Career change mums - what did you do?

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Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby mommydearest » Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:43 am

Dear Nappyvalley members,

I have a 2yo toddlers and hubby and I are currently TTC #2. I have been working in investment banking for a few years, I was lucky enough to be able to take a year off for maternity leave after which I came back to my old job.

After a year back I am fed up, I am not ready to stay at home, I want to work, but I don't want to do this anymore. I have been looking for something else for some time, and I have also been talking to a "coach" to see if I can get more clarity but I find myself lost not knowing what to do to find where I fit outside investment banking.

I start looking for roles and I usually end up applying to IB related positions because I don't see what else I can do.

I have my list of trasferable skills but I am struggling to move forward after this.

So my question to you is, what did you do after your maternity leave? How did you achieve a career change? to what areas did you move?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated, i feel lost and need some light.

thank you
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby coldatchristmas » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:48 am

This is a bit of a personal question but it is important, do you need the IB money?

The reason I ask is I have a lot of friends in the City and they've all tried to "break out" and almost none (!) has managed it as they talk to me about looking for other jobs that "only" pay around a £150k! :o

The one who did manage it has a partner in PE so could afford to do anything :lol:
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby mommydearest » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:03 pm


actually, no, i don't need the IB money. I am fully aware I am gonig for a pay cut. I am very lucky that I have the choice to stay at home, but that is not something I am prepared to do just yet.

I want to continue working.

I have purusued careers in other areas whith much less pay, but since I have no direct previous experience, then I am not even considered.
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby Zaczac » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:14 pm

Do you fancy to start your own business? Or it's too much?
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby BalhamMumWorkingFT » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:24 pm

Do you want to leave for a better life style like less hours or is it more about doing something different?

What sector? Would you re-train? Taking courses and re-training will also help develop a new network of people interested in doing what you want to do.

A friend of mine was a retail buyer and decided she wanted to teach school. She worked in a school as a volunteer for a year, then took some courses (1 1/2 years worth) and became a teacher. And now is getting her masters to become a school phycologist. Another is going back to school for a medical degree...

Usually you can find courses which can fit into a busy schedule. They both had kids and a job while doing classes... but their husbands stepped it up massively at home too.
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby AbbevilleMummy » Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:57 pm

My advice would be to stay as you are as your trying for your second.

My experience has been that having a second child was a game changer in so many respects and I feel totally different about everything having had number 2.

You will get a whole year of maternity leave to consider your options and research them and also taking a different career path whilst trying for a baby then being pregnant, then going on mat leave is putting a lot of pressure on yourself so if I were you I'd just take my time, keep the status quo, have another baby and then think about what I wanted to do with my career and newly enlarged family.

Good luck xx
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby coldatchristmas » Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:09 pm

if the money isn't an issue I'd look to do one of two things.

either take a complete change and move into a "worthwhile" sector, charity work etc.

the only problem with that is people I know who work in the charity sector all have the same issues about working with idiots and office politics and all seemed annoyed with their roles, they just get paid very little.

the other thing is to start your own business. I'd be inclined to take the banks shilling until you have number 2 and then go and do your own thing.

That'll give you the satisfaction and stimulus that you seek without all the "hassle" of a job.
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby supergirl » Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:23 pm

You can also retrain for a job in an industry you are passionate about.

I did 6,5yrs ago a career change and did a postgraduate diploma. It coincides with my arrival in the UK. It was the best thing and the hardest i have ever done. Cant believe the pay cut i took (this industry doesnt pay well unless you wirk for yourself), but i am lucky to be able to work (part time) in a creative industry.

Find your spark and go for it. You are lucky as money seem not to be an issue.

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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby lalectrice » Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:09 pm

Why don't you work-shadow some people in different professions for a few days to get a sense of what it's actually like doing something unrelated to the field you feel a bit stuck in? I'm a teacher and a number of friends or friends of friends have shadowed me at work whilst considering a total career change. One of them had been a City financial analyst for years and is now about to qualify as an Economics teacher. She's training 'on the job' so is being paid a wage, and she loves her new role.
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby Georgielandrey » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:02 am

Hi Mommydearest

It sounds like you are in a very fortunate position as you are not beholden to financial constraints and you could have the cushion of a 2nd maternity leave to be able to take your time. However, I sense that your frustrations with where you are mean you would like to move on sooner rather than later, and you clearly enjoy a challenge so want something to get your teeth into. I would suggest the first thing you need to do is get clear about which Career path you want to follow. People have made some good suggestions about running your own business or working for a charity but really it comes down to what you find most motivating and what kind of environments will enable you to thrive. I'm a Career Coach, and have been through a career change myself so I can relate to this. I use the Birkman Method with my clients which identifies the most fulfilling career for you. I've used this with over 30 clients and they all say how accurate it is. If you'd like to find out more please take a look at my website or call me for a chat on 07948 312 447.

I wish you all the best and I hope to hear from you.
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby Pc1008 » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:21 am

The posts above all offer great advice. I have worked and coached in this space for some time now and am going through sme similar thoughts myself.

My persona view would be

1. Are you sure the salary is not a deal breaker? People often think its not but you need to be honest about the impact of a salary cut on your lifestyle. This said, if you are sure then...

2. How often do you want to work...part time or full time as this will then let you review options. What child care is in place to support this?

3. Do you want a job or to be your own boss? If you enjoy what you do but just not who you do it for you could consider contracting or interim work depending on the type of role you do? T

4.if you want something different , what do you really enjoy doing? In m experience most people have a good set of transferable skills but you need to think about the role you might like and how to apply.

5. The best way sometimes to see what you want or don't want is to try it. Go for a few informal chats or interviews with agencies or people you know who do something you might like. Really explore the ins and outs and take the plunge!

Timing is key, so while a change may bethe right thing, think about when the change should happen ie before number 2 or after? Mat leave might give you time to explore some of the above?

Good luck. Happy to chat more( no costs involved!) if you want to pm me
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby Stellarosas » Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:02 am

I have just become a distributer for and even though it doesn't look very enticing it will slowly build you a great residual income (some people earn huge amounts) can be done part time and could simply be a slow burner, light at the end of the tunnel..
They run regular Career Ops ....
I hope it helps as I really understand how you feel ....I am at the point now where life is more about me being happy and having a quality of life....stick to what you know is good for you! Parenting as well as life can be tough and it's important for you to be happy! Cheesy but true
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Clare Lupton
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby Clare Lupton » Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:56 am

Hi - I used to be in the city & took VR when it was offered, thinking I'd set up my own business, which I did & really enjoyed it. Now I do a portfolio of things and like Stellarosas above found my best thing at - I love it, I get to do the business when it suits me & help people both build their own business & make the most of their money. It's a business full of positive people with no other agendas (what a relief!) and one where your goals and targets are your own and not set by others. If you want to have a chat to know more feel free to get in touch. Clare 07595 430560
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby maryd » Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:05 pm

If you are interested in complementary therapies I offer training in Natural Face Lift Massage which is very popular and a great skill to have! Details here ... ation.html
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Re: Career change mums - what did you do?

Postby sarahveyflowers » Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:01 pm

I think that al great deal of the advice above is great - I would definitely wait until your next maternity leave until you make a change. Having more than one child at home changes everything and if you want a larger family, being in control of your time is vital. I had two children whilst working full time in the 1990's as a tax manager for one of the big international accountancy firms, but couldn't cope with the full time hours and in those days, part time was not an option, so I took a career break of nearly 11 years and had a third child. After she was born I realied that the working world had changed radically and I shouldn't have left it so long - my computing skills are still pretty poor and things like Facebook and Twitter at the limits of my understanding. BUT, seven years ago I decided to retrain and took a one year course in floristry and at the end of that, set up my own, tiny, business - Sarah Vey Flowers - and since then I haven't looked back. I can juggle the work around family life and with three children it can get complicated, especially as they get older. I love what I do - I find it so much creative than accounting can ever be and I also feel much more part of the community between the commons as you get to know many more local people by running a local business. Good luck with what you decide and if you like flowers, do look at my website .
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