Occupy London at Battersea Park

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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby Nana46 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:19 pm

clapset wrote:Occupy London ... Occupy your own garden and while you are at it get a job
This is a real "Daily Mail reader" type response. Please be aware that Occupy are there to lend support to all the campaigners who have been trying to stop Wandsworth Council from closing the Battersea Park Adventure playground. Rather than criticise perhaps you should learn more about the campagin and even consider giving your support.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby clapset » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:24 pm

Balham dad - I think they should considering giving them homework - novel idea I know but as a teenager I went home, had diner, did my homework, watched some TV then went to bed. Obviously at 17 and at weekends I went to the pub that everyone from my school went to - it's actually on TV tonight - on E4 - in a dramatisation about my school peers (help you draw the circle on your assumptions). Although from the trailers it looks a bit sexed up - as the characters were some of my best mates and they were nothing like they are being shown on the program
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby Nana46 » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:29 pm

I wish that people would try to understand issues before posting such bigoted responses. Wandsworth Against Cuts together with local parents and children have been campaigning for many months to highlight Wandsworth's plans for closing the three adventure playgrounds in Wandsworth. Look at the website, read the full story and then give your considered opinions. Occupy are not camping out in the freezing cold for nothing. If this is what it takes to draw the public's attention to such an important issue, then I admire their courage.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby clapset » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:44 pm

sorry nana my reply didn't go through - previously I'm clearly struggling with the IT today.

All I wanted to say was if you want to join in sluring me then please be a little more inventive like my friend Balham dad. He does it with such style and panash. Just trotting out Ooh Daily Mail reader ... bit weak really.

Anyway, you're too late to the party and we've moved on from calling me names. I think or at least hope.

We are now discussing the merits of the council's plan.

For me it's easy. I wish we could all live in this happy utopia where everyone earns the same, pays the same tax and gets the same services. But we don't - some very greedy people screwed up the system and now people like you and me, and the kids clearly are paying for it.

I've made my point on Occupy clear. Wandsworth Against Cuts ... now that's another topic. What would you have - everyone's Council tax increased to pay for the services. Name the price. I'll pay it if you will. If you won't name a price then my blunt theory will prove one thing. A group of people in a building in Wandsworth have some tough decisions to make. We won't all like all of them. So what has it got to do with Occupy.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby BalhamDad » Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:49 pm

Clapset. Homework! But of course! How come no one has thought of that before? Our educationalists, youth leaders, police officers, social workers and politicians will be slapping their foreheads with disbelief at how they could have overlooked such a brilliant yet obvious solution. How could we all have been such imbeciles for so long to have missed it?? Teenage pregnancy and juvenile delinquency slashed at a stroke as, rather than sniffing glue and knifing and groping each other at the bus shelter, those underchallenged teenagers are brushing up their French irregular verbs and the life cycle of the African horned toad! Honestly, Clapset, I'd write to Michael Gove and David Cameron right away with your suggestion. Who knows? There may be a gong in this! Arise Sir Clapset KBE! And thoroughly deserved too — allow me to be the first to congratulate you.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby clapset » Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:04 pm

A little weird, especially the bus shelter bit - imagination under check please - but thank you Balham dad your congratulations are much appreciated.

Again you are going off piste but I can only assume that you are passionate about these things which is good for you. I just hope you have experienced these things and are not just passing judgement from you arm chair.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby ckwmum » Mon Jan 14, 2013 6:39 pm

Oh my word, I feel my post - which was not meant to be controversial, just a warning to other parents in case they were thinking of going to the park - has been hijacked.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby Camille » Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:06 pm

Wow...keep at it folks. Very entertaining and far more interesting than "frozen yogurt and sweet shop" posts :D

Ding, ding....round 2
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby BalhamDad » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:13 pm

I wish I could satisfy your craving for blood sports at the ding of a bell, Camille, but round 1 has rather taken it out of me so I'm currently enjoying a much-needed restorative post-coital sherbet dab. No doubt Clapset is made of sterner stuff and is already limbering up.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby andria4millie » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:23 pm

Peeps, how do you know that the people who are Occupying the playground are jobless? "officially" that is, which I think is Clapset's question
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby clapset » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:33 pm

Call sign Bravo Delta

I'll keep my powder dry for a while and let you have your splash. In any case I'm hungry now so going to eat, then do some work.

In the words of Vinnie - it's been emotional.

Over and Out
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby BalhamDad » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:34 pm

To quote Clapset: while you are at it get a job

Which part of that is a question, Andria?
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby BalhamDad » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:37 pm

What's on the menu tonight, Clapset? Jobseekers' allowance shirkers? The homeless? Bon appetit!
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby clapset » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:42 pm


I actually think we might get on. You amuse me! I think we should have a pint and see if there is a bro-mance in the off'ing.

BTW - fish curry - smells good.
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Re: Occupy London at Battersea Park

Postby BalhamDad » Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:55 pm

A bro-mance with a right-wing nutcase smelling of fish curry? Sounds dreamy! Keep your hands off, girls, he's mine!

Yup, I've never yet met a pint I didn't like. Let's a make a date at a taproom such as the Bedford and I'll spin my wife some excuse to set her mind at ease, like I'm popping out to see my mistress. She'd be horrified if she knew the truth.

Laters, babes!

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