Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Clubs

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Annabel (admin)
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Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Clubs

Postby Annabel (admin) » Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:13 pm

On Friday the 2nd of February I met with Kathy Tracey (Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services) and Councillor Steffi Sutters (Chair of Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership) and put your One O Clock Club questions to them both.

You can read the full interview here: ... %EF%80%A0/

Part of the follow-up is for Wandsworth mums and dads to come back with feedback on some questions, specifically the ones below.

What hours would you like a ‘stay and play’ facility?

Would dads and carers use the facility on a Saturday?

What is an affordable and reasonable charge for a Stay and Play service?

There are ‘Big Society’ grants available from the Council for community engagement activities are there mums out there willing and capable of running a ‘stay & play’ session?

The council are monitoring this thread so please do take the opportunity to make your point.


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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby hjm » Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:00 pm

Personally I'd find it really helpful if the Council offered a 'stay and play' facility in the mornings at some of the One O' Clock clubs. My three year old goes to a (council run) nursery in the afternoon and my son naps from around 12.30-2.30. While we love the One O Clock clubs we can't really use them at the moment because of those two factors. Quite a lot of mums have told me that they don't use them for the same reasons. If you could offer some provision in the morning at some venues I think you'd have more take up. I'd be happy to pay a contribution towards the cost.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby muminsw12 » Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:31 pm

I am a working mother so would use the centres on a Saturday - either morning or afternoon. I'd be able and willing to pay to use the centres, but not everyone would and I wouldn't want people who would otherwise benefit from using the centres (possibly because they don't have family and friends in the area and so are lacking a suitable support network) to be deterred by a charge.

One comment on the interview and the questions - there were a couple of references to "mums" using the centres and to the possibility of Saturday opening for "dads". Last time I checked, it wasn't the 1950s and there are dads who look after their kids in the week and working mums who look after their kids at the weekend. I appreciate that most of the users in the week will in practice be mums, but can't we just talk about parents/carers? And enquire about the possibility of Saturday opening for working parents?

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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby emmakl » Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:28 pm

Thank you for meeting with Wandsworth Council and reporting back on that interview - it makes very interesting reading!

However, I do think there is another aspect to this that needs serious consideration. The One O'Clock clubs offer a fantastic resource to children - but also to their parents ... and when you have been at home with a young child (or several!) all morning, getting out to talk to other parents is invaluable. To share concerns, talk about all sorts of issues and find support - we had two tragedies last year, both involving depression in mothers, and I am very concerned that removing this level of support could have serious implications in the community....

It would be very interesting to hear if the Council are going to increase the budget spent on mental health.

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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby josefina.garcia » Sat Feb 02, 2013 3:57 pm

Thank you for making the interview available to read!

The One O'clock centres are amazing facilities which I have personally used a lot with both of my children.

The afternoon opening times have worked great for me but I guess the availability of the centres to be open for all could be reduced to alternative days to accommodate other uses needed.

I would be happy to pay a small amount for the use of the facilities too.

I hope not an other brilliant council service is lost considering, as NVN mentioned in the interview, the amount of council tax we pay.

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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby mrs_pavlova » Sat Feb 02, 2013 4:27 pm

Thanks Annabel, it's great to think we have your voice ensuring ours is heard.

I'll be brief with my personal responses:

- Mornings would be great for Stay & Play facilities. A lot of babies and toddlers sleep at lunchtime, so this would be more flexible for many. When mine were small I struggled to make it to 1 o'clock clubs when they were waking at 2.30-3pm.

- Saturday openings would be great for working parents/carers - would definitely consider using this.

- An affordable/reasonable charge would be (i think) between £2 and £4. Local soft play centres charge a whole lot more and we are happy to pay that. I just hope those parents or carers struggling to pay would not be put off by this.

Thanks and here's hoping the Council find some sensible solutions. I think Wandsworth Council do a very good job generally and we are pretty lucky, but this is clearly a difficult problem.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby mumofsoontobetwo » Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:29 pm

I also agree with above posters that morning Stay and Play sessions would be wonderful. We used the One O'clock clubs all the time when my eldest was little, but I can no longer make the times due to my toddler's afternoon nap. I think morning sessions would allow more families to use the facilities, as well as Saturday/Sunday sessions for working parents.

Although I understand the difficulties, I am afraid a charge would put off a number of my friends who are struggling to make ends meet. The little charges add up for families and although many could afford a small donation, I know this would make some less likely to use the facilities. Maybe there could be a suggested donation box, so that those who could afford it could leave a couple of pounds but it wouldn't exclude those who couldn't?

It just seems a shame to stop these services that are open to all residents.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Mrs Contractor Mum » Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:13 pm

Morning sessions would be great as would later hours - up to five? Charges would put a lot of people off from using the clubs. Weekend sessions are a great idea and I double Mumsw12 comments about them being available for all rather than dad's only. We are in 2013 now and some mum's do work 5 days a week and would love to spend some time with our loved ones in a safe, child friendly environment that is ofsted registered.

Questions for Wandsworth council -

1) Are existing state nurseries/ schools in the area over prescribed that they cannot free up space for the younger age group? I'm thinking specifically new academies which surely must be ofsted registered before they are allowed to be opened?
2) Obviously the council are trying to implement these measures for September and feel this is the quickest way to meet the government requirement. However, what planning will there be going forward for future years? Is the change of status for one o'clock provision to last for one year or is it likely to be a permanent solution? I think the community may have more sympathy if this is a temporary measure for a year or two rather than a semi or permanent solution.
3) Is the DfE funding the extra places or is this coming out of existing budget? If so, what else is being cut to fund this?
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby twice_as_nice » Sat Feb 02, 2013 7:42 pm

What I'm confused about is: 1 o'clock clubs are open in the afternoons.

Why can't they use them in the mornings for nurseries like some are already.

And secondly, the vast majority of 2-21/2 year olds that i know still sleep in the afternoons so surely they would want the free child care place in the mornings?

Don't understand why the brilliant 1 o'clock clubs just can't be better used in the mornings

And according to another source (info on sw18 mum) they are DEFINITELY looking at closing at least some...which as far as I can tell directly contradicts what thy are saying in the interview (unless when they say "the one o'clock centres are definitely not closing" they mean"the buildings aren't closing but I'm not going to tell you that we are changing their use")
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Raines » Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:02 pm

What hours would they use a ‘stay and play’ facility?
I've always wondered why the clubs aren't 9 o'clock clubs instead. Most little ones sleep over lunch or else there's little time after school/nursery to take younger siblings. I would use a stay and play 9-11 or else 3.30-5ish.

Would dads and carers use the facility on a Saturday?
Unlikely our family would.

What is an affordable and reasonable charge for a Stay and Play service?
£2-3. Though I think a charge would make me think twice about going unless there was a particular activity eg singing or dance
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Drinou1889 » Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:38 pm

Thank you for working so hard at keeping these clubs open. As the Council is reading, I would like to say that I moved to Wandsworth last year as I fell in love with its family oriented facilities, particularly the one o clock clubs, famous all over London. Please do not make me regret having moved here. I have chosen and am very grateful to be able to stay at home, but as wonderful as it is, it is hard and I need somewhere safe and friendly where to talk. I fear you are threatening the welfare of your community if you shut these clubs to a large part of your electorate.

I would like to particularly mention the "stay and play" baby and toddler group at 10 am on fridays at king georges park. It is outstanding and by far my favourite playgroup.

To answer the above questions:

- my 18 months old son sleeps from 1 until 3 pm. I therefore use the windmill centre as it is open until 4.30 but with great sadness cant use the king georges park. I would prefer them open in the afternoon as this is when I start running out of steam and as of september my son will go to nursery in the morning 3 times a week and there are a few playgroups around but only in the mornings. But look, I am grateful for any time you can keep those open and will be flexible.

- I agree with previous posters that saturdays should not be only for dads (although my hubby would be v grateful). I think the whole family would use it (grand parents, niece, nephew...)

- I would happily contribute financially (£2-3 seems fair) but again I agree with previous posters in that it might deter some people using it. I would happily contribute my time voluntarily to look after the children.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Mummytothree » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:51 pm

Hi there,
As regards the usage of One O'Clock Club buildings not being sufficient and morning "Stay and Play" possibility I think that a lot of people don't know that in the case of BolingBroke and Windmill Clubs - both are being used in the mornings. The buildings have been rented out to Playgroups (Boling Broke Playgroup and Windmill Nursery) that are run from 9:30 to 12. These playgroups are for 2 to 3 year olds and are very heavily subsidesed by Wandsorth Primary Play Association. Wandsworth Council receives the money for rent. These playgroups are fantastic, both my older kids attended them. They also like One O'clock Clubs have a long history of existance and fantastic tradition. The BolingBroke playgroup had been opened on that site long before the One O'Clock Club even existed. My youngest son is on the list to attend the playgroup this September.
Apart from receiving the rent money for the playgroups all the year round including school holidays , the Council also rents out these buildings for parties each and every week end. Boling Broke on average has 4 parties every weekend @ £180 each party.
Do your sums and you will see that these clubs more than pay for themselves and the buildings are fully utilised with the nice slice of profit for the Council.
I wish the Wandsworth Council gives the people all the information available so that people can make good informed judgements on the issue.
If money was still a problem, the Council could charge £1 per family who attend - Boling Broke club gets 500 to 1000 (during holidays and summer months) people a week through the door, all of whom will be willing to part with a quid per visit.
The Council should leave the clubs in the format that they are as they are very popular and have great stuff, who have been there for years. Lots and lots of tax payers money has been put into the continuous training of stuff.
The 1 O'clock Clubs are working very well and should be left as they are.
Also, maybe I am wrong but I suspect that the Wandsowrth Council has no intentions of introducing Stay and Play facilities at different times as it has contractual obligations to morning playgroups and would have to forgo a mega rent profit and profit for party rentals , which I very much doubt it intends to do. This is just to divert the attention from doing away with One O'Clock Clubs/.
Last edited by Mummytothree on Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Goldhawk » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:57 pm

I think any stay & play needs to be free
I don't think timing matters but Saturdays would be a welcome addition
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Ran'smummy » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:44 pm

I think the 1 o'clock clubs are vital not just for the children who use them but as emmaki stated earlier on, for the mothers of newborns who need the help and support, and quite frankly the option to be able to get out somewhere that is easy, free and suitable for any age. Going into the sensory room at Bollingbrook was fantastic to be able to easily meet and chat with other mothers, in a calm, relaxed area.

I would pay for pay and play, though echo anothers views that is this just a ruse. I would be happy to pay £2 a session/child, and this wouldnt put me off going or asking the nanny to take my child there. At £2 a session I imagine I would use the facilities 3/4 times a week/weekends. If it was £4 a session I would probably only go once a week. Definitely please look to open on a saturday for all carers/parents.
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Re: Interview with Wandsworth Council re. the One O Clock Cl

Postby Mummytothree » Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:02 pm

From reading the interview with the Council, Councillor Tracey
states that it is the buildings that are of a particular value to
be used for this new underpriveged 2 year olds project.
Apart from excellent staff, the buildings are what one o'clock
club users value most too.
Bolingbrook one o'clock club is most fantastic inside and outside
space that would rival most nuseries in London that ALL Wandsworth
families can enjoy (including the underprivileged ones).
If this is taken away, it would be like taking away a park or a common.
The Council say they see these as the only buildings and facilities
fit for their new project but I beg to differ.
Just look at Mouse House for example - a nursery on Mallinson
road with no outside space and occupying the equivalent of a small
Victorian terraced house but still with Outstanding OFFSTEAD.
Please leave one o'clock clubs alone and see what else you can do.
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