Reception Places 2013

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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby rutnor » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:15 pm

I would like to point out that the criteria regarding atternding synagogue etc applies only to Jewish children applying for one of the Faith places...obviously it does not apply to those not of the Jewish faith who wish to apply
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby SwallowsandAmazons » Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:54 pm

I have to say that I have read the above posts with interest, although I must agree that papinian's tone is a little on the confrontational side - but am not averse to legitimate fact finding conducted in a polite and repesctful way. I am not sure what you are concerned about papinian? I think you should look at the criteria for entry into Wandsworth's other faith schools if you are worried about 'prejudiced' entry for those of non-faith or other faiths.

My family is of no faith and we have been given a place at Mosaic. I am not a director of the school nor have any formal attachment, however I cannot say I could not be more pleased with the fact that my daughter has been offered a place in Reception 2013. My daughter has been at Apples and Honey nursery for almost an academic year now and the level of care and education has been outstanding (I am saying this, not Ofsted and I'd like to think my standards are pretty high). My daughter and I have never once been made to feel like outsiders because we are not Jewish, neither has anyone tried to 'convert' us or made us feel that we should be attending Jewish services at the synagogue (although invites are always open and we attended a Seder there voluntarily, which my daughter thoroughly enjoyed).

Okay, so I can't give my daughter ham sandwiches for her packed lunch, but hey, houmous is so much healthier and contains no dodgy sodium nitrates!

If anyone would like to ask me any questions about how my experience of being a non-faith mother sending my daughter to this particular Jewish school has been so far, then feel free.

Oh, and the reason there is no information up yet on the website about the uniform is that we, as the parents, have been helping decide the colours and garment choice.

I have nothing to hide, my name is Victoria McKinlay
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby rutnor » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:03 pm

good for you Victoria.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby papinian » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:25 pm

SwallowsandAmazons / Victoria: Thank you for your honest and upfront post and for offering to share your experiences with parents considering Mosaic for their children. I wish that the representative of Mosaic who started this thread had taken the same approach that you did.

I don't understand why the board member of Mosaic couldn't just say that 8 out of 30 places remain unfilled and that Mosaic would love to have them filled by people interested in the school. She said she didn't know the info, then she said it was confidential, and I got it from Wandsworth Council anyway.

I am a believer in diversity of choice for parents as regards education. When the South London Jewish Primary School was first mooted I was someone who registered my support for it and got friends to do likewise.

However, I am concerned by the relatively secretive approach taken by those involved in the school, compared with the other free school opening this September, Rutherford House School. This secretive approach was taken by the board member on this thread in refusing to provide information. Some of my friends were put off sending their children to the school by this approach. Perhaps your experience was different as your daughter is already attending a private nursery with which I understand that some of those involved in the school are associated.

I am also concerned at being told that the admission requirements for the school are in breach of the School Admissions Code and that the board of the school have not addressed even though it has been brought to their attention.

Finally, you mention that there is no information on the website regarding the uniform as the parents have been helping decide the colours and garment choice. However, the website has pictures of children in the uniform so the uniform, including whether or not non-Jewish boys have to cover their heads during prayers, should have been decided. Why can nobody answer this?

I do feel that when you criticise my tone it is a sign that you can't find anything to criticise in the substance of what I have written but you don't like the fact that I ask hard questions and keep pressing for answers. Perhaps this is a cultural issue as I am not English and I am aware that English people (Paxman excepted) prefer to avoid confrontation. Then again, where I come from we do not comment on stranger's sex lives as an earlier poster did about mine.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby SwallowsandAmazons » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:48 pm

I think you need to be less presumptive about people's origin on this forum or you could be perceived as racist even if you do not intend to be. I, for one am also not English, I am British. I think you may find that Paxman is also not entirely English...I would check out his ancestry on the programme 'Who Do You Think You Are?' I also think you are walking on thin ice attributing certain characteristics to a race as a whole. You may find that plenty of English people do not shy from confrontation... including one recently deceased female Prime Minister from Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.
Last edited by SwallowsandAmazons on Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby SwallowsandAmazons » Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:53 pm

I didn't set out to criticise the substance of your message, I just wondered why you are so concerned and if I could allay any of your worries, as a mother of a child who has a place at Mosaic? I, personally, cannot answer those more technical questions. Maybe you could take up your unanswered questions with the board of directors and headmistress, Kate Baum directly and formally and see what they say? They may not answer them all in great detail on a mother's forum, as after all, some of them are mothers as well as directors and may not feel it the best place to enter a one to one dialogue on the technicalities of the school's admission process or operational system. However, if you would like to ask me anything about my personal experience so far, do feel free.

Furthermore, I had not realised they had, as yet, put pics up of the uniform on the website, I just referred to your concern from a previous post.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby CHT » Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:44 pm

I'm a bit baffled by the racism accusation thrown at Papinian, but there we go.

SwallowsandAmazons, thank you for sharing your experiences. I think the thread got off to a bad start when Mumptious started it to drum up interest in the school but couldn't / wouldn't answer any of the detailed questions posed. If, say, someone else had started thread asking what people knew about Mosaic and Mumptious had commented on that, maybe it would be different. But it seems curious to me for a board member (it appears) to start a thread but fail to deal properly with the follow up interest.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby SwallowsandAmazons » Wed May 01, 2013 11:01 am

I am sorry papinian if I let rant about racial stereotypes, I just don't like presumption!

On a more positive note and hoping this could be helpful to mothers who would like some more information on our experiences so far, I thought it would share the following. Of course, it takes a leap of faith (no pun intended) to go to a school that has no track record of performance as yet. So what I'm mainly going to share is based on my daughter's experiences at Apples and Honey nursery. I am sure that the ethos will be similar and from speaking to the headmistress, she has some very creative and innovative takes on education.

Much of the learning will take place outside including numeracy and literacy - with special resources provided. At the nursery, they put great emphasis on science and nature - my daughter has already been introduced to the concepts of centrifuge and suspension of liquids at age 3. Study of mini-beasts and horticulture are high up the education spectrum as is creative storytelling. Art often takes on a functional and innovative form as well as being pleasing on the eye. My daughter has made blow pipes out of prettily decorated funnels, spinning helicopters made out of paper and clay sculptures of animals with googly eyes.

It seems many of the children who have turned 4 already can write simple words/sentences and recognise numbers to 20 (as I'm sure is similar in a lot of nurseries (?). As my daughter will not turn 4 until the end of July, her numeracy and literacy skills are not as advanced as some of the other children, but I am never made to feel I should worry. Care is individualistic with encouragement given to skills that are advanced and plans made for those that aren't.

The teachers are very caring and encouraging. I always feel that my daughter is 100% safe and observed. Her school report was very detailed with lots of attention given to each of the 7 areas of learning.

Jewish studies are interwoven in the day's plan and are based around biblical studies, morality, manners, culture and history. In the 'Christmas' school play the children acted out how to treat their fellow pupils in the nursery. Other faiths and cultures are introduced regularly: eg Chinese New Year and the Winter Festival included the making of Christmas cards with snowmen.

From a personal point of view, I would love my daugther to have the option of eating a hot meal at the new school, but realise this could be a logistical problem and has, as yet, not been offered, with facilities probably not available. But not giving her a meat packed lunch, is not that much of an issue. It does restrict choices a little but there are plenty of other nutritional options out there: cheese, egg, tuna, salmon and cream cheese sandwiches/bagels etc, cold rice and pasta salads, felafal, houmous etc are all options.

All children wear the kippot at the beginning of the school day (girls and boys) in the nursery, it is a very cute sight to see as they are all multi coloured - they have prayers and sings welcome songs, tell stories which is a great way to centre and calm the children when they first arrive.

As my daughter's understanding grows I will introduce the concepts of all faiths so she can maker her own informed choice as to whether she wants to follow a faith or not. I will take her to church services, mosques, Buddhist temples and Hindu festivals, in addition to the fact that our area is so multi faith, that she can find out the answers to any questions she has whenever she wants.

I don't worry that there are no children in the year above her, she is still so young that I feel it is a privilege that she will be given such individualistic care. Hustle, bustle and competition can come at a later stage, after all we live in South West London so there is no shortage of that.

The school plans to make a lot of links with other local schools and opportunities for shared learning so contact from older children will be made then.

There is a lot of space for the children to learn creatively at the top of the synagogue, with children able to move between 2 rooms and the 7 areas of learning - and as I mentioned earlier plenty of space for outdoor learning.

Personally, both the principal at Apples and Honey and the headmistress designate at Mosaic have always been welcoming, attentive and warm - answering any questions or concerns I have. For me that says a lot, especially as some of my local friends have never even been spoken to or acknowledged by the head at their child's nursery/school.

And so this school may not be for everyone (as everyone has their own personal way of parenting and desires for their children's education), but after visiting 10 local schools, these are the reasons I made my choice - which I might add, was made completely objectively and with no influence from other mothers at the nursery or school directors. I hope it was helpful and a little more upbeat than some of the earlier posts.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby MosaicParent » Wed May 01, 2013 6:29 pm

Hi all,

As a parent of child who is due to start Mosaic in September and as a (relatively small) contributor to the setting up of Mosaic, I would like to offer some insights into what this school is about and to counter some of the more aggressive (and to me implicitly racist) comments of one particular poster.

My son (and soon his brother) attend Apples and Honey nursery. It has been a wonderful experience for him. SwallowsAndAmazons has explained many of the good features of it and it also happens to be one of the few "outstanding" Ofsted rated nurseries in the area following a recent inspection. Although Mosaic is completely separate from the nursery, Mosaic intends to effectively follow the same ethos, that is to be unashamedly Jewish whilst welcoming anyone on an equal footing. I am of Jewish extraction but I do not practice and I am married to a Christian. The way Apples and Honey "does" Judaism is to weave it into the curriculum in such a way as to celebrate the days of the week and the changing of the seasons, as well as to introduce the children into a moral framework. Although I am definitely not religious, I really admire the way this is done (for instance, baking Chollah on Shabbat with all the children taking turns to be the Shabbat host, sitting at high table and welcoming the other children and parents). The fundamental ethos of reception and early years at Mosaic will be based on the same principles.

All organisations like to speak with one voice and the voice of Mosaic is to be found on the website, which is being improved and augmented all the time. Of course, in private meetings, you will hear different opinions, some of them strong and away from the mainstream. However, and take note here, Papinian, there is no conspiracy. The views on the website are the views of the school. There is no kind of "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" conspiracy to favour Jewish students and I kind of feel that you are hinting at this in your very aggressive posts. The lack of answers relating to some of your questions is either because policy has not yet been fully decided (not surprising in a NEW school) or because there are legitimate issues of confidentiality. However, if any parent want to honestly enquire on the website, you will get an honest answer, probably directly from the headmistress.

Of course I have been involved in the setting up of the school and I am sending my son there and some would argue that makes me biased. On the other hand, we are fortunate to be able to choose to send our children to any independent school that we chose. I chose to give of my time and to risk (and choosing any new school is a risk) sending my own son there because there are some outstanding educationalists on the board who want to set up the best school possible for young learners regardless of religion.
As stated above, it is an unashamedly Jewish school (and why shouldn't it be?). On the other hand, its first aim is to provide an OUTSTANDING education; both academic and moral. I suspect that in several years time this school will be hugely oversubscribed and those who do not apply now because of unnamed and illogical suspicions will regret it.

I am happy to respond to individual e mails of interested parents giving my name, but I will do so as a parent only and do not represent Mosaic.
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby AliD » Wed May 01, 2013 6:51 pm

I have been browsing and looking at this thread since yesterday.

I can understand your concerns Papinian's - I would be concerned as well if I thought that 75% of Jewish people thought the school should not have more than 10% non-Jewish.

Equally, the issue of her allegation that the marketing of the school has been done in some secret kind of code I would also be concerned about - if it was true.

I have two children. The eldest is at Apples and Honey and the other is due to start soon. I am not Jewish (I am a practising Christian) and I have never encountered animosity from anyone at the nursery. The principal has made me feel really welcome and the staff are amazing. I am sure that this is the way the school will be. Everyone involved in the school has been passionate about two things: education and inclusivity.

Regarding your allegation about the fact that the marketing of the school has somehow been done in a secretive way is not correct. For the past 2 years it has been promoted really heavily locally. Not quite sure where you have been!
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Re: Reception Places 2013

Postby Annabel (admin) » Wed May 01, 2013 6:56 pm

Hello Everyone
Thank you for all of your comments on this topic.

This discussion is a great example of why I started NappyValleyNet.

Whilst many may not agree with the tone of the questions asked, I believe it is important that these questions can be asked.

The parents, governors, teachers and founders of the Mosaic school should be applauded for creating a new school, especially in an area where good school places are hard to come by.

I also believe that in doing so, and marketing that school to our community, others have right to ask questions.

So after saying thank you to everyone involved I am now going to lock this thread.

That is not to say that others cannot restart the discussion elsewhere, but I feel this particular set of comments have run their course.

If anyone would like to contact me to discuss any element of this thread please just email me through the site.

Thank you everyone.

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