just want to post nasty comments that have nothing to do with them rather than actually being helpful. :roll:
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby runningmummy » Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:36 pm

p.s. your post.
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby supergirl » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:06 pm

For the record (looking at the aliases i assume runningmummy that sg is for me), i am genuinely interested to have the answers to my questions as i do home swaps for holidays but have never done it in everyday's life.
Why being so aggressive, not everybody has an agenda. Most of the people on this site are actually genuine people.
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby runningmummy » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:15 pm

No super girl that was not aimed at you! No aggression here. Am flambagasted at the mean spirited snobbery on here
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby CitySlicker » Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:24 pm

I'm amused by the post. I don't think people are being mean per se but I imagine if I went onto a similar type forum in Chelsea stating that I was looking to swap my 5 bed BTC home for a similar house in SW3, I'd probably get booed off very quickly by the infinitely wealthier denizens in that neck of the woods.
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby clapset » Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:12 pm

Hang on ... did someone say they wanted to swap a Range Rover for a house? Got one ... RR that is with scratches and dodgy electrics ... not dangerous though passed the MOT ...just! Am prepared to swap it for your house. Enquire within. Does the house come with a nanny? If not there are plenty of ads on here ... if I can find them now nannies have been banished! :lol:
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:48 pm

Omg !!! Poor lady was asking an innocent question on house swap...... Most comments on here are bitchy and those who have nothing better to do with your lives other than writing nothing short of rude comments are sad people. Why is it on a number of subjects on this site people choose negative over positive. Nannies in particular will never be banished!
Good luck with your move, wish you well Thank you
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:03 pm

It's called sarcasm Lauretta ... I don't care if the lady swaps her house or not ... if she does then I would like her to come work for me... because she's a genius; and no I have little else to do! That's why I'm writing this ... happy days
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby lauretta » Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:26 pm

Listen clapset at least i use my name to say what i think good luck to you and lack of communicating nicely best Lauretta
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:54 pm

I'm not not communicating nicely (if that double negative works, which I think it does!). I'm taking "the proverbial" and linking a number of themes from the site which are amusing me ... such as the snobbery, the anti-nanny advertising postings, and the line about swapping a range rover for a ford escort. Didn't mean to offend you Lauretta ... but no need to tell me to "listen" ... chill. It's nearly Xmas after all. I honestly hope that the member in question finds a swap for her house. And my real name ... Noel Edmonds, ex host of Saturday Swap Shop.
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby GES77 » Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:43 pm

Talk about knickers in a twist...

Personally, I think all the alleged bitchiness, smugness, spitefulness and snobbery has come from the posters who seem to be 'defending the OP'. The few of us who have "dared" to mention the rather significant issue of value (and, as Lalatrice said) market forces and economics are the ones who have been subject to harsh words.

Of course there is nothing wrong with advertising a houseswap - no one said there was, did they???? Its a great idea. However, there is a fundamental flaw in the ad: she is not asking for a like-for-like swap as highlighted in the car analogy. For those of you so "offended" by the mention of a range rover, I'd like to swap my £10 note for a £5 note isn't a very realistic or appealing swap either. I stand by my point with no bitchiness, smugness, spitefulness, snobbery intended. Just fact - Lavender Hill and BTC have differently valued property.
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Re: Seeking a swap from Lavender hill to Northcote road

Postby clapset » Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:20 pm

It's obvious that the "deal" doesn't add up but I just love how excited everyone is getting about it. I think some more analogies would be useful - who can come up with the best...? I'm going for "It's like swapping a Wandsworth Council for Lambeth Council" ... Gangnam Style!
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