Did you get your first school choice?

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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby Thatsnotmymonkey » Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:40 pm

We got our second choice, Earlsfield Primary, and feel relieved.
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby danijeanne » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:17 pm

Yey got our first choice too! What a relief - no more sleepless nights!
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby klw » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:26 pm

We live on Wakehurst rd (same rd as Belleville) and have also been offered falconbrook, miles away....not on our list and I had never heard of it before.
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby stayathomemuminsw11 » Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:44 pm

Webbs Road (the Honeywell Rd end though) and got Honeywell (first choice).
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby aliyeo » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:12 pm

half way down Devereux road <250m and not Honeywell but Alderbrook almost 1.2km away - whats going on? neighbours always in before and old system made us much further away. Gutted
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Working Mom
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby Working Mom » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:35 pm

We live on Manchuria Road and didn't get an offer from any of our choice. Frustrating!
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby nuttymummy » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:47 pm

Hiya all, I really just want to add a note for those that didn't get their first choice that you really do need to give the process a chance to get going before you despair or unduly panic.... There will be a certain number of parents who will not take up their places for various reasons like moving out of London or (really irritatingly) a load of parents who have no intention of using their place as they are signed up to local prep schools but don't 'get' that they are clogging up the system & feel they are entitled to hold onto their place until the last moment....what I am saying (not particularly succinctly, sorry) is stick on the waiting lists (find out where you are on them!) & see how they move...
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby DaisyLady » Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:54 pm

We got our third choice, so we continue with sleepless nights, frustration at people who rent and move out and get all their siblings in. Meanwhile people who actually live here , in our case for a number of years we have to walk our kids miles to a school past perfectly good local ones.
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby aliyeo » Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:06 am

I know, I have lived on my street for 15 years and my son is at nursery at Honeywell. They take them through into the infant school and say "this is where you will eat your lunch every day next year, this is your computer room, etc'. I really hope that for his sake that he does not have to go to a different school. However we will make the most of it. I never even visited Alderbrook as there are 5 schools closer. Guess I better organise a show round!
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby Tealover » Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:20 am

If anyone gets through to the council this morning, I'd be interested in hearing the furthest distance offered to a non sibling for both BV and Honeywell this year. I think this is information they will provide
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby mumoftwoboys » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:19 am


We filled out an online application in November but didn't receive an email yesterday with our allocated school. When I looked on the eAdmissions website it said that they had not received details of our allocation from our local council?!! We are totally at a lost, not sure what's going on and as predicated we can't get through to the admissions phone line!! This situation is nuts, makes you wonder why this system to get information has to be so difficult.

Is anyone else in the same boat?

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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby Tealover » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:41 am

I know of someone this happened to last year. Did you receive a letter a few weeks after you applied? If not,then you application was not processed properly. You will be treated as a late applicant, which means you apply again and your application will be considered (I think) after the initial deadline for acceptances - 2nd May. You will then be added to the wait list of the schools on your list - your place on the list will depend on your distance ie. if you live next door to your first choice you'll go to the top of the wait list. It's not the worst position to be in - if you would have gotten into your first choice in the initial round then you will be very high up the wait list come early May and probably will get a place anyway. If you think you would have not been offered a place in the first round, then your place on the wait list after early May will more or less be the same place you would have been in had your initial application gone through. Hope this helps.
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby capmum » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:47 am

Just spoken to Wandsworth. Furthest distance from Belleville is 274 meters... Smaller than ever!
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby mumoftwoboys » Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:05 am

Thanks Tealover

We managed to get through and our application was not processed!! They said they send a letter with questions in January which we never got so we are now on waiting lists!!!
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mami pedi
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Re: Did you get your first school choice?

Postby mami pedi » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:15 am

We got our fifth choice, Highview, not happy as we live by battersea bridge, we will be appealing as soon as the letter comes through..... :-(
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